Chapter 397 Virtual reality

The bullfight with red eyes appeared close to Chiba. He did not even close his eyes, and his momentum was not weaker than that of the crimson bullfight.


Suddenly, with a loud bang, this Spanish bullfighting move was like a huge force, and suddenly fell in front of Chiba, slamming on the ground.


With a sneer, Chiba’s immobile figure has already shot out, and said with the swing of his body.

“Using this fierce serve to deal with me is no longer feasible. You should know this better than others. I want to force me to return to the baseline to defend, so that I can’t have time to parry the Spanish bullfight that has suddenly landed. ”

Hearing every word Chiba said, Byodoin felt a little flustered in his heart, and his mind was completely seen through by his opponent. And it is reasonable to say how a mere middle school student would have seen his own Spanish bullfighting.


I suppressed the panic in my heart provoked by Chiba, but the sweat overflowing from his head had nowhere to hide.

Chiba snorted and said while moving at a matching speed: “Now you…have the strength to send me the ball to the baseline-do you?”

With a question, he hit Byōdōin Hōō’s soul violently, and his madness was completely publicized in the next moment.


Stepping out, Chiba’s figure reappeared, already appearing above the falling point of the bullfighting impact on the ground, the crazily extending cracks, the moment they were stepped on, they all came to a standstill.

Stop here!

At the same time, the racquet in Chiba’s hand has been swung out, and the tennis ball that is still falling to the ground is shrouded in an instant.At the moment when the ball is completely in contact with the ground, the arm directly drives the net racquet and pulls it upwards, accurate to the point. Hit the tennis ball just hitting the ground with a racquet.


There was a soft hit of the tennis ball. The net only touched half the area of ​​the tennis ball, but the tennis ball still moved with the sound and lifted off again with the upward force of the racquet.

The crimson bullfighting was also as if being struck with a whip, instantly turned into nothingness, and the violent atmosphere of tennis disappeared in an instant.

All this happened too fast, it seemed to everyone to be an understatement, but the impact that a bullfight can bring is powerful enough to blast the entire court.

However, Chiba is able to cleverly seize the opportunity to strike back in this brute force of bullfighting, and none of them does not need super strong ball control and pure force suppression.

After a while, the tennis ball fell to the ground, and the ground would break open, and the tennis ball would rise and fall.

And the universe just now must be stable. Using your feet to stabilize the ground and not let it swing arbitrarily, it also requires a huge leg explosive force.


The tennis ball was suddenly hit by Chiba, flying upside down from the ground and flying towards the delay, and the hanging heart in Byodoin was completely settled, and the eyes were repeatedly shrinking and shrinking on the tennis ball, with a look of disbelief. Ding with the move of the tennis ball.

“Can you catch this kind of ball?”

On the face of Byodo-in Temple, there was a face of disbelief, but the yellow light that flew quickly did not allow him to think about it. Here comes the tennis ball.


A gust of wind came from the hands of Byodo-in Temple, and his right hand drove racquet to suddenly wave. The wave was extremely fast, leaving a trail of afterimages in the delay.

In the sight of everyone, his arms gradually blurred, and countless arms waving around him appeared.

“Is this juggling? How does it seem weird!”

“Yeah, it’s amazing to be able to wave the hand with racquet so fast.”

Duke-Watanabe looked at Byōdōin Hōō’s gradually accelerating arms, the shock on his face remained undiminished, and he stuttered: “India…Indian snake charmer!”

“what is that?”

“World-class moves!”

A fright flashed in Mitsuya Akuto’s eyes, and he grabbed the words to answer. This ball can be said to have left a very deep impression on him. While everyone was waiting for the data master’s analysis, the tennis ball had skimmed over the net and came to Byodoin Temple.


With a violent shout, Byōdōin Hōō’s arms waved, leaving behind shadows, which looked like countless racquets hitting the tennis ball, and then bombarding Chiba’s halftime. Suddenly, the sound of hitting the ball was repeated.

…For flowers.




Countless hits came into everyone’s ears, and then countless ball shadows and lights rushed towards Chiba, looking extremely majestic.

Unlike the American pirates, the essence of this ball lies in the speed of the swing and the visual impact caused by countless ball shadows, which directly affect the opponent’s psychology and defeat the opponent in one fell swoop.

“Indian snake charmer-with the help of the power of his arm, he swung the racquet to the limit speed, so that countless shadows of the ball are generated in the line of sight, which makes the opponent confused and can defeat the opponent.”


Mitsuya Akuto’s magnetic sound rang in everyone’s ears again, and Byōdōin Hōō’s momentum fell out of his heart, and he spoke a little less.

“Even in front of a huge database, it is extremely difficult to calculate the real ball path!”


The gusts of wind sounded in every corner of the court. The illusion created by the Indian snake charmer was realistic enough. Even the sound of the wind was carried everywhere by a tennis ball. It could not be better to confuse the audience.

“Have you started using illusions again?”

Chiba raised his delicate face, looking at his opponent…and a huge number of tennis balls, he seemed quite calm and not afraid of danger.

Byōdōin Hōō’s tactics are changing repeatedly, from strength to technique, and finally to the current extremely confusing skills, which can be said to be dazzling.

“But… flashy!”

Having said that, Chiba closed his eyes and lifted his ears slightly as the thousands of light and shadow passed by his ears.

“Completely blocking vision, and wanting to fight back only by hearing will undoubtedly add difficulties for nothing!”

Soon someone felt that Chiba’s behavior was undoubtedly tantamount to giving up. But soon, he got a response.


The crisp sound of hitting the ball rang, but it disappeared in a flash, and soon disappeared in the wind.

Standing on the opposite side, Byōdōin Hōō heard very clearly, his brows frowned slightly, and he was a little suspicious. NS.

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