Chapter 305 Fraudster!

One ball?

The corner of Nioh’s mouth slightly aroused, without answering Domoto, he threw the tennis ball directly, and first gave a tentative ball.


Domoto shook his head. What he was most upset about was this tentative style of play.

Just show the real guns and swords directly, and the ones who try to explore are like a little woman. It is really not in line with his hot temperament.

As he moved, Domoto waved racquet and directly blasted the soft serve back with all his strength.


“0 to 15.”

Nioh’s eyes flashed, and he said faintly, “Is there a gradual process in everything, but since you can’t stand your temper, let you see it.”

“have a look?”

Hearing Nioh’s words, many people were a little confused, and Domoto even snorted coldly, “Pretending to be 963!”

Although he said so, Domoto still did not relax at all. He clearly knew the importance of this match.

Back to the baseline, he stared at Nioh tightly to see what tricks he wanted to play.

It’s okay if you don’t look at it. He has been staring like this, and he suddenly realized that King Niu’s aura has changed in an instant, like

Domoto suddenly turned his head to look at Foster on the sidelines, and then turned to look at Nioh, his eyes kept flowing on the two of them, and finally he took a breath of cold air.

“That’s right, this is the Fusman with the turret turned on!!

The crowd at Yinhua on the sidelines also looked at the two of them in shock, and Fuchsman was dumbfounded and speechless.

“Cheatman, is this his skill!”

Suzuki has a solemn gaze. As the partner of Foster, he almost regarded Nioh on the court as Foster in the moment just now. It can be seen how far he imitated.

“Not even technology can be copied, right?

Domoto was a little surprised and uncertain, and at this moment, the opposite “Fu Shiman” moved.


Familiar movements, familiar sounds, and even the dust raised are so familiar.

Fortress bombing!

“15 to 15!”

Domoto’s eyes were full of astonishment, but he often practiced against Fu Shiman. There was nothing wrong with this familiar feeling. The opposite Nioh actually copied Fu Shiman’s fort status.

“Sure enough to cheat the teacher, this hand is really terrible!!

The dry on the sidelines murmured, thinking in his heart what would happen if Seigaku ran into him.

“Niou Masaharu, arguably the most terrifying person in Rikkai.”

Yanagi Renji opened his eyes, flashing in a low voice.


“30 to 15!”


“40 to 15!


“Rikkai Darito won, 1 to 0 than (bbbi)!”

Under Nioh’s fierce bombing, he soon won the first game.

“Huh, this state won’t last long, so you can just play in these two rounds.”

Domoto breathed heavily.

The advantages of Foster’s trick are obvious, and the same flaws are also very prominent.

But Obviously Nioh also understood this very well. Once the breath was released, he returned to his original state.

“Huh, can’t hold it!”

Domoto snorted coldly, but as soon as his words fell, he saw a strange smile on the opposite side of King Niu.

This smile made Domoto very uncomfortable, so he glared at him, and at the same time Nioh spoke up.

“You can never defeat this person!”

When Domoto heard the words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he noticed Nioh’s words.

this person!

Subconsciously, he just looked back at Chiba. But when he turned around, the look of horror suddenly climbed onto his face.

“Ministry, Minister?”

He rubbed his eyes, and it was indeed Minister Chiba standing opposite!

Looking back, Chiba was standing in the back again.


At this moment, all the audience inhaled air-conditioning.

Most of them remember Chiba’s appearance, and naturally they knew how shocking Nioh was doing.

“The name of Rikkai’s great deceiver is probably going to spread from today.

Inoue exclaimed as he watched Nioh in the field.

But at this time he wants to know if Nioh has copied Chiba’s skills.

Looking at Chiba on the sidelines, he didn’t have any expressions, and looked very calm.

Chiba is naturally calm.

Although Nioh has imitated his temperament in nine images, the most important thing is that it is missing!

After all, there is the difference in strength between the two sides, and they still don’t know the depth of Chiba’s strength. Nioh can do this is the limit.

And at this time, Domoto finally moved, and the tennis ball was thrown sharply. He wanted to give it a try. The “Chiba Minister” in front of him had a bit of strength!

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