Chapter 381 Kings of Germany

“The shuffle battle, is that over?”

Chiba shifted his eyes slightly, and glanced at the six junior high school students who were seated in the first army. A grand blueprint was actually rising in his heart.

On top of the world!

Leading the World Cup fish belly to the top of the world is not an unattainable dream for Chiba now!

“But now the main combat power… still has to be carried by your high school students!”


Looking at Byodoin Temple that was drifting away, Chiba couldn’t bear the slightest dread in his heart. He who mastered Yiye Qingzhou was like a tiger with wings. After some trials, he also clearly knew the strength of Byodoin Temple.

“Kinoshita Chiba…Is it just that I feel satisfied!”

“According to incomplete statistics, there are four professional-level skills that Byodoin has mastered outside of these years!” Saitō Itaru paused, swallowed, and said, “There are also those that he has never used before. Everything is a mystery. Yeah! Junior high school students, you can serve some snacks!-”

They looked at Kinoshita Chiba, who was acting calmly at this time, and there was no trace of tension in his expression. On the contrary, they were discussing something with the Yinhua staff, and the two coaches’ eyes just happened to catch such a moment-it was a complaint.

But… it’s not that easy to put a full string!

“Saito, Kinoshita Chiba’s skills…how much do you master!”

Heh! Saitō Itaru sneered.

“One thousand and thirty-four…”

Takuchi Ryuji, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly got up from the ground and suddenly spoke. He wanted to cut through this colleague who was brainwashed by Byodoin’s invincible theory, but he still underestimated Saitō Itaru’s face.

Pretending to be deaf and dumb! Ignore it completely!

However, when encountering this situation, Takuchi Ryuji smiled lightly, clearly understanding the urinary sex of this kid Saito, and he disapproved of it for a long time. In this case, only the real chapter can be seen under the hand.

“Chiba, don’t let me down!”

Even the coaching staff is divided into two-sided groups, not to mention the many high school and junior high school students in the audience. At this time, they are just like ants on a hot pot.

“Chiba’s provocation, I dare to say that no one in the army can do it. When Byōdōin Hōō left, his face was blue and purple. Maybe it was angry, or it was due to internal injuries!”

At five o’clock in the afternoon, the shuffling game was almost over. It is not reminiscent of the national competition. When there is a huge disparity in strength, a match can be done in ten minutes.

Apart from Kinoshita Chiba and Byōdōin Hōō, which are full of ornamental goals, the previous shuffle game is also not lacking in some matches that are interesting to talk about.

For example, in the doubles of Atobe Keigo and Niou Masaharu, facing such a powerful opponent, the two people are still more and more courageous after continuous frustration. What is more admirable is the courage of facing the first army. None of them showed stage fright.

There is also Yinhua’s two sets of doubles. Compared with Atobe Keigo, Yinhua’s two sets of doubles are not so difficult. With the tacit understanding between the two pairs, they can always help teammates at the most critical moments. Take it easy.

As far as Chiba’s current strength is concerned, there should be a professional team to talk to him about the contract. You must know that there were countless clubs before, and there are many big clubs in the world who want to sign long-term contracts with Chiba.

However, in Chiba’s eyesight, no matter how huge resources are, it is not a cloud in his eyes.The family itself is rich enough, even if Chiba wants to create a club on his own, it is completely feasible, but it is just a moment!

…For flowers…………

“Reject all, no matter how big the face is, you will never see it!”

This is Chiba’s attitude after leaving the training camp, without leaving any affection.


Just when everyone was looking forward to the match on the second day, somewhere in the court, thousands of miles away, the sound of hitting the ball just sounded, and a handsome teenager who was warming up took the lead.

de country, Munich.



The orange shadow flickered back and forth on the Internet court. In dozens of back and forth, all were served by one person.


There was no trace of sweat on the cheeks of the sturdy guy who served. On the other hand, the boy on the opposite side had soaked his clothes after dozens of ball matches.

Looking closer, there is a pair of glasses above the bridge of the handsome boy’s nose, reflecting a Rongzhi light.

Handicraft Kunimitsu!

De national team-the nine consecutive World Cup winners, can be described as invincible!

This is one of the major difficulties that the Japanese team will face in conquering the world. Now there is the addition of the hand Kunimitsu. In the original work, there is no Chiba. The Japanese team wants to compete with the king de national team. That sounds a bit Like wishful thinking.

After Kunimitsu, the seed player of the middle school student, came here, his position is enough to see that this team Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, you must know the purpose of Kunimitsu coming to the de national team…

Get the best resources and move towards professional players at the same time!

In the original work, except for Yukimura, who is injured and living in seclusion, the most inexplicable strength is the hand. Even Echizen Ryoma, who originally had the protagonist’s aura, left with hatred for several challenges.

Of course, all of this is being rewritten without Kinoshita Chiba…the era… NS.

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