Chapter 316 Dominate the country

National champion, Yinhua Middle-School!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the main task and dominating the country!”

Off the field, the crowd of Yinhua people heard the staff on the field say this aloud, their first reaction was not excitement, nor the mood they had imagined before the game.

On the contrary, when all this really came, my heart was extremely calm.

In my mind, I recalled the experience of the past few months.

From the beginning of the resistance to Chiba coming to Yinhua, then to the harsh and harsh training in the middle, and then to the current national champion!

When I think about it now, it seems to be taken for granted!

That’s right!

Of course!

They should have won this championship.

Because they worked hard, because they shook the sweat like the sea!


The most important thing is that Chiba has become their minister!

Only after Chiba came to Yinhua, the limit is used to break!

Even though they were all moderate people before, but with the guidance and help of Chiba, they have grown into the top level masters in the country!

If you told them when Chiba first came.

With his own power, they can make mediocre people like them a genius out of a million.

At that time, they would definitely bite their noses.

But now, Chiba’s words are undoubtedly imperial decree for them!

However, after calming down, the excitement was slowly surging out.

The desire for the championship before that time, the pursuit!

At this moment, I finally got a response.

At this time, as they were excited together, there were crowds of audiences who couldn’t be their own.

Maybe it doesn’t matter who becomes the national champion, but now, they have witnessed the birth of a miracle. The strongest black horse succeeded to the end, and the former king Rikkai was taken away.

Also, there are some schools with a trance look.

Seigaku, Hyotei, Rokkaku, Fudomine

They knew Yinhua from the regional preliminaries. At the time, Yinhua was at best a competition-level school!

However, in just two or three months, Yinhua has grown rapidly to become a king. Rikkai are mostly super strong schools that cannot be defeated.

The short and fast growth time made them feel a little dazed.

The match between Metropolis Competition and Yinhua is still vivid, and now I can only sigh when I think about it.

“At that time should be the best time to defeat Yinhua,”!”

You know that Chiba is only the second grade!

But Yukimura, hand, Sanada, Atobe and other national-level masters have already fouled out.

Under this circumstance, you can use your toes to know that next year’s junior high tennis will be completely ruled by Chiba!

Shit, Yanagi Renji and others thought of Chiba’s speed of cultivating talents, and couldn’t help but breathe in air-conditioning.

In one year’s time, how many super masters will this Chiba cultivate, and how long Yinhua will be able to rule the country?

As you can imagine, this time will not be short!

But these are the things that will come later, and now is the beginning of Yinhua’s rule of the country.

At this time, Rikkai, who was the loser, had already left the court early.

The second place is the biggest loser!

Because no one will remember the second place.

When the dream of three in a row was shattered, they didn’t want to see the appearance of Yinhua Carnival on the spot, because that would only make them more sad.

After a long time, it was calm down now.

The audience also began to exit, and did not start the award ceremony.

Because Shitenhouji and Liliadent Krauser will compete for the third place in the afternoon!

After this match is over, it is the closing ceremony of the national competition, and at that time, all school teams will also come.


Within a few hours, Chiba had already received congratulations from hundreds of people.

And at this time, he was sorry to face others with a cold face, after all, he came to congratulate him.

But the result is that his face has been smiling for a few hours, and his facial muscles are almost stiff!

“.. Deserve it, who told you to be unsmiling!’

Zhenyi, who was holding his arm, smiled, but the beautiful eyes that looked at Chiba were full of admiration!

(Nuo Zhao’s) She met Chiba the first day she came to Yinhua.

And he changed the ability of the previously decadent tennis club with his own power, which made her very fascinated.

At this moment, she is happy for Chiba from the bottom of her heart, and fortunate for herself!

Fortunately, I was able to accompany Chiba through this miraculous journey.

Time came in the afternoon, and the huge arena was filled with spectators again.

But at this time, there are more players from various schools on the sidelines, who are sitting in the front row.

At this time, they all looked ahead with awe.

And wherever they looked, it was the crowds of Yinhua!

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