Chapter 399 Total disadvantage

“Your serve game, only the last ball is left!”

Chiba looked awe-inspiring, without a trace of emotion, and was completely different from the hot surrounding atmosphere. Under the scorching sun, Byōdōin Hōō still felt the cold wind.

That kind of cold that penetrates into the bones!

The opponent pushed him to the end and used words to clarify his attitude. He can only compete with his opponent by taking out a different dimension, and he also tried repeatedly, and he has everything that is hard and soft.

He has conquered the skills of many players in the world, and even destroyed the opponents by no less than five fingers. On the contrary, he is only fourteen-year-old middle school student, and he has been deflated again and again.

“When I wanted to stay in the World Cup, I didn’t expect to be forced out in China in advance, kid, you asked for it!”

Byōdōin Hōō’s low voice came out, and a black light flashed in his eyes, but the day after tomorrow delay was slowly darkened, thunder and lightning flashed, and a huge figure emerged behind him.

Different Dimension-Pirates of the World!

“Just use your blood… to teach yourself a long lesson!’

In the stands, there was a shock.

And Echizen Nanjiro also happened to come to a high place. Kurobe Yukio and Saitō Itaru seemed surprised when they saw them, but they soon calmed down. At this time, Byōdōin Hōō’s different dimension is still the best in the world. More attractive.

The eyes of Byodo-in Temple were full of vicious colors, and it seemed that Chiba could not be clawed away. The scar on his head made him look more and more ferocious, and his long golden hair fluttered along with it.


He began to exude a dark breath, and the shadow of delay was condensed from this breath, and the black shadow became more and more solid. In the end, a pirate skeleton appeared in Delay, and the long sword in his hand reflected a biting light.

A military skeleton wearing a pirate hat, wearing a pirate cloak, exuding a faint black air, slowly emerged above Byōdōin Hōō.

The dark atmosphere slowly enveloped the entire court, so that everyone around was silent, feeling that the atmosphere on the scene had become extremely depressing, and they stopped talking.


Delay’s pirate suddenly slashed at Delay, leaving behind a sharp light and shadow.

“Feel well…you want to see another dimension, feel the ball skills from another dimension!”

With a cold smile, there was a strong killing intent in Byodoin’s eyes, and the killing intent instantly attacked Chiba, as if to tear him into pieces, which was terrifying.

Chiba’s eyes skyrocketed, and his awe-inspiring fighting intent was released, directly contending with Byodoin’s killing intent. Before he could get in touch with Chiba, his killing intent had been smoothed out by the vast fighting intent.


When Chiba released his aura, Byodoin suddenly threw the tennis ball in his hand, and the figure of the skeleton pirate behind him suddenly attached to the tennis ball.


The dull hitting sound suddenly resounded in this court.

Everyone’s eyes are moving with the pirates, as if the ball can determine the situation on the court, the tennis ball is approaching Chiba with the pirates step by step.

“Actually… has become a means of tennis offense?!”

High school students who had never seen a different dimension began to sigh. They were the first time to see this kind of scene so big, so they were not exaggerated.

“It’s not just that!”

Echizen Nanjiro smiled in depth, watching the appearance of the pirate finally fulfilled his expectations, after all, it has been a long time since he saw a tennis ball in another dimension.

There is also a sense of belonging!

“No, that’s not an illusion!”

“Ryoma, you are stunned. This is the same super confusing serve as the previous few balls!”

Ryoma’s sudden exclamation made Taocheng smile, thinking Ryoma had raised a question and then answered.

“That’s the real… a pirate from ancient times!”

Taocheng wanted to laugh more as she listened, and suddenly was knocked on the forehead by Kaidoh Kaoru behind her, turned her head abruptly, and was about to yell. Haitang pointed his hand at the court, and turned Taocheng’s sight away.


A cold light appeared in Qian 030 Ye’s pupils. The sharp blade light exuded a frightening breath of death.

Chiba turned his body slightly to one side, and then he avoided, feeling the strong wind beside him, and the chill was irritating.

“The rumors are really true!”

Seeing Chiba’s dodge, he suddenly yelled off the court, like a child who had first seen the world, exclaiming everywhere.

“Take it to death!”

Byodoin looked at Chiba with a grin, his eyes full of revenge, it seemed that he was not only small, but he became more and more pounded.

And Chiba’s environment is slowly blurring, the voices of the people around him gradually become smaller, and the scenes beside him are becoming more and more illusory.

In the end, the whole person fell into a different dimension.

Away fight!

Came into a completely unfamiliar environment, in this space only he and the skeleton pirate, the surrounding waves were flying, and the environment was also extremely harsh, with heavy rain and thunder and lightning above the head.

It seems that it is already at a complete disadvantage!.

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