Chapter 438 Advance to the semi-finals

Now the Japanese team has one goal left from the end of the match, and if they win the next one, the Japanese team will advance!

And now Seiichi Yukimura holding the tennis ball in his hand, suddenly the man’s smile appeared in the eyes of everyone.

“Since it’s over, I’ll give you a big gift.”

Yukimura throws the ball with his arms upright, and an ordinary serve hits the French team’s court straight from the Japanese team’s court. This serve is slowly and slowly, without any power, but at this time Baker and Falier are unexpectedly. Standing motionless, I saw the ball hit the floor and bounced on the fence.


The clear sound of the tennis ball hitting the fence announced the end of the match.

“Beep! The match is over!”

When Referee blew the whistle, suddenly Baker and Falier looked at Referee without understanding.

“How did the whistle sound? Isn’t there another ball?”

Falière looked at the referee in front of him with a grimace, but the referee pointed his hand at the score board, which was already 45-0.


Baker also looked around with a puzzled face, and he had forgotten Chiba’s two serve and a counterattack. It was indeed one goal short of it.

At this time, Yukimura slowly walked towards the field of the 11 French team and said to the ears of these two men.

“Just now your eyes went dark, it was my five sense deprivation.”

After speaking, Yukimura turned around with a smile, and walked to the bench in Japan with Chiba.


Baker fell on his knees on the floor and couldn’t believe anyone could do this. They did have this reaction just now, but they didn’t believe there was such an outrageous thing. In fact, at the moment Yukimura initiated, his own vision, hearing, and touch. , Was completely deprived of such a powerful move, there are still some reservations, watching the two slowly leaving, this time

, He and Falier were convinced that they lost.

“Congratulations to the Japanese team for taking the lead and being the first to be selected to the top four in the country!!!”

As soon as the radio rang, the entire stadium exploded, and there were waves of cheers.

“I like this feeling.”

Chiba said to Yukimura next to him that the cheers after winning the victory were simply terrifying.

“Wow wow wow!!!! That’s great.”

Yukimura and Chiba, who had just walked back to the bench, suddenly rushed forward and hugged the two men. Then, all the players swarmed up.

“What are you doing, you are only in the semi-finals, and you are not winning the championship.”

Chiba was a little uncomfortable being squeezed, but still enjoyed the feeling, and said with a smile.

“You kid, how can you be so powerful, you leaf, you can shine everywhere!”

Mifune kept rubbing Chiba’s hair and said happily, this kind of strength can sweep the opponent in the quarter-finals, I am afraid that the world’s No. 1 country can do it, but the Japanese team is the first to advance. The top four teams are enough to prove how strong this year’s Japanese team is.

“Congratulations to the national team for advancing to the semi-finals, with a score of 3-0, and the second place to advance to the semi-finals.”

Three minutes after the promotion of the Japanese team, the news of the national team de being swept away by the opponent 3-0 was broadcasted on the radio.

“Sure enough, it’s No. 1 in the world.

Chiba said lightly.

At this time, on the field of de country, a sturdy guy twisted his wrist.

“I’m so tired, it’s really a stubborn opponent, and got a goal from me.”

“Satisfied, the Japanese team next door also swept the opponent French team.”

Suddenly a handsome young man said that this young man is the current No.1 of the de national team, hand Kunimitsu, who was the goal of many players when he was in Japan.

It was Spain who advanced to the semi-finals, narrowly beating the rival Russian team Luo.

The last place to advance is… the Swiss team!!!!


Chiba’s eyes were taken aback, and Switzerland’s promotion meant that the US team had lost.

“After all, you can’t be in a duel, Ryoma!”

Looking at the sky, he said with sorrow, Echizen Ryoma, a player who can arouse Chiba’s combative heart.

“Announce the promotion to the top four teams, the Japanese team, the de national team, the Spanish team, and the Swiss team!

The broadcast solemnly and solemnly called out the names of the four teams. When the de national team was read, the cheers were no longer there. It was like a tsunami loud noise. The cheers were like booking a world championship in advance. .

“Schedule tomorrow, each team will send one person to the gymnasium to draw lots and decide to match the opponent.”

When the broadcaster said this, everyone was surprised and their eyes lit up. Unexpectedly, this year is the rule. This is a surprise and a surprise.

After the announcement, everyone was disbanded, and the Japanese team is now back in the hotel to rest.

But when they arrived at the hotel, Mifune summoned everyone back into his room.

“I’m exhausted, don’t let us take a break, what are you in a hurry?”

Chiba complained to Mifune and said that the players who played a match were obviously tired.

“Look at you like this, looking at the state of the players in the country, what do we use to beat others.

Mifune looked at this guy and shook his head helplessly.


Chiba bared his teeth and spoke without thinking.


“Well, there are two things to come here today, first, tomorrow’s draw, Oishi, you go.,

057 Mifune, pointing at Oishi, looked very imposing.

“Huh? Me, why?”

Oishi pointed his finger to his face, not understanding.

“I don’t know, I have already decided anyway.

Mifune is so nonsensical that it makes decisions so casually.


This makes Oishi really speechless.

“The second thing is about the semi-finals.”

Mifune continued.

If we meet Spain, then our places for the final will be booked in advance. We can at least get second. If we are not lucky, we will not be inferior to them when we meet Switzerland. Of course, I want to tell you this. Let you prepare for the worst and be prepared to meet the strongest king-the national team. ”

When Mifune talked about the national team, everyone swallowed. To be honest, if you meet the national team in the semi-finals, it would be a pre-booking of the finals. It must be sparks.

“That’s it, you should go back and think about it. It’s still going to be a match after three days. Don’t loosen up your body, and make sure you are in good condition.

Mifune said lightly.

“Yes, coach!”

Everyone answered in unison.

“The meeting is over!!!”.

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