Chapter 453 Freshman Conference!

Time is like an arrow, and a month has passed quickly. These days, this guy Chiba has not gone out to exercise. He either lay on the sofa and watched TV or picked up the phone to play the game, and played the game in front of the computer, completely changed. It has become a dead man, without the feeling of a sports master at all.

“Wow, school has finally started!!””

Chiba who got up early yelled vigorously. It’s six o’clock in the morning. Last night, he adjusted a seven o’clock alarm clock enthusiastically. On, this guy was so excited that his eyes didn’t close at all from the moment he was lying on the bed, like a person who was going to spring out the night before

The same as the primary school students.


Walking to the bathroom, Chiba was about to brush his teeth and wash his face. When he saw himself in front of the mirror, he was shocked. Because he hadn’t rested well last night, his eyes were fierce and terrifying.

“Forget it, don’t care.

There is no way. Today is the beginning of school. Getting up early is a small principle Chiba has set for himself.

11 After washing, Chiba walked to the front of the closet and took out a set of clothes from Chengrin High School that had been delivered by courier a few days ago. This piece of clothes has been washed by him, and it has also been ironed neatly. It is to greet a sacred day for him.

This handsome boy neatly put on school uniform pants and a shirt with “City Rin” printed on his chest, and finally tied his tie tightly. This kind of sunny and handsome feeling, with this value, is enough to kill a large piece of small in a flash. Fresh meat fascinates a lot of fans.

“I’m going out.”

Chiba, who had just finished breakfast, said hello, opened the door and walked out.

“Walk slowly on the road.”

Mei and Kinoshita Chiki also responded.

On the way to Seirin High School, Chiba felt for the first time that he was born in Kanagawa Prefecture so happy.

“La la la…”

He was happily humming a little song, blowing a whistle, putting his hands behind his forehead, and jumping on the road.It is only a little over 7 o’clock, and there are still 30 minutes before the report, but there are already a lot of things that appear on the road like Chiba wears. It seems that Chiba is not too early for the uniformed Chengrin High School students.


There was a girl’s shout. It turned out that at the corner, a girl in the same uniform as Chiba hit Kinoshita Chiba’s body with one head, and sat down on the floor. The bottom of the skirt disappeared in an instant.


Feeling that he had hit something, Chiba turned his head and saw something that shouldn’t be seen, and immediately turned his head around. The girl also blushed with her cheeks, so she hurriedly covered her hand and stood up quickly.

“I said you, it’s dangerous to walk without looking at the road.

Still in a good mood, Chiba said to the girl.

“What’s inexplicable? It’s you suddenly appearing, and I didn’t say anything when I was knocked down. Why do you take the word first?’

The girl retorted Chiba in an instant, and it seemed that she was not very annoying, but her eyes kept looking up and down Chiba’s body.

“Are you a professional athlete?”

At this time, the girl’s eyes were about to emit light, and Chiba’s body looked left and right, and she even squeezed it twice.

“There is something wrong.

Seeing that this person moved her body, Chiba shook her hand off, and moved on towards the school without looking back.

“Ding Ding Ding…”

Chiba, who had just arrived at the gate of the school, suddenly the school bell rang.

“Damn, if it weren’t for the bad luck…”

Hearing the bell, Chiba stepped forward immediately. There was no one at the school gate now, only a teenager in uniform was running fast.


With a sound of opening the door, a teenager sneaked in from the back of the school auditorium with a schoolbag on his back. Now the freshman meeting has begun, and the principal is also standing on the podium to speak. At this time, Chiba also found one casually. The seat casually sat down.

“This year’s Shing Rin High School decided to vigorously promote sports competition. Below, I have Kinoshita Chiba, a representative of the freshmen, to speak on stage.”

Chiba was relieved just after sitting down, a speech made his whole body a feather, mainly because Principal Xiao Hua also pointed his palm to the position of the seat he had made, and in a flash, all the thousands of newborn eyes moved to the position. Chiba’s body.

“What is this called…”

Chiba thought to himself that under the pressure of thousands of eyes, he slowly stood up. This President Xiao Hua had not discussed with himself at the freshman meeting, so he let himself go up and speak, which caused him a headache.


With a burst of warm applause, Chiba stepped onto the stage step by step, and came to the front of the microphone. When he came on stage, he gave Xiao Hua a special glance. , Just talk about something at will.

“thank you all.”

As soon as Chiba spoke, he let the magnetic voice quiet the whole venue for an instant. With his handsome face, many female freshmen were fascinated by this young man at first sight.

“First of all, I am very grateful to be able to start enrolling in Chenglin High School on this beautiful day today. It is my honour for President Xiao Hua to let me go on stage,…”

Fortunately, this guy Chiba doesn’t listen to lectures less often, and the polite words are directly that the leaders sitting on the podium nodded.

“As Principal Xiao Hua said, Chengrin High School should pay attention to the cultivation of sports competition. I once won the championship for the Japanese team in the U17 Tennis Cup. I know that competitive sports can bring benefits to a person’s physical and mental health. Therefore, I hope that everyone can actively participate in various clubs, especially sports clubs.

Power, let our Seirin’s name resound throughout the country!!!”

Chiba, who has a hot mind, doesn’t care about anything. He can only take out his bottom of the box and bring out his achievements to show off, because he feels that this is the way he can hold the ground. .

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