In Mingqin's apartment, she almost lifted her desk when she heard Luo Fanxing say what Li Shaoqing said.

"Li Shaoqing is shameless! He doesn't want to force his face at all! Is he used to eating soft food? He doesn't have the ability to fart, so he wants to rely on women! Mingqin scolded indiscriminately.

Mingqin knew that Luo Fanxing gave his own brand to Li Shaoqing.

At that time, she had registered Li Shaoqing's name when she knew it.

She fell out with Luo Fanxing because of this.

Now hearing what Li Shaoqing said, she was angry.

Luo Fanxing was silent: "if Li Shaoqing refuses to agree, I can only find Lin Chen!"

She said slowly.

Last night, she had studied with a lawyer.

Mingqin heard Luo Fanxing's words and asked with some worry: "you want to tell Lin Chen about the two children! I'm most afraid you'll find Lin Chen and solve the matter with Li Shaoqing, and Lin Chen will also rob custody!"

Mingqin said earnestly to Luo Fanxing, "although I'm not kidding you to stay with my brother! But I'm just talking! You're really Yuge's Pastry now. 10 billion heritage! There are 25 luxury companies all over the world! These brands are already the world's top luxury goods. How much money do you pay for this fat meat!"

Luo Fanxing was silent for a moment and said, "lawyer Yan said that if I want to win, I must build a sound family for my child. It would be better if I could marry the child's father! I asked Fu Yunchen and he said that Lin Chen would not rob me of custody!"

When Mingqin heard this, he sneered: "if it was Luo Fanxing in the past, it wouldn't! But now Luo Fanxing, it's not necessarily! If you grab the custody of your child, you'll have the opportunity to get an injured asset of 10 billion."

She said, as if thinking of something, suddenly asked Luo Fanxing, "last night, you slept with Fu Yunchen and the children?"

When Luo Fanxing heard Mingqin's words, he looked a little unnatural: "Hmm!"

Mingqin looked at Luo Fanxing, frowned and asked, "you slept with Fu Yunchen!"

Luo Fanxing looked embarrassed and said, "no!"

Although she said so, the memory of last night flashed through her mind.

Last night, because they promised to sleep with the children, the two children had to sleep with their uncle.

So, it was another scene of four people lying in one bed.

Later, when she was taking a bath, the power and water were cut off. Fu Yunchen came in and took her out.

"Stars, you won't really fall in love with Fu Yunchen!" Mingqin asked after Luo stars.

Luo Fanxing shook his head: "no!"

Although he said so, his mind flashed through her bathroom last night. Fu Yunchen rushed in and picked her up.

"I'll go back to my room and discuss with the lawyer what to do?" Luo Fanxing said and turned back to his room.

Mingqin looked at Luo Fanxing's back and shook his head helplessly.

It seems that stars have little hope of being their sister-in-law!


Fu Yunchen apartment

Lin Chen looked at Fu Yunchen, who had never spoken, hesitated and said, "brother Fu, you're going to do this! Minghao..."

Fu Yunchen looked up: "did Luo Fanxing look for you?"

Lin Chen was stunned and asked suspiciously, "what are you looking for me?"

Fu Yunchen was silent and said slowly, "she always thought you were the father of two children. Li Shaoqing sued for custody. The lawyer will mind her appearing in court with the child's father. With my understanding of her, she will come to you!"

Hearing Fu Yunchen's words, Lin Chen asked incredulously, "doesn't she know? I thought she knew the child's father was you! No wonder she looked wrong every time she saw me playing with stars and Nannan!"

In fact, Lin Chen always felt that Luo Fanxing's eyes were wrong.

But he didn't dare to ask.

According to his narcissistic character, he sometimes even thinks whether Luo Fanxing secretly loves himself and always looks at himself with such responsible eyes.

Now I can finally explain what Fu Yunchen said.

Lin Chen reluctantly said to Fu Yunchen, "just explain to her at that time! You are the child's father. I think she seems to be interested in you!"

Fu Yunchen was silent.

Lin Chen saw that he didn't speak, and asked in some doubt, "brother Fu, what's the matter? Can't you tell her? I think you tell her that Luo Fanxing should be happier!"

Fu Yunchen said slowly, "I don't want her to know that it was me for the time being!"

Hearing Fu Yunchen's words, Lin Chen looked at him suspiciously and asked, "why?"

Fu Yunchen was silent for a long time and said faintly, "if she comes to you, you will appear in court with her in the name of the child's father!"

Lin Chen looked at Fu Yunchen in confusion and didn't understand why he did it.

"Brother Fu, in fact, it's good to say something! You've been hiding it from Luo Fanxing. I'm afraid you can't accept it when Luo Fanxing knows!"

"I have my own plan!"

"OK......" Lin Chen responded helplessly.

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