"Luo Fanxing, be a good man after you get out of prison!"

The gloomy door opened.

The thin Luo Fanxing came out with the handled materials.

Today is the day when Luo Fanxing gets out of prison.

She glanced at the detention house where she had been for three years.

Three years

Three years ago, she helped her husband Li Shaoqing to take the blame and go to prison. She had just given birth to her two children when she was in prison.

When he was in prison, Li Shaoqing said: stars, my child and I will wait for you to get out of prison together.

Now out of prison, Luo Fanxing didn't even see the shadow of Li Shaoqing..

In the past three years, the Li family, including Li Shaoqing, have never seen her!

The detention center was very biased. She didn't know how long she had walked and finally got a taxi.

"Li family villa!" Luo Fanxing said to the taxi driver.

In Beicheng, no one knows the Li family.

When the taxi driver heard Luo Fanxing's words, he smiled and asked, "you also went to Li's house to attend the wedding! Li's house is very lively today!"


The driver smiled and replied, "the wedding of the young master of the Li family has been advertised on the big screen for a month!"

Luo Fanxing heard the driver's words and suddenly looked up: "Li Shaoqing's wedding!"

Just then, the driver said to her, "here it is!"

Luo Fanxing, get off!

The front of Li's villa is covered with a red carpet, and the door is decorated with luxury and joy.

She stood at the door, cold all over?

Li Shaoqing is getting married today!

He had promised to cajole her into taking the blame for him, but now he married someone else on the day she got out of prison.

At this time, the servant of the Li family saw someone at the door and scolded Luo Fanxing in a bad tone: "go away. I don't see any day today. Don't pestle in the way. In a moment, the bride and wedding car will come!"

Luo Fanxing glanced at the servant and said to her, "I'm looking for Li Shaoqing!"

The servant looked up and down at Luo Fanxing and said, "who are you!"

Luo Fanxing looked at the Li family and said slowly, "you and Li Shaoqing said, I'm Luo Fanxing! He's the wife he married openly!"

The servant looked at Luo Fanxing, hesitated and said, "wait, I'll report to my wife!"

Luo Fanxing, as a servant of the Li family, has heard of it.

Then he turned and went in.

Before long, the servant came out. She gave Luo Fanxing a cold look and said expressionless, "madam, let you in. She said she knew today is your day out of prison. She has been waiting for you for a long time! Madam also said that she asked you to follow me to dress up. Later, she will bring her children to see you!"

Luo Fanxing was delighted when he heard this and asked excitedly, "are the two children all right?"

The servant nodded, "the two children are very good! They are very popular with the old man! The old man gave them back their shares when they were 100 days old!"

With that, she pointed to the back door of Li's villa: "young lady, come with me!"

Luo Fanxing was full of children. When he heard the servant say so, he immediately followed him.

The servant took Luo Fanxing to a hut in the Li family's backyard,

As soon as Luo Fanxing entered, the door was locked, and then five men came in.

Luo Fanxing saw their hearts sink: "what do you want to do!

One of the men sneered, "Luo Fanxing, madam said that a woman who has been in prison still wants to go back to Li's house! What have you done yourself and didn't you count it in your heart?"

When he finished, he turned to the men behind him and said, "call me!

Luo Fanxing had no time to react, and his fist had fallen on her.

She numbly protected her body and blocked the key mechanically.

She has experienced such punches and kicks countless times in prison.

After a while of punching and kicking, she was black and blue. She was directly thrown into the back lane of Li's villa from the cabin. Before they left, they warned her: "Luo Fanxing, madam said, you'd better go as far as you can, otherwise you won't be beaten next time!"

Bearing the severe pain, Luo Fanxing struggled to get up from the ground. She grabbed a man's trouser leg and said with a cry: "tell Mrs. Li, as long as you give me the child back, I won't appear in Li's house in the future!"

The man kicked Luo Fanxing fiercely: "get out! Even if you want to die, don't die at the door of Li's house!"

Say not to forget to add a foot.

Luo Fanxing dragged his scarred body to the door of Li's house again.

"Let me in!" she grabbed the door of the villa.

The servant kicked her on the belly and said, "get away! The bride is coming soon. Don't get in the way here!"

Scarred, she was kicked to the ground.

When Luo Fanxing heard what he said, he grabbed her feet and said in a hurry, "I want to see Mrs. Li. Take me to see her. You tell her that if I don't let me see the two children, I won't let the bride in. At that time, I will say it together for Shaoqing Li!"

The servant hesitated when he heard what she said, then turned around and went in again to report.

Before long, she came out again with a calm face and said, "madam, let you in!"

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