Chapter 369 Asura Shinto

Looking at the fateful matchup in front of them, the two people standing on the top of Japan U17 had a sense of urgency in their hearts, and Chiba sitting on the referee chair rubbed his fists tightly.

Excited and nervous!


Tokugawa sighed. Facing this man who had stepped on his self-confidence and arrogance, he was fake if he didn’t have the slightest psychological burden, and seeing Chiba sitting on the referee chair, he felt a sense of security. On the heart.

Both on the field have beaten him, but Chiba always has an inexplicable affinity, and Byodoin always brings oppressive aura.

Maybe it has something to do with the faces of the two. The brother Kinoshita Chiba next door, even after the defeat of Tokugawa, is still not arrogant or arrogant. Tao abandons and inculcates Byodoin’s own way of being strong.

However, Byodoin, which defeated Tokugawa, became Tokugawa Kazuya today.

Tokugawa who wants revenge!

To become the TOP Tokugawa in Japan!

Tokugawa has mastered another dimension!

Today is not what it used to be… Tokugawa!


“3 to 3, Tokugawa Kazuya scored!”

Tokugawa leaned forward and hit an ACE ball while swinging his arm. Byodoin couldn’t even touch the corner of the tennis ball.

“That guy Tokugawa was even able to beat the head, what kind of special training did he do in the past six months?”

A drop of sweat ran down Duke Watanabe’s cheek, and Tokugawa had already made him feel the pressure. Knowing the strength of Byodoin Temple, he also knows that this is just a warm-up, but even their warm-up field is out of reach for most people in U17.

It is impossible to say that Tokugawa is completely weaker than Byodoin in the field of different dimensions. This level of evenly matched match is still relatively rare. It depends on who can’t stand it first.

There was a rare heavy expression on Byodoin’s face. He glanced at Tokugawa thoughtfully but did not speak.

The seventh round of match begins!


During the wrist flip, the tennis ball stayed in a half-delay. After Tokugawa moved slightly to accumulate his power, he swept the tennis ball with the center of the racquet.

The tennis ball falls, and the racquet swings!

Like a bow and arrow, Tokugawa’s hitting action is extremely smooth, and the whole process is completed in an instant.

Woolen cloth!

“This kid… is much better than last time,||!”

Sitting in the referee chair, Chiba could see the ball clearly, so he couldn’t help but complain. From the detailed analysis, Tokugawa’s strength has improved a lot from the last match with him.

On the opposite side, Byodoin raised his eyes slightly and stared at the ball. Every time Tokugawa serves a goal, his strength is revealed. Judging from serve, it looks like a bottomless hole.

But…for Byodoin…the level of play is nothing.



Suddenly lifting the racket from bottom to top, the tennis ball that had been enlarged in his pupils flew upside down again, fading out of his field of vision.


It’s another ACE ball, and Byodoin’s figure still stays in the upward swing.

“15 to 0, Tokugawa Kazuya scored!’

Chiba reported the score unambiguously. Normally, other referees definitely need time to look at the tennis print and then judge the final direction of the tennis. And Chiba has top dynamic vision, and training is this kind of ball speed on weekdays, so there is no need to hesitate.


“30 to 0! Tokugawa Kazuya scored!”


“4 to 3, Tokugawa won the game!’

Four consecutive ACE balls are not surprising. But… it’s different if you win it, for example, the Japanese national team No. 1!

“Oh, sure enough!” Byodoin, who was still uncertain, stared at the opponent with determination, as if everything had understood in a moment.

“Have you stepped on… Asura Shinto?

Tokugawa did not answer directly, turning his back and saying only a few words, it was enough to shock the audience.

“This battle…I bet on my life!”

As soon as the seven characters came out, the audience was boiling!

“Asura Shinto–probably the advanced “selfless” state, blocking all hope and desire to win, can only step into that field. ”

Before anyone could ask any questions, Inui Sadaharu had already read out the little information collected in this regard. This U17 peak battle allowed him to collect more information.

“In order to win, don’t hesitate at all! Tokugawa-senpai is really admirable, and this fateful opponent is also the one who inspires us to move forward.”


Taocheng said with emotion, looking at Haitang who was expressionless, did he sell criticism in his heart! However, he did not understand the point of it-the battle of life!

In order to stop life for a match victory, just ask how many people in the world can do it.

When there was a lot of discussion off the court, there was already a mess on the court.


Byodoin aimed at a gap in Tokugawa and directly smashed the past. Drew a full stop to this game.

“The score is 6 to 6, Byodoin won this round! The tiebreak will begin!”

He drew a tie with Tokugawa, who was conscious of death, and scored a tiebreak. Byodoin also proved his No. 1 strength, flicking the sweat on his forehead, but a deafening sound came from his ears.

“Tokugawa! Tokugawa Ten!”

“Wow, Brother Tokugawa is so strong this year!! It is evenly matched with the momentum of the national team!”

There were a lot of shouts for Tokugawa outside the field, no matter where the appearance is high, there are fans!

Chiba thought to himself: Some people are even more popular than him, which is a bit unacceptable, but this match is really enjoyable.

“The highlight is not on yet!”

I can finally catch up with you!

Tokugawa’s melancholic eyes still haven’t changed. Compared with the last miserable defeat, this match has changed qualitatively, and he vaguely feels that he stepped into’Asura Shinto’ to be slightly better than Byodoin.

“Kurobe, Kotakusik, did you see it just now!” Saito took a deep breath and said, “The Tokugawa and Byodoin temples just now are completely evenly matched, and even…there is the feeling of being above Byodoin temple.”

“If this is the case, it would not be a bad thing for Irie and the ghost to stay. But… as the only quasi-pro player in U17, will there still be no hole cards?”.

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