The video was just sent.

In the video is Mingheng.

Mingheng was injured. He just stared at the screen and wanted to open his mouth, but he couldn't say a word.

Mingqin looked at the video and vaguely felt that there was something wrong with the video, so he came to find Fu Yunchen and Lin Chen.

Only here did I know that Luo Fanxing and his two children were taken away by Minghao.

"Did my brother do anything!" she asked in some uncertain way.

Fu Yunchen looked at Mingqin and said slowly, "Interpol is looking for him."

Lin Chen also added: "I guess it's because Minghao knows we won't let him go, so he can move so quickly!"

Mingqin felt unbelievable: "since he was wanted, why didn't anyone find out?"

Lin Chen took out two pieces of information: "do you still have a brother who looks the same as Minghao?"

Mingqin shook his head: "no! My mother gave birth to my brother and me. If my brother were twins, how could I not know!"

Lin Chen and Fu Yunchen probably guessed something when they heard Mingqin's words.

Mingqin saw that they didn't say anything more, and hurriedly said to Lin Chen and Fu Yunchen: "I don't know what my father wants to explain in the video, but when I look at him, he seems very painful! And it seems that there is something wrong!"

As soon as her voice fell, Fu Yunchen suddenly said, "Lin Chen, watch the video!"

Lin Chen seems to have noticed the dark shadow behind Mingheng's wheelchair in the video.

That's Luo Fanxing's figure.

"Elder brother Fu, what exactly does Minghao want to do! Isn't he crazy enough?" Lin Chen frowned and said coldly.

"You ask Mingqin to take you to the place where Minghao lives! I won't go there. I'll go to the address given to me by Minghao!" Fu Yunchen said to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen nodded.

On the way, Mingqin hesitated and asked Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, if my brother is caught by the police, will he be sentenced to death?"

Lin Chen was silent for a moment and said to Mingqin, "there is no death penalty abroad! The people he killed abroad should be taken away and sentenced by Interpol!"

Hearing his words, Mingqin asked incredulously, "he killed people!"

Lin Chen looked at her and said, "he likes a girl named Su man! That girl likes Fu Yunchen. He killed people directly and made specimens! Now the other parents still haven't found the girl's body."

Mingqin listened to the plot like a movie and couldn't get back to himself for a long time.

At this time, she even doubted whether the man in Lin Chen's mouth and her brother were the same person.

They soon arrived at the place where Minghao lived.

The door was not closed when they arrived.

They pushed the door in.

See Mingheng sitting in a wheelchair, covered with blood.

Mingqin hurriedly ran over and shouted, "Dad!"

She hates the man in front of her, to the bone!

But even so, he is always his father, and his blood is always flowing in his body.

She walked over and hesitated, stretched out her hand and sighed.

No breathing!

At this time, Minghao pulls Luo Fanxing out.

He held a dagger in one hand and the dark star of the Buddha in the other.

When Luo Fanxing saw Lin Chen and Mingqin, his face suddenly changed: "ah Qin, why are you here! Go!"

I know Minghao's deep resentment against Mingqin.

Luo Fanxing is afraid that he will do something about Shanghai Mingqin!

"I asked her to come!" Minghao said with a smile. "Ah Qin Mingheng is dead! See? The man who lost our home, my mother and your father is dead!"

"Brother, what do you want to do! Why do you want to do this!" Mingqin asked Minghao with tears on his face!

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