Chapter 353 Executioner

“The third match between the U17 Japanese team and the second army reserve team has officially started!”

“The U17 Japanese team sent Tohno Atsukyo No.8 and Kimijima No.7, while the junior high school students sent…” The loud voice paused, and only Tohno Atsukyo and Kimijima were seen on the field. It seems that the middle school students haven’t sent anyone out yet.

The last group of doubles, is it controversial? The junior high school camp is indeed a bit chaotic, with a lot of noise.

“Who didn’t come up to serve the sentence, hahahahaha~”

Tohno’s vicious eyes flashed, and then he laughed proudly. Instead, the look of hunters catching prey, a sentence that seemed to help solve personnel problems, caused even greater disputes.

“You sent the strongest doubles of your junior high school students, I hope to play longer.”

For a while, strong schools such as Seigaku and Rikkai University began to argue, but the two groups of Yinhua doubles did not say a word and smiled while watching the farce.

“Taocheng, your level up is to give away people’s heads. If you want to take the position of the army in one fell swoop, you really want to eat swan meat.

“Hi, do you want to fight?”

At this time, the hot-tempered Seigaku duo are unusually united, their opinions are completely unified, and they are unanimous. Listening to the provocation of Kite Eishirou in the middle of Higa, he just went up directly.

“Just keep me quiet.” Byodoin shouted violently, and the audience fell silent immediately. This momentum was really shocking. This is different from Chiba’s gentle temperament, invisibly it exudes a compelling aura. Then added.

“A group of doubles from the national championship team went up, and the others were quiet. If you have any objections, come up and discuss with me.

As soon as these words came out, there were only two groups of Yinhua doubles on the court, whispering, discussing who to give the chance to play in a low voice. In fact, this has been a result long ago, but for a look, the championship team can’t even get a shuffle match place, and the gold-carrying gallery of this national competition is much lower.

However, this arrangement is reasonable. Although Taocheng and Haitang are unwilling, they can think of the national competition being dominated by Takagi and Mumu. When they think of this hellish scene, every hair is trembling.

The doubles of other combinations had similar experiences, so no small commotion occurred. Everyone obeyed this arrangement, and some looked forward to the duel between them.

At this moment, an abrupt voice rang in the court.

“I’m not convinced!”

All eyes were attracted by this voice. In this case, there are still people who have the courage to speak loudly and directly refute the decision of Byodoin Temple.

All of them are tall, with curly hair in front of them, and their glasses are full of wisdom, but now they are all stupid.


A tennis ball flew directly to the front door and interrupted Byodoin’s inquiry.

“Hey, if you don’t accept it, you will fight until you accept it!”

Executioner – Tohno Atsukyo!

Humph! With a cold snort, Kite slammed the racquet in his hand, and the tennis ball went straight into the sky, without seeing the direction.

Seeing this scene, Mu Mu and Takagi were moved in their hearts. Violent tennis – but the tennis that the Minister does not support the most!

“Okay, that’s it, the match staff is determined.”

Byodoin has stopped the continuation of this farce, and such matchmakers can argue that junior high school students still lack a leader, and the cohesion is still too bad.

Chiba was looking at Tohno when Mumu and Takagi walked into the court. This man’s playing style was so vicious that it was really worrying for both of them.

But what Yinhua is most confident…is willpower!

“The second army reserve team sent Takagi and Mumu Chenhachi. The match begins, and the first army Tohno Atsukyo serve!”


The insidious smile is equipped with the center point from the top of the head, and this hair hoop. This shape is really offensive. With a sneer, you know that it’s okay to wait.

“It’s time for public execution, Junjima!”

“it is good!

The corner of Kimijima’s mouth is slightly higher. Whenever a teammate plays a serve game, he knows his responsibilities and silently retreats to the side.

Unlike other people, Tohno’s serve does not adjust the rhythm, but leans forward with his face down forty-five degrees, placing the tennis ball at the height of his shoulders, and swinging the ball at a very fast speed.


“Thirteenth Penal Code-Guillotine!”

Mu Mu was stunned by the sudden tennis ball. The tennis ball is fast and the attacking place is…face.

Boom! Boom!

The sound of breaking wind sounded, and a yellow light rushed towards his face, which also meant the arrival of breaking phase.


“so close!”

After a scream, Mu Mu’s stiff body slowly moved. He opened his eyes and found that a racquet was lying horizontally not far from him. Takagi looked at him with concern, but the movement of his hands did not stop.


The tennis ball instantly turned into a stream of light and flew towards Tohno Atsukyo’s front door. Unambiguous shots, strong ball control can make the ball fly to any position of the court, perfect court controller.

A tooth for a tooth!

The tennis ball slammed into Tohno’s face gate. Tohno’s figure moved slightly to the side, allowing the ball to pass through and hit the ground.

“O is better than 15, the second army reserve team scored!”

“The first goal was actually won by a junior high school student. It seems that the balance of victory and defeat in this round has the meaning of leaning to one side.”

“But… their respective stunts have not been fully demonstrated either!

Negotiator and executioner on court!

Second ball!


1.9 Mu Mu concentrated on returning and stopped distracting. Tohno’s serve was still very drilled and wanted to hit Mu Mu hard. They emptied directly in front of the net and retreated to the baseline to set up the Australian formation so that they could have enough time to reflect and then calmly fight back.

When the ball was about to fly to Mu Mu’s abdomen, he suddenly rushed to the net and snipe the tennis ball that had hit the ground.

Super half volley!


Looking at the ball, Fuji was a little surprised. This was obviously his younger brother’s move. How Mumu could do it, which surprised him.

“Yinhua, kaleidoscope of ball skills!”

Seeing that the tennis ball was returned by Volley before it reached the destination, Tohno was obviously a little annoyed. The opponent repeatedly interrupted his execution.

“Then…suffer it!”.

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