Fu Yunchen looked at Luo Fanxing quietly and said bitterly, "what kind of person am I in your eyes?"

Luo Fanxing looked at Fu Yunchen and said mockingly, "Fu Yunchen, what kind of person you are has nothing to do with me! I'm here to talk about XR cooperation with you today."

Fu Yunchen didn't answer Luo Fanxing's words, but continued to say to himself, "can't we really go back?"

Luo Fanxing's eyes were cold. She looked at Fu Yunchen coldly: "if the stars and Nannan live, we can go back to the past."

She said, turning her back to Fu Yunchen and saying, "Fu Yunchen, when you dream back at midnight, will you dream that the stars and Nannan are covered with blood?"

She shook her head and said with a cold smile, "you shouldn't, because for you, they are just tools you can use. I'm just your tools! As long as we have no use value, there's no need to stay."

She doesn't care about Fu Yunchen's lies, she doesn't care about Fu Yunchen's use, and she doesn't even care what she and her children mean to Fu Yunchen. She only needs two children to be good.

Now that there are no children, Luo Fanxing will die.

"Am I really such a cold-blooded person in your eyes? I don't care about the life and death of children or anyone." Fu Yunchen asked silently, staring at Luo Fanxing.

"Fu Yunchen, the moment you give up your child, you are nothing in my heart!" she said directly to Fu Yunchen, "Fu Yunchen, the Ye family must cooperate with XR!"

Then he turned and wanted to leave.

Fu Yunchen looked at Luo Fanxing's back and asked her, "can we go back to the past as long as the child is still alive?

Luo Fanxing paused at his feet and left quickly without answering Fu Yunchen's words.

If... There have never been so many ifs in the world.

In fact, this year, she has deceived herself countless times. Fu Yunchen is not so cold-blooded and ruthless.

She asked Mr. Ye to check for a long time. Every time, the result was that the child was gone.

She wants to believe Fu Yunchen and is willing to believe it.

However, it is always self deception.

Fu Yunchen kept looking at Luo Fanxing's back until her back completely disappeared.

Lin Chen didn't know when he was standing at the door of the office. He pushed the door in, looked at Fu Yunchen and asked, "why don't you explain it to Luo Fanxing!"

Fu Yunchen smiled bitterly and shook his head: "do you think what I lack between her and me is only trust?"

There are too many things missing between him and Luo Fanxing.

Otherwise, how can Minghao destroy their trust so easily.

"Brother Fu, women are duplicity! She says she hates you, not necessarily really hates you! Even if she really hates you, she hates you because she loves you. If one doesn't ask and the other doesn't say, there will always be only misunderstanding between you!" Lin Chen doesn't understand Fu Yunchen.

As long as he tells Luo Fanxing that the two children are fine.

Then the stars will have no hatred for him.

Why not!

"Just like at the beginning, when Li Shaoqing and she were fighting for custody, you told her that the child was yours. Then later, she wouldn't know the relationship between the child and you from Minghao! Sometimes trust was destroyed a little bit."

Lin Chen looked at Fu Yunchen and said helplessly.

During this year, everyone saw how much Fu Yunchen loved the stars.

Only he doesn't know.

In fact, based on his understanding of women, one day Luo Fanxing can easily believe Minghao, it's nothing more than a pile of things.

Knowing Fu Yunchen's deception, knowing Fu Yunchen's use, and then thinking that Fu Yunchen gave up his child, he was like death.

If she wasn't so desperate, she wouldn't jump down from the roof.

Knowing what Lin Chen was thinking, Fu Yunchen whispered to him, "Minghao will appear again! He thinks the game is not over! I don't want her and her children to be in any danger. Even if she hates me all the time, I don't want to see her disappear from me with my own eyes!"

He didn't want to bear the despair and pain of losing her again.

It's easy to tell her that the child is still alive.

But when she forgives herself, Minghao will use the child and Luo Fanxing again.

After a loss, he already knew what Luo Fanxing and his children meant to him.

Lin Chen knew what Fu Yunchen thought, shook her head and sighed: "why do you have to tell her and let her face it with you? Why do you have to torture each other like this!"

Lin Chen's feelings were always direct.

He has many girlfriends. He doesn't know how many.

Because if he likes it, he will say it directly.

He shook his head: "come on, whatever you want! Why do you suffer so much!"

Lin Chen sighed helplessly and turned to go out.

He went out to chase Luo Fanxing.

When he chased out, Luo Fanxing was ready to enter the elevator.

"Wait!" he shouted to Luo Fanxing.

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