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"You..." Lan Ailian sighed and glared at her daughter with dissatisfaction, "You are already making such a fuss, and you still ask mom why you want to let it go. Why was mom reluctant before? Isn't it just that you are worried that your life will be difficult in the future? Well, if mom stops you again, you don’t have to wait until later, your life will be difficult now, so why bother to stop her?

You don't understand the feeling of being a mother at all. Forget it, mom won't tell you anymore. When you have a child in the future and you have conflicts with the child, you will understand how mom feels. "

"Of course I know that Mom is doing it for my own good. If I didn't even know this, I would be a fool..." Hugging Lan Ailian, Jun Doudou smiled fawningly, "Mom, I'll accompany you. You go back together."

"You have to go back with mom. Guoguo is worried to death at home. Guoguo didn't sleep last night. You kid, ugh..." Lan Ailian sighed and said goodbye to everyone again.

When everyone accompanied the couple to go out, they happened to bump into Zhou Hanliang who had just gotten out of the car. The other person was stunned for a moment, forced out a stiff smile, and after saying hello one by one, he froze there again.

"Why are you here?" Jun Doudou asked.

"The teacher has left a document at home. I'll come and get it." Zhou Hanliang said while looking at Chu Xia, "Sister-in-law, the teacher said it is on the cabinet beside your bed..."

"Oh oh oh, I've seen it..." Chu Xia turned around and went back, "I'll go up and get it for you."

Luo Xiaoqiong grabbed her and said, "Just stay here and I'll get it."

"Okay, you go." Chu Xia stopped obediently and smiled at Zhou Hanliang, "Xiaoqiong slept with me last night, she also knows where she is."

Zhou Hanliang said quickly: "Thank you, sister-in-law."

"Why are you being so polite..." Chu Xia scolded, then asked, "You have to be busy with work in the afternoon, right?"

"Yes, the teacher is not here. If I am not here anymore, it will be inappropriate." Zhou Hanliang smiled apologetically at Lan Ailian,

"Mom, I can't help you at home. I'm so sorry."

"There is nothing to do at home. Doudou and I will call our relatives when we get back. You can just go about your work without worrying about us."

Lan Ailian's completely different attitude from before made Zhou Hanliang stunned. He looked at Jun Doudou with some doubts, and the other party smiled sweetly at him, "Mom has forgiven me for making my own decisions. Don't worry, the wedding will be a perfect success. .”

"Really...really?" Zhou Hanliang looked at Lan Ailian in disbelief, "Mom...Mom, you...are you really willing from the bottom of your heart that we will get married now?"

"Yes." Lan Ailian smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "But I need to trouble you to take us two back home..." She looked at Old Mrs. Zhou, "Aunt Zhou, don't bother the driver at home." I'm on a trip, I just happened to be on my way, so I won't waste any time."

"Okay." Of course Old Mrs. Zhou agreed. The whole family should get in touch with each other and discuss some things. How could she be so cold-blooded when it was something that could be accomplished with one stone?

At this time, Luo Xiaoqiong also returned, took the folder, and Zhou Hanliang got into the car and left with Lan Ailian and Jun Doudou.

"Now I can finally feel relieved..." Back in the hall, Luo Xiaoqiong let out a long sigh of relief, "I have always been worried about the awkwardness on the wedding day, but now I don't have to worry about it anymore."

"You...ah yo..." Chu Xia stretched her hand forward, and it happened to collide with the cup brought by Xiaojing, and all the slightly hot water was poured on her arm...

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Third Young Mistress, I'm sorry..." Xiaojing hurriedly wiped her hands and apologized. Zhao Yulan had already rushed to grab Chu Xia's arm, and asked anxiously while looking at it, "Is it too hot? Dare you? Roll up your sleeves?"

"It's okay..." Seeing others gathering around, Chu Xia hurriedly explained, "It's not actually hot, it's just that I wasn't prepared, and it shocked me when it poured on me. I'll just go back and change clothes."

"Third Young Mistress, I'm sorry..." Xiaojing's face turned pale as she apologized to Chu Xia, but her eyes were looking at Old Mrs. Zhou, her eyes full of pleading...

This is not the first time she has made a mistake. She knows how precious the old lady is to her granddaughter-in-law. Just because she didn't punish her before doesn't mean she won't punish her now. At this moment, her heart is really panicked. .

The clothes were so wet and stuck to her body that it was really uncomfortable. Chu Xia went back to the room first. When she got dressed and came out, she saw Xiaojing kneeling at her door. As soon as she saw her, she immediately knocked her head down and said, "Third Young Mistress , please forgive me, I don’t want to open this family, I don’t want to get married in my life, I want to stay here and take good care of my family, Third Young Mistress, please..."

"What...what do you mean?" Chu Xia looked at the other party inexplicably. She didn't say anything harsh or say what she was going to do to her. Was she so scared? Or an old lady?

As soon as this thought came to her mind, Xiaojing confirmed it for her: "The old lady asked... let me go back to my room to rest. Third Young Mistress, I... I didn't mean it, really..."

"I know you didn't mean it..." Chu Xia frowned and looked at her, "But why did you come to my door and kneel down? Grandma asked you to rest because she was worried that something would happen to you if you were in a trance, and she didn't say anything. I won’t let you here anymore, why are you anxious?”

"I...I..." Xiaojing was speechless. Indeed, the old lady didn't say not to let her do it, but when she heard those words, she reflexively thought that she was asking her to go back to her room and wait. If you keep it, you will have to choose someone else to use it later.

Because of the breakup of the engagement, she is already a joke in everyone's eyes. If she is demoted to another place, what face will she have in front of everyone in the future?

Seeing her pitiful tangled look, Chu Xia sighed: "Don't think about it now. Go back and have a good rest. If anything happens, we'll talk about it later, okay?"

"Thank you, Third Young Mistress." Xiaojing stood up and went back to her room obediently.

"Grandma, what do you mean by this?" Chu Xia went downstairs and looked at Old Mrs. Zhou in confusion, "If she goes up to kneel, you let her kneel. Is this a test of me or of her?"

"If I stop her, she will feel even more unsure. Hey..." Old Mrs. Zhou sighed, "She has made too many mistakes recently. I can't pretend that nothing has happened. If everyone is like this, why should I?" Aren’t you in a mess?”

In early summer, it suddenly dawned on me that this was just a pretense to show off to others, and it also established her prestige in this family. I believe that even if she had just suggested a solution, the old lady would have agreed.

After a long morning of hard work, she was indeed a little tired. After chatting with the elders for a while, Chu Xia took Luo Xiaoqiong back to her room to rest. When the two of them were called up to have lunch, Lin Wenbin was already sitting in the hall.

Chu Xia was fine, Luo Xiaoqiong looked embarrassed, smiled and didn't know what to say. She originally wanted to lie down with Chu Xia for a while, but she didn't expect that she passed away as soon as she fell asleep. It was so embarrassing!

Seeing Luo Xiaoqiong's flushed face, Chu Xia smiled and comforted her: "It's okay. I took you to take a lunch break together. No one will laugh at you."

"This kid, what's the matter..." Lin Yanqiu stepped forward and hugged the two of them, "When I was your age, I loved sleeping in the most. People say that people who like to sleep in are kind-hearted, so they say, This is a good thing.”

Chu Xia heard a black line, what nonsense is this? However, her mother-in-law was so open-minded about Luo Xiaoqiong for her own sake, so she said calmly: "What Mom said is that only those of us with good intentions can sleep in late. This is an advantage and something to be proud of."

"..." Luo Xiaoqiong didn't know what to say at this moment. Fortunately, Mrs. Zhou quickly changed the subject and attracted everyone's attention, and finally relieved her.

"Mom, are you... are you moving your family here?" Luo Xiaoqiong looked shocked as she looked at the big burdens her mother unloaded from the car. She turned to her parents-in-law and saw another one. The hills...

"Now that we have allocated a house to you, your mother-in-law and I have brought over all the things you can use now. Before we could make the quilt, we brought over the cotton and quilt cover. We will definitely give it to you tonight. do it.

Your mother-in-law wanted to rush to iron your wedding clothes last night, but I stopped her. You two are both soldiers, so just wear military uniforms. There is no need to wear wedding clothes, right? "

"Yes." Luo Xiaoqiong answered while reaching out to look through the pile of dumplings her mother had piled up, including pots, pans, clotheslines, clotheslines, etc. They were all available...

The fat aunt pushed her daughter: "Your mother-in-law's place is filled with clothes and food. Come over and take a look. Don't hang around here. She will soon be the daughter-in-law of the Zhao family. You have to be more careful. People treat you." No matter how good you are, you can't just stare like an idiot."

"Didn't I say hello just now?" Luo Xiaoqiong was speechless. Chu Xia was already over there, so she came here specifically to accompany my mother, so as not to make her feel uncomfortable because she was not a good student. Unexpectedly, my mother It was so easy to think that he started to drive her to her husband's house...

In front of another car, Chu Xia looked speechless as she watched Li Aiyuan and Zhao Yushan unloading the items piece by piece. It wasn't like her uncle and aunt didn't know the situation here, so why did they even bring needles, thread, and brains?

"Xia, what you have over there belongs to you. Besides, it's your mother-in-law's house. My uncle and aunt can't be so ungrateful. If you can bring it, you'd better bring it yourself and feel at ease..." Li Aiyuan smiled and rubbed Chu Xia. Head, "I guess your husband's family won't be willing to come over now, right?" r1152 ()

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