Chapter 426 Perfect volley


“Match time out.

As Referee blew his whistle, the entire venue was silent for an instant, with tens of thousands of eyes tightly swaying John Fitzgerald on the field. At this time, the ball he stuck to his stomach slowly fell to the ground.


With a painful groan, Gerald supported his stomach with his right hand and his knee with his right hand, and stood up slightly with difficulty.

“Can you continue?”

At this time referee trot to Gerrard’s side and asked softly to ensure the player’s condition.


Gerrard patted the dust on his body, staring fiercely at Tachibana Jiping.

“The match continues, 15-to-15.”

Referee raised his hand to indicate that the ball was scored by the Japanese team.


At the Japanese team’s audience, Chiba jumped up with excitement. Seeing Tachihira’s performance, he was convinced that this match would definitely be a good match.

Now that the ball is in the hands of the Japanese team, Akuzu twisted his ankle and shook his neck, and stepped back to the service line by two strides.

I saw the tennis ball being thrown in the sky above and forward, and letting the ball fly for a while, behind the ball, Ajutsu suddenly leaned down, and the super fast starting speed drove the whole body, jumping for life, bowed body Stretching out in an instant, his hand whips the ball out like a whip, and the ball is very fast.


But just as the ball crossed the net, it was hit back vigorously by a return blow.


This made Ajujin also a bright spot. The serve played by his own physical strength was unexpectedly returned by the perfect volley. It can be seen that the reaction ability and defend ability of the opponent are of first-class level.

“Idiot, concentrate,

At a moment when Akutsu was surprised, Tachibana Yoshihiro blocked the opponent’s super volley, and the ball flew to the opposite side again.

“Huh! Don’t order me.”

Akutsu said proudly, staring closely at the green tennis ball on the court, how could Akutsu, who has such a strong self-esteem, tolerate Tachibana Yoshihira’s being out of the limelight alone? But the full-strength serve did not even touch the floor. He was beaten back, which made him feel upset.


Curry played the ball back perfectly against Orange Jiping’s return. As Orange Jiping’s return strength was not great, Currys played the ball very comfortably and the ball was smooth.

“call out!


The expressions of the two Australian players were dumbfounded. Curry looked at a black ball mark on the ground next to him. Just now, Ajutsu used Volley to score perfectly.

“That’s an incredible guy.

Akutsu Akira just now was still at the baseline a second ago, but Tachibana Yoshihira did not expect to see this guy move to the net in an instant.

“What a monster.

Gerrard also witnessed this scene, this explosive force is no one.

“They angered a bomb.”

Chiba said lightly that only Ajiujin is a player who is more emotional and more capable.

Now it’s the Japanese team’s turn to serve again, Tachibana Jiping kick-off, and the Lion King struggling to launch a ball, but the effect is not as powerful as the first time. The opponent’s Gerrard seems to have caught some trick, and hit back fiercely. Going back, the resilience of the Australian team is really strong.

“30-30. ”

The speed of the return shot quickly flew past the two of them. The two Australian brothers’ ability to defend is really amazing. In the last second, Gerrard was hit by the Lion King’s ball. Now he can hit back perfectly. For the Japanese team, this will be an uphill tug of war.


The silent court was ignited again by Gerrard’s counterattack score, and the cheers were louder than ever, which once again brought a lot of pressure to the Japanese team.

“Stay steady, Ajutsu.

Glancing at him, Juji said flatly, this serve has exhausted all his strength, and it can be seen that the opponent’s strength is not below him. If you want to win this match, you must calm your mind, so try not to let yourself. Teammates are affected.

“You should worry about yourself.

Ajutsu’s indifferent response, this World Cup match, this time, he is bound to give full play to his strength.

Curry’s crisp platoon sound sent a painless ball over. Faced with this ball, it was true that Ajiuzin was the first to step forward. The terrifying dominance spread across every corner of the court, and the force was sinking vigorously. Of course, Australia is not covered. The agile footsteps and tense rhythm make Ajiujin take advantage of one of his Turnovers.

, Transferred him to the front court, towards the back court is a high ball.

…For flowers…………

“Idiot, you and I are in a bad position.

Tachibana Yoshihira complained to Akutsu. At this time, his mind was already hot. Although the two of them had been trained many times and merged to perform doubles, the guy Akutsu has always been an unstable factor.

But at this time, Yajujin was unknown. He lowered his head and did not watch the death of the ball. He took advantage of his own body’s innate qualities. The ground is parallel. When the ball is about to land, the little hand picks up, the ball flies back steadily, and he falls.

After the ground, I turned a few somersaults on the ground and hit the national fence.


Tachibana Jiping saw this move, and he was a little moved.

The ball that flew to the Australian court was a Lob. This ball fell exactly in front of Gerrard. Of course, this guy will not let go of this good opportunity to smash. He is excited like a three hundred catties fat man. I ran forward two steps hurriedly, leaped for a lifetime, took off, and aimed at the position where Ajutsu should have defended, but because he just saved the ball.

It was too late to defend, so there was no one.


Gerrard’s racquet hit the ball clearly, and his distorted expression can already tell how much power he used to hit the ball.


A crisp sound turned out to be Tachihiro Tachibana repeating the scene where Akutsu just saved the ball.It is almost the same, almost parallel to the ground, supporting the ground with one hand, and the hand holding the racquet hit back, but the incredible thing is that he With a flick of his little wrist, the ball just right across the net mysteriously and landed on the edge of the Australian court net.

“40-30!!! ”

The Japanese team once again cricketed, and the two people on the team knew that it was impossible for them to break the doubles of Akutsu and Tachibana Yoshihira. NS,

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