One update.


Because of Luo Xiaoqiong's unexpected bid, Li Aiyuan decided to stay.

However, it is impossible to live in the Zhou family for a long time. Even if they don't mind, they can't be so shameless. So after lunch, Li Aiyuan, Zhao Yushan and Luo Gangshun, accompanied by Zhao Yulan, Lin Baohe and Lin Yanqiu, went out to see The house was in the house, and the relationship between the Zhou family was here. Not long after they made the decision, the house was found for them.

There are three suitable places at the moment. One is a two-bedroom apartment close to the Zhou family's old house. It is located on the first floor and has easy access. The disadvantage is that it is not close to the Health Bureau and the 401 Hospital.

The other two are located near the 401 Hospital and the Health Bureau respectively. One is a second building and the other is a third building. They are both located on the second floor. Relatively speaking, entry and exit are very convenient.

The elders planned to go over first to see the room type, lighting and surrounding supporting facilities, and then wait for Director Xu to come back to decide on Luo Xiaoqiong's working place before making a specific choice.

Luo Xiaoqiong, who finally got out of her sleep, breathed a long sigh of relief when she could finally sit down with Chu Xia Jun Doudou, "Chu Xia, how did you survive?"

"If my fat aunt and eldest aunt knew that you said this, they would be extremely wronged. They have worked so hard to prepare delicious food for you, and you still scolded them like this..." Chu Xia looked at her with a smile, "But I don't regret this. Decide.”

Luo Xiaoqiong nodded: "Although I am forced to eat this and drink that, and are not allowed to do this or that, compared to the uneasiness I felt before, this is still much better."

"What was Fat Aunt's attitude after you told her?" Jun Doudou asked curiously, "I really wanted to ask you when we went out, but it made me choke to death."

"What other attitude could there be?" Luo Xiaoqiong rolled her eyes, "You wanted to see a joke but you didn't get it, are you disappointed?"

"Look at what you said, am I that kind of person?" Jun Doudou pushed her angrily, "I beat you to death before and you didn't even dare to say it. I would beat you to death unless Fat Aunt found out, but I saw What's strange is that not only did the fat aunt not beat you, she also pampered you more quickly and carefully and was kind to you.

The reason why I keep asking this question is that curiosity is indeed a factor, but the most important thing is that I hope you can realize your mistake and that you don't understand your own mother too well! "

"That's right..." Luo Xiaoqiong sighed, "I really don't know my mother well enough. I thought she would leave as soon as she heard about it. Even if she calmed down, she would have to wait for a month.

But she didn't come back to her senses except for being stunned for a long time at first. Then she got so angry that she pointed at my forehead and called me a bastard. Then she immediately changed her attitude and asked me if I felt uncomfortable.

According to my mother's wishes, she wanted to wait until she had gone to the hospital for a checkup and then told her parents-in-law and others after they were sure. But my father felt that was inappropriate and said that it was very necessary to tell my parents-in-law as soon as possible about such a thing. He didn't I hope my in-laws will feel that I don’t value them.

I was embarrassed to tell my mother-in-law, so my mother asked me to wait there while she went to find her father-in-law in person. Then, my mother-in-law and father-in-law came over and treated me more enthusiastically than before.

After that, I went to Zhao Qiliang again, scolded him, thought he was too careless, and told him to give in to me in everything from now on, and not to disobey even a word.

You all know the rest..." After a brief pause, Luo Xiaoqiong looked at the two of them seriously, "Given our relationship, saying thank you is a bit pretentious, but what I can do now is say thank you to both of you. Thanks.

If it weren't for you, I might still be suffering. The feeling of panic and not knowing what to do is really uncomfortable. Although I am subject to various restrictions now, I am really happy compared to what I had. "

"Really?" Jun Doudou snorted coldly, "When I tried to persuade you before, I gave you one reason or another, but now you understand, parents' tolerance for their children is absolutely endless.

Just say it to me. If anyone said that my mother is tolerant in the past,

I can definitely fight with the opponent, but after this incident, I found that I am really too narrow-minded.

She yelled at me because she was frustrated. She felt anxious because she felt that my daughter was not close to her. To put it bluntly, she was overestimating me, but the reason why she was overbearing was because of love.

Now that we have talked about it, my mother's personality has become very peaceful. When she used to talk to us, she would unconsciously raise her voice, but now she is very gentle. "

"Yeah, I'm even more unqualified than you. I grew up next to my mother, and yet I still wronged her like this. Alas..." Luo Xiaoqiong sighed, "My mother also wants to stay, but my father won't let me. .

My father said that since I have married into the Zhao family, I should spend more time with my mother-in-law. In fact, my mother is particularly worried about me, but for my own good, she can only endure it.

In the past, I always envied Aunt Yulan for being so kind to Chu Xia. I also said that my mother was not as good to me as Aunt Yulan was to Chu Xia. In fact, they are almost the same, but the way they do things is different. "

"It's good that you know. Don't be confused again..." As she spoke, Chu Xia slapped her forehead fiercely, "By the way, why haven't I seen Sister Qihui? She came here at noon. Why was she nowhere to be seen after dinner? Come on, you two are chatting while I go out and take a look."

"I seem to have seen her going to the yard with Xiaojing..." Jun Doudou stood up, "I feel sleepy from sitting all the time. I'll stay with you, Xiaoqiong. If you're tired, just take a nap, we both will." Go out for a walk.”

"Fuck you..." Luo Xiaoqiong glared at her bitterly, "I'm only a month old, why am I tired?" She pointed at Chu Xia's belly, "I haven't been tired in the past seven months, am I that bad? ?”

The three of them walked to the edge of the flower bed and saw Zhao Qihui and Xiaojing sitting side by side. "Third Young Mistress, Comrade Luo, Comrade Jun..." Xiaojing stood up hurriedly and greeted in a panic.

"Come and sit down..." Zhao Qihui waved to a few people and said with a smile, "Seeing how lively you guys were chatting, I, a single person, felt embarrassed to join in, so I asked Xiaojing to hang out with me."

"Sit down, Xiaojing." After sitting down, Chu Xia greeted Xiaojing, who was standing aside with a look of embarrassment, "I had a good chat with my sister just now. If you don't know, you'd think I'm overbearing. "

"No, no, no..." Xiaojing waved her hands anxiously, "Third Young Madam, I feel embarrassed. I can't handle my own emotional affairs well, and I have to trouble Comrade Zhao to enlighten me. I... I'm sorry..."

"Okay, sit down." Chu Xia sighed, "We are all about the same age, and now we just sit together and chat. No matter what you think, can you talk to us?

I didn't mean to pry into your privacy. You also know that your grandparents care about you. Seeing you wilting all day long makes you feel uncomfortable.

They want to ask you, but they are afraid that you may want to make things worse. However, if you are allowed to continue like this for a long time, it will not be good for everyone, right? "

"Yes." In response, Xiaojing looked at Chu Xia with an apologetic look, "Third Young Mistress, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to pour water on you that day..."

Chu Xia interrupted her dissatisfiedly: "Isn't this matter in the past? Why are you bringing it up again? Xiaojing, maybe the time we have been together is too short. You don't understand me.

I will never lie about this kind of thing. When I say I don’t mind, I mean I really don’t mind. When I say I believe it, I mean I really believe it. So, don’t go back and forth on this issue. .

Where do people's troubles come from? This is how I came up with it, and I can roughly guess what you are thinking. It is not so much that you can't accept it emotionally as to break off your engagement with Zhang Jun, but rather that you can't accept it in terms of face.

I haven't been married to the Zhou family for a long time, and I don't know much about the people who have lived with the Zhou family for generations, but I believe that there should be a comparison between you. Now you are worried that they will look down on you, so you are delaying leaving. Not coming out, right? "

"Yeah." Xiaojing lowered her head and responded, biting her lip again, "I know the more I look like this, the more they will look down on me, but I just can't accept it calmly."

Chu Xia looked at her seriously: "Then how do you think you can accept it calmly?"

Xiaojing shook her head: "I don't know. "

Sighing, Chu Xia said: "If Zhang Jun wants to marry you now, will you accept it?"

Xiaojing shook her head without thinking: "No! I don't want to marry him."

Chu Xia sighed again: "Now I will introduce you to someone better than Zhang Jun. Will you feel comfortable?"

"I..." Xiaojing drooped her head and did not say any more. Chu Xia knew that she had hit the target of what the other person was thinking.

"What do you mean, if you can't find someone, you won't have to see anyone in your life? If grandma sends you to another place, what will you do? Seek short-term responsibility?"

"..." Xiaojing's head dropped even lower.

"If you want others to think highly of you, you don't have to rely on charity..." After a pause, Chu Xia continued, "If you want your group of people to think highly of you, you don't have to wait here passively.

Let's not talk about whether people look down on you or not, just talk about respect. You should work hard and live happily instead of feeling sorry for yourself like you are now.

Maybe you can't listen to what I said, but I hope you go back and think about it carefully. In your current state, how can you meet a good man, and how can he dare to marry you? "

Xiaojing's face turned red. She looked up at Chu Xia and moved her lips a few times, but not a single word came out.

"Just say what you want to say. We are sitting here to solve the problem..." Chu Xia frowned and looked at her, "I don't want my sheets to be half dry all the time."

Xiaojing's body trembled, she raised her head and looked at Chu Xia with a confused expression: "Third Young Mistress, I...I didn't mean it, you...don't be angry, I...I really didn't mean it..." R1152

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