A month later, Lin Chen looked at Fu Yunchen who still didn't wake up in the hospital bed, anxious and helpless.

"Housekeeper Fu, does the doctor still say that Fu Yunchen's situation is the same as before?" Lin Chen frowned and said to housekeeper Fu.

Housekeeper Fu nodded: "the doctor said that Mr. Fu's body had recovered long ago, but he refused to wake up!"

Lin Chen glanced at Fu Yunchen and asked, "where are the stars? Haven't you found her body?"

Housekeeper Fu shook his head: "the police said that the body in the surveillance didn't fall to the ground. There were only two dolls dressed in stars and Nannan clothes."

Lin Chen frowned, clenched her fist and said, "where's Minghao? He wants to see people alive and corpses dead. Hasn't his corpse been found?"

Housekeeper Fu shook his head: "it seems to have disappeared out of thin air!"

Housekeeper Fu said solemnly, "Miss Luo must have thought that Mr. Luo gave up two children! She saw two dolls in stars and Nannan clothes fall down. She thought it was stars and Nannan. She must have thought that Mr. Luo didn't save the two children!"

Lin Chen clenched her teeth and said, "Minghao is too cruel!"

When they finished, Fu Yunchen still lay motionless on the hospital bed.

Housekeeper Fu went over to brush Fu Yunchen and feed water.

In just one month, Fu Yunchen was thin and haggard.

"You let Xingxing and Nannan come to accompany brother Fu. Brother Fu may wake up when he hears the voice of the two children!" Lin Chen looked at Fu Yunchen and said helplessly.

Housekeeper Fu shook his head: "Minghao's body hasn't been found yet. I don't know whether he is dead or alive! We can't take risks! We can't let them appear! Sir, let me secretly send the two children abroad before he faints! I've sent them away!"

Lin Chen listened to steward Fu's words and sighed heavily: "Minghao had expected that brother Fu would choose to save the child first, so he designed this one in front of Luo Fanxing?"

Lin Chen and housekeeper Fu don't know what Minghao has done.

Everything they are discussing now is their own guess, and none of them knows what happened.

After they saved the two children, they monitored Fu according to the phone Luo Fanxing dialed Lin Chen.

But they looked for someone in Fu's for several times and didn't find anyone.

Until there was a movement on the roof, they rushed up to save people crazy.

As a result, when they got to the roof, they saw Luo Fanxing jumping off a building.

"Fu Yunchen hasn't woken up yet!" Mingqin interrupted their conversation by standing at the door of the ward.

Lin Chen shook her head.

Mingqin looked at Fu Yunchen with pain on his face: "my brother's body hasn't been found yet?"

Lin Chen sneered: "he used to use this method! Didn't he fake death once five years ago? Then he appeared with another identity after everyone forgot what he had done!"

Mingqin clenched his palm and whispered, "my brother... Minghao, he asked me what my child means to the stars!"

When she said this, her voice was hoarse: "I said that children are the driving force for stars to live! It is more important to her than life! He must have listened to me and deceived stars with two dolls dressed in stars and Nannan clothes!"

When she said this, she broke into tears and reluctantly supported the wall in pain.

She used to want her brother to be with stars and tell him a lot about stars.

So later he asked himself, and she told him everything.

At this time, Lin Chen's phone rang.

He picked up the phone and put it through.

Not knowing what he said on the phone, he said in a deep voice, "OK, I'll come right away!"

After he hung up the phone, he said to housekeeper Fu and Mingqin, "the police have informed that the bodies of stars and Minghao have been found!"


On the hospital bed, Fu Yunchen, who had been unconscious, slowly opened his eyes at this moment.

"Me too!" he said hoarsely.

When they heard Fu Yunchen's voice, they looked up at him in amazement.

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