Chapter 356 Nine balls at the same time


Hasegawa looked at Echizen Ryuga standing opposite, his figure gradually blurred.

Three Echizen Longya!

Hasegawa looked at Echizen Ryuga, the speed reached a certain level, whether it was the speed of the swing or the shaking of the figure, it was a symbol of strength, and it was shameful.

The three streamers from the surprise attack rubbed his eyes with his hands.Are these three balls?

Although there are doubts in my mind, the steps under my feet move, and my body reacts quickly. This is the muscle response under high-intensity training.

“Is it just three goals? Our usual training intensity is much greater than this!”

Hasegawa just froze for a moment, and immediately reacted, with an inconspicuous curve in the corners of his mouth. Just three balls to cause trouble for him is a kind of contempt for him.

Ryoma was moved when Hasegawa said about the intensity of training on weekdays. In the U17, they received extremely cruel training in the loser group. Looking at Hasegawa in front of them, he strictly demanded himself on weekdays, and even the winner group would work hard.

Thinking that I can play nine goals, even…10 goals, from the five goals before going up the mountain, it was quite difficult to hit 003 even now, to my own strength.

“I don’t know if Hasegawa’s growth rate is equally astonishing. Where is your limit?”

Hasegawa’s body also became illusory, looking at the three beams of yellow light that came flying, a glint flashed in his eyes.


The figure looked like it was swaying from left to right a few times before the foot stepped into the ball’s landing point, and then only a slight swing of the body’s center of gravity swung the racquet in his hand to catch three balls.

The tennis ball instantly turned into three streams of light, piercing the air with the blasting sound, and flew to the opposite court.

“Did you underestimate you?”

Echizen Longya was slightly surprised, watching his opponent comfortably hit back three goals before realizing that he was underestimating the opponent.

Woolen cloth!

The tennis ball hadn’t reached the baseline in front of Echizen Longya, and his speed broke when he stayed at the baseline. He sprinted to the net and swept across the tennis ball. Three streamers shot out and attacked Hasegawa.

“Just this level of ball can’t cause trouble to me, want to consume my physical strength? Then I may let you down.

The streamer passed halftime, and then slammed toward Hasegawa again, a deep flash in Hasegawa’s eyes, and a huge force surged in his arms to end the round.

Ha! A sneer!

Hearing the opponent’s laughter, a bad premonition suddenly rose in my heart. However, the hand movement did not stop, three swings less than a second apart. If Sanada is not ashamed of it here, this swing speed can be compared to the “invisible swing”, even… faster!

Bang! bang! bang! huh~

Ryoma still distinguished three swings in such a short period of time, but standing on the field side of Hasegawa, he still heard the sonic boom of delay, and it seemed that there were more than three!

Six beeps!

There are three balls behind Hasegawa’s three balls back, but they are completely hidden by the three balls in front, and the line of sight is blocked, plus the two balls are extremely fast and the distance is quite close.Everyone is deceived by the first three balls. .

The other three balls whizzed past Hasegawa’s ears, looking at this distance, it was too late to fight back.

This ball was ended in this way? But it was a strange trick, too suddenly!

Looking at the wonderful match on the field, Akuzu showed that Echizen Ryuya’s strength was far beyond his imagination, and even Hasegawa was much better than what he had encountered before.

“This guy’s growth is beyond my imagination!”

After thinking about it, he moved his gaze back to the court, and Hasegawa, who was originally on the back court, disappeared.


A figure appeared in front of three (bbbj) tennis balls, and at the same time a huge cloud of smoke enveloped the court and blocked the way of the tennis balls.


“One ball!”

Hasegawa’s voice rang on the court, accompanied by the sound of hitting the ball, and at the same time the straight figure flashed away.


“Second ball!”


“The last ball!”

After the sound of three hits, Hasegawa’s figure fully appeared. His breathing was a little confused, but he adjusted quickly. The continuous movement to fight back, the burst of speed caused a lot of consumption on his physical strength.

After being slightly surprised, the Orange Boy directly bombarded the six goals back at the same time, and was not prepared to leave the opponent a chance to breathe.

Looking at Hasegawa, whose breathing was a little confused, he wanted to use the high school student’s battle-tested physical advantage at this time, but Hasegawa’s tenacity was far beyond his imagination.

The two banged six goals for no fewer than ten rounds. Apart from the appearance of a gasp, Hasegawa did not show exhaustion on his face.

“Really tenacious!”

Having said that, Echizen Ryaya has three more yellow tennis balls in his hands. Ryoma and Ajutsu under the court are all a little shocked. After the high-intensity training, they will play nine goals in a row, which is beyond their own. The scope of the ability.

Then he glanced at Hasegawa and saw that he did not seem to stop or give up in the slightest, his gaze was still firm, and his disposition was already ahead of most people.


Ears twitched lightly and heard nine consecutive hits. Hasegawa remained calm and closed his eyes boldly, wondering if he completely gave up resistance.

This is also the main singles of middle school students. It would be too unworthy to get injured outside of the formal match. Some are sorry for Hasegawa.

Step on!

The eyes had to be closed as if it hadn’t affected Hasegawa in the slightest, the pace under his feet was still agile, and at the same time he had to distinguish the position of the nine goals and hit back. Hasegawa didn’t say a word, dragging his heavy steps and his figure swayed before everyone’s eyes.



After eight consecutive hits, Hasegawa’s wrist was shaking so that Hasegawa was still using his ears to distinguish the position of the last ball. Long Ya sent out the nine balls not only because of the increase in the number of balls, but the power of the ball. Stacked.

In order to catch the first eight goals, the power contained in Hasegawa’s body has been hollowed out, but his willpower is supporting him, and the Yinhua staff is not allowed to fall in court!


Stunned in place, Hasegawa suddenly heard the sound of the ball. Even Echizen Ryuya could not hit back so quickly. Tennis hasn’t crossed the net at the speed of the ball. .

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