Chapter 450 headmaster

“I’m full, go out and go around.”

After eating breakfast, Chiba spoke to his parents and went out.

As soon as I walked to the street, I took out my phone, opened the map, and searched for “Seirin High School”.

“It’s so close.”

Chiba followed the navigation of the map and walked towards Seirin High School. After a while, he came to this school.

“Seirin High School School!”

At the entrance of the school, you can see a school card with a black background with these words on it. It looks brand new and brand new. When I look up at the school, there is still a slight smell of paint in the air. There is no doubt about it. This is a new school.

“Hey, what are you doing, this school hasn’t started classes yet.”

Chiba, who wanted to walk inside to take a look, was stopped by a security guard.

“Um… Uncle, I’m here to see Director Huang from the Academic Affairs Office. I have an important matter to discuss with him.”

Chiba with a serious face said to the security guard that this Director Huang was also on Chiba’s mind. Last night, on the admissions website of Chenglin High School, he happened to see a teacher named Huang Jingchen 067, and he was simply called Director Huang.

“That won’t work, what if you are a bad guy, I can’t let you in.

The security guard said stubbornly that he would not let Chiba enter the school.

“To be honest, I am the physical education teacher sent by your school to apply for the job. Your school will start classes in one week. If you are delayed here, it will be bad if you blame it…”

How could Chiba, who is always doing nothing and doing nothing, turn around, make up to the end, use his own body advantage, except for a tender face, this physique can be completely qualified as a physical education teacher.

Hearing the word “blame”, the security guard was also shocked instantly. He was half believing it or not, but now afraid, he opened the door and let him in.

“It’s the physical education teacher. I’m sorry, I’ll take care of you in the future. I’m Lao Zhao.”

The security guard rubbed his hands and his head honestly, looking at this tall and sturdy guy.

“Don’t be out of sight, just call me Mr. Kinoshita.

Chiba said this shamelessly, and then walked into Chengrin High School.

I saw him take a deep breath. The greening of this school is doing well. It just happens to be the season when the cherry blossoms are blooming. Chiba feels the fragrance of the cherry blossoms. If you can really enter this school, Chiba is still very happy. of.

The current Chiba didn’t know how, his eyes became bright in an instant, and he strode straight towards the building with the word “Educational Administration Building”.

“Boom boom boom!!!”

Chiba, who was looking from the east to the west, finally stopped in front of a room with three large characters “Principal’s Room,” on the road, watching the teachers coming and going, because the new school is about to start enrolling students, the teachers here will be one week in advance. Come to work in the school to help recruit students, three days later, Chiba’s volunteers will be notified accordingly.

“Come in!”

A loud voice rang, it sounded full of confidence.

When Chiba sorted out his clothes, he opened the door of the principal’s room with a “crunch”. When the sturdy young man walked in, a young-looking man stared at him tightly.

“You are……”

This man looked like he was in his thirties, but he didn’t expect to be able to sit in the position of principal.

“Hello, I am actually a fresh graduate who has filled in your school.”

Kinoshita Chiba’s words, since they are all in front of the principal, there are no more worries, just say it.

“Foul out student? Why did you come into the school? The security won’t let you in.”

The head of the school (bbbj) didn’t look angry when he thought of it, and he didn’t drive the teenager away. Instead, he treated him in a questioning tone, appearing polite.

“I told the security guard that I had come to apply for a physical education teacher, and the security guard let me in.

Chiba told the headmaster of Chengrin High School what happened.

“Hahaha, interesting, looking at your body, you are indeed a material for a physical education teacher.”

Suddenly the man got up from the chair, smiled happily, and walked towards Chiba, let him sit down, and the two sat down at a table.

“Why did you come to school, why did you come here to find me?

This principal is also a sensible person. A freshly graduated student who came to the school where he applied for volunteers to find the principal must have asked him.

“Well… I just came here when I was strolling around. I think this school is very beautiful. As for the principal’s room, I just knocked it out.

At this time, Chiba looked at the whisper in the mouth of the water glass in his hand.

“E? ​​Really? If there is nothing wrong, please go back. If the school wants to transfer, please go around. It closes at 5 o’clock in the afternoon.”

The principal just sat down and heard him say this, he just got up and walked away.

“Principal, I have something.”

At this moment, the teenager sitting on the table finally became unreserved and called out to the principal who was about to walk away.

“Say it.”

The principal sat down again and looked at the young man who was a little tangled in his heart.

“Actually, my high school entrance examination scores are not up to the scores of your school.”

Finally, Chiba truthfully told the principal about the situation.

“Then we won’t be able to go to our school, we still have to strictly follow the rules of the Education Bureau.”

This handsome middle-aged man suddenly became serious when he talked about grades. Chiba looked like this, and he looked hopeless.

“I know, I just came to see this school.”

Kinoshita Chiba with downcast eyes looked at the man and said these words, then stood up and walked out of the door.

“I’m sorry to bother you.

Just as Chiba was about to leave, he inadvertently touched the name tag on the principal’s desk, the principal of Seirin High School: Xiao Hua.

“Wait, boy, what’s your name?”

Just before the door was about to close, a sound came from the other side of the door.

“Kinoshita Chiba!

This sound drifted away with the sound of the door closing of the principal’s room and disappeared into the air.

“Kinoshita Chiba, it’s a familiar name.

Xiao Hua touched his chin and said lightly. .

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