Chapter 341 growing up

“Tomorrow is the shuffle battle for you to compete for the qualification of the Japanese national team. If you seize the last chance, you can prove yourself in front of the whole world.”

Chiba looked at Yinhua with expectation. If Yinhua occupies more than half of the seats in the First Army, the world tennis scene will be shocked by the name of Yinhua.

There are only five groups eligible for the shuffle game. If all the members of Yinhua have to play, Hyotei, Seigaku and Rikkai will be dissatisfied. In addition to Tang Ben, everyone in Yinhua also understands these people’s sophistication.


Hearing Chiba’s sudden meal, everyone knew that things had turned around again, after all, he gave infinite hope to Kinoshita Chiba!

“But you can give it a go, just remember that you are standing behind me! And…tomorrow me. Ahem, tomorrow’s things will be said tomorrow!”

“Minister, why are you selling off again? Really, just say anything, follow us, what else can’t be said!”

Domoto seemed to have completely forgotten the pain just now, and his mouth was crackling. The others once again cast distressed eyes at Domoto, and then watched the change in Chiba’s expression.

“How about Domoto giving you a reward tonight!” Chiba said without changing his face, “You don’t have to go tonight. Go to the automatic serve machine and practice until tomorrow morning. It’s not too good to see your mental state!”

When I heard the word reward, Domoto almost jumped up. Every time the minister’s reward was a unique good thing in the world. Then I heard that I was going to bounce the ball against the wall boringly, and it was a whole night with a bitter expression on his face, which was very ugly, but I could only accept it silently.

After the dramatic scene passed, Hasegawa thought about how to dispatch the Yinhua team tomorrow. The strength of the two doubles has been recognized by middle school students across the country. Although his singles is also top in the country, at present, there are three singles quotas. In addition to Chiba, he and Tōmoto will win two of the three quotas.

After thinking about Domoto’s enthusiasm for refusing to admit defeat and his passion for tennis, what makes him most daunting is his overwhelming national strength. The most difficult thing for Hasegawa to deal with is the strength-type player.

The two groups of doubles don’t have so many worries, the strength is their own confidence. Domoto didn’t find these details at all, and he was still annoyed by Chiba’s punishment.

Chiba noticed the strangeness of Hasegawa, his frowning brows did not escape Chiba’s observing eyes. Chiba doesn’t know how to arrange the order of playing tomorrow. In case Yinhua fails to reshuffle the game, is the singles Hase or Domoto, and doubles Fushiman and Suzuki or Mugure and Takagi?

“If tomorrow’s singles and doubles Yinhua can only have one group to participate in the shuffle game, then how will you allocate it?”

Finally, Chiba raised such a concern. Hasegawa breathed a sigh of relief. The increase in strength did not change the introverted Hasegawa. Meeting a considerate minister was the greatest luck of his life.

The two groups of doubles immediately hugged to the distance and each discussed in a low voice, while Hasegawa remained silent, waiting for the hall to break the deadlock. He was relatively introverted, and it was really difficult for him to speak. The only fairness was duel. Now Just separate a high and low.

Domoto was struggling. Obviously, he was also thinking about this issue. Chiba looked at Domoto, who was big and thick in appearance and had a strange haircut. Based on his judgment that he had been with Domoto for a long time, he probably knew Domoto’s decision.

“If our Yinhua can only have one singles to participate in the World Cup, then let Hasegawa go. I will stay in Yinhua as the’temporary minister’ and build a stronger Yinhua waiting for you to come back.”

…For flowers…………

Huh?! Hasegawa’s heart clicked. He never thought that a thoughtful person like Domoto would be willing to give up the opportunity to enter the world to him. You must know that they had always been competitors before Chiba came to Yinhua. Hasegawa is even worse than Domoto, who can only play with strength.

“Hase play hard, take my share of playing with the minister in the World Cup and make Japan famous in the world!”


“Do you really don’t care about the number of places in the Japanese Army? We can come to a match and decide the outcome!”

“Compared to the World Cup match, I hope I will lead Yinhua to rise higher and higher, and don’t want Yinhua to be the same as Yinhua a year ago when the minister comes back in the coming year!”

Chiba saw that the IQ of the teenager who loves tennis didn’t change much, but the quality of the ball and emotional quotient had changed. Seeing the tennis teenager he cultivated step by step growth, I felt relieved!

So here is the decision of doubles!

Three pairs of eyes were staring at Yinhua’s ace doubles. The magnanimity of singles has made him very pleased. Even if the doubles are not satisfactory, they will not be too disappointed.

What’s more, Chiba is very confident!

“Minister, we have decided!

“Huh? Which group? You still have to finish the match before you know it!”

Chiba directly stated his guess. After all, doubles is a decision of two people. It is impossible to make a humble decision easily. Waiting for the affirmation of their own problems by both parties, Chiba is ready to climb the referee chair!

“We… Both sets of doubles are required!” 儿し.

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