Chapter 458 Official start of school

This action is unavoidable now. Chiba hugged the female classmate tightly, covered her head with her wide hands, leaned back, and let her body fall to the floor.


After falling to the ground, Chiba was crushed by the female classmate, and his back fell heavily to the floor, making a dull cry.

“Are you OK!!”

The female classmate quickly got up from Chiba’s body and looked at him with concern.

“It’s okay, I’m leaving.”

Chiba, who also stood up quickly, responded quickly, and walked out of the classroom in a blink of an eye, leaving the female classmate alone in the classroom.

“Wow, it hurts a bit.”

Chiba, who had just walked down the stairs, held his waist and said that when Chiba fell down just now, he actually hit the corner of the table. With the weight of the girl, it was quite serious.

“The first day of school was a bit bad.

Chiba, leaning on his waist, walked towards the gate 11, and a familiar face appeared in front of him.

“Eh, you guy, aren’t you a physical education teacher? I’m wearing a school uniform.

Zhao, who was on duty at the door, saw Chiba walking over with his waist, and said in surprise.

“Lao Zhao, I am a student, not a teacher…”

Seeing Lao Zhao, Chiba had nothing to hide, and walked out of the school step by step.


Looking at the back of Chiba leaving, Zhao’s heart was in chaos.

“I am back!’

After returning home, Chiba greeted him and went back to his room. He took off his coat and rushed into the bathroom. Sure enough, what he had just dropped was a large part of his back. Bruise.


Chiba couldn’t help but yelled at this place. It was really his own sin. It was okay to sleep in the classroom without knowing what to do. It was very uncomfortable when he fell. He was just about to join the Basketball team. This injury must affect him. Various states of your body.

“no solution anymore!”

Chiba, who walked to the desk, pulled out the drawer and found a piece of musk sticker after digging through the cabinets. It was pasted according to the injured spot, but hoped that it would not have too much influence on the basketball team’s activities.

Chiba walked downstairs slowly, and his movements were not so clean.

“what happened?”

Chiki saw that Chiba’s movements were not normal, and asked with concern.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, eat.”

Chiba responded with a smiling face and said that Chiba, who had hurriedly finished eating, returned to the room and lay down, reducing his activities, hoping to relieve his injury a little.

However, while lying on the bed, he also fell asleep without knowing it.

Chiba jumped up early the next morning and jumped a few times in the room.

“Hahaha, I really admire my resilience.”

After a sleep, the pain in his waist disappeared instantly, Chiba tore off the musk tape on his waist, which left a little bruise.

“Go to school!!”

After washing and changing clothes, Chiba, with a loaf of bread in his mouth, bounced out of the house and headed for the school. Today is the official class and the official club activities. From Chiba’s expression, you can. Look out, look forward to a good day today.

“Hum hum……”

At this time, Chiba hummed a little tune again and started to jump on the road again. However, the history is always surprisingly similar, but a little different.


There was a loud noise. It was still at the corner. Chiba was hit on the ground in an instant, and the bread in his mouth fell to the floor.

“My bread…”

Seeing his bread fall on the floor, he looked to the other side fiercely, and a familiar face appeared in his sight.


Kagami Taiga also looked over at the same time, and the two of them stared fiercely for a while, then patted their butts and stood up.

“Sorry, I knocked you down.”

Chiba, with his hands on his chest, spoke arrogantly to the big redhead.

“To each other!”

Kagami Taiga’s head turned, which was also Tsundere’s response. The two of them didn’t take a second look, and walked towards the school in two different directions, looking like a group of small enemies.

“Don’t get in the way!”

In front of the classroom in Class 3 of Grade One, Chiba and he wanted to walk into the classroom at the same time. Unexpectedly, Kagami Taiga yelled at Chiba.

“Why don’t you stand in the way.”

Chiba’s unwilling response Kagami said, and the two of them were facing their foreheads, looking like they were about to go to work. Suddenly a gust of wind blew them, making them feel a bit of cold.


Chiba exclaimed and quickly rushed into the classroom. He arrived early, and found a place by the window to sit down, but Kagami Taiga also found a place by the window.

“Go away.”

Suddenly Chiba said to Kagami Taiga who was sitting in front of him, with a reluctant expression.


070 Now Kagami is the only one left looking at the window, otherwise he won’t sit behind this guy. I don’t know why, Kagami Taiga is so angry when he sees this guy, it makes him want to beat him. Human impulsively, the class bell rang soon, and Kagami did not continue to argue with Chiba.

“Hello everyone, everyone, I am the head teacher of your high school for the past three years, my name is Huang Zhuxian, you can call me Lao Huang.

Suddenly a bald brother came in from the classroom door and said lightly, the light reflective head is really funny.

“Then all the students will introduce themselves, and then they will be choosing class members.”

Old Huang said lightly, which made the students boo a lot.

“Hello everyone, my name is Lin Xiaoyao. I want to take up the position of monitor and share a little work for the teachers. I hope everyone can support me.

A girl rushed to the podium and started her own speech, which also made Chiba’s eyes brightened. Isn’t this the girl who woke herself up yesterday? She wants to run for class monitor, she has ambitions.

“Okay, good point!!

After Lao Huang held out Lin Xiaoyao’s self-introduction and responsibility, he stretched out his palm and clapped his hands to encourage him.

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