Minghao never thought that he had calculated everything and finally lost!

He is unwilling!

How willing he is!

In this life, he is the king. What is Fu Yunchen!

He suddenly rushed at Fu Yunchen and directly pressed people under him. He said to Fu Yunchen with gnashing teeth: "Fu Yunchen, even if I die, I won't let you go."

Fu Yunchen sneered at him and said, "Minghao, you couldn't fight me before! You can't fight me now! You can't fight me in the future!"

He finished and kicked Minghao with a fierce foot.

Minghao spits blood on the time bomb in his chest.

He did not let go, still holding Fu Yunchen.

He is unwilling!

Even if he lost in the end, he was still unwilling. He was unwilling to let Fu Yunchen go.


After Luo Fanxing took the two children out, Lin Chen had come with the police.

The police saw Luo Fanxing coming out with two children and asked her, "where's the person who kidnapped you! And..."

Before the police finished their questioning, Luo Fanxing said to the police in a hurry, "Minghao is still inside. He has a time bomb! Fu Yunchen is also inside. Hurry to save him!"

When the police heard Luo Fanxing's words, their complexion changed. They turned and shouted to the patrol car still coming: "evacuate first, there is a bomb here!"

Lu Fanxing said to the police anxiously, "go and save people!"

However, as soon as her voice fell, there was an explosion behind her.

Luo Fanxing heard the explosion and rushed frantically towards the place where it exploded.

She was directly caught by the police.

"Let me go! Fu Yunchen is still inside! Let me go!"

Fortunately, the police are far away and have not been affected.

Luo Xiaoqi also reacted and said in a hurry to the police: "my brother-in-law is still inside! Go and save people!"

The police shook their head, gave a low sigh and said to the patrol car coming behind them, "when the explosion is over, we'll find someone!"

Luo Fanxing looked blankly at the place that had been bombed into ruins in front.

Her whole body strength seemed to be taken away. She knelt down on the ground and looked blankly at the front.

Just then, a man came out of the ruins.

Luo Fanxing looked at the man and rushed towards him.

"Fu Yunchen, are you okay?"

Fu Yunchen was hurt. He put his hand around Luo Fanxing and said in a low voice, "I said I would be fine!"

Luo Fanxing heard his words and said in a hurry, "where's Minghao!"

Fu Yunchen looked at the ruins behind him, shook his head and said, "I don't know! Wait for the police to find it!"

Luo Fanxing grabbed Fu Yunchen's hand and suddenly smiled like a child.

As long as Fu Yunchen is good enough!

A year ago, she still misunderstood him once, and never again.

Fu Yunchen bowed his head and kissed Luo Fanxing's hair. He said softly, "housekeeper Fu is preparing for the wedding! When they get married next month, Xingxing and Nannan haven't seen your mother for a year, and they miss you very much! I'll take you to see them tomorrow!"

Luo Fanxing looked up at Fu Yunchen and said to Fu Yunchen with red eyes: "Fu Yunchen, you won't leave us again, will you?"

Fu Yunchen was silent for a moment and said slowly, "yes, you can't drive me away in this life!"

Luo Fanxing hugged Fu Yunchen and refused to let go.

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