Chapter 496 Team Basketball


Looking at the two people behind him on his shoulders, Chiba laughed. They are both first-year students. The passion of these two people is much higher than that of him. Of course, he can’t be casual.

“There are only three minutes left, Kise, you should calm down.”

At this time on Kaijō’s bench, the coach Daben said to Kise that he would never think that he would fight Seirin like this. It was all because of Seirin’s first-year freshmen, Kagami Taiga, Tetsuya Kuroko Tetsuya, and that No. 2 Kinoshita Chiba, the key point is that Kinoshita Chiba’s strength is above Kise. It can be seen from a few balls. Big Ben is also a sensible person.

In this way, Kise will only slow down the rhythm of the team and make the atmosphere of Kaijō worse. You can only replace Kise. Although this is almost a loss, don’t let the team create a discordant atmosphere. After all, the match is coming. It was originally planned that this match was a practice match to be adjusted before the match. If the team members are in a disagreement, it will not be worth the loss.

“You really cheer me up.”

Sure enough, only Kasamatsu dared to hit Kise. He grabbed his fist and hit the yellow head and hammered it down. It didn’t have any strength at all. The hit Kise directly covered his head with his hands and shed two tears.

“What are you doing, it’s so painful.”

Looking at Kasamatsu, Kise looked dissatisfied and wronged. After learning how to play Basketball, he was beaten so badly for the first time. Now Kise is extremely sad.

“Look at you like that, it’s just like being scored a few goals, how can you play together afterwards? ~”

The bitter-hearted Kasamatsu said to Kise that this also enlightened Kise.It is true that he was too arrogant and did not worry about the feelings of his teammates, but the current teammates are also very gentle towards Kise. They are also powerful players. Why don’t they? Believe them-?

“Coach, continue to let me play, please!

Suddenly, with a “plop”, the entire stadium’s attention shifted to Kise’s body. At this time, he knelt down in front of the coach, and everyone across Seirin looked at this guy.


At this time, all the Kaijō players looked at Kise’s move, begging the coach, looking at them like this, what can I say, once the mutual trust between the players is established, it can’t be taken apart. Yeah.

“Forget it, get up, I won’t substitute.

Daben turned around and said, but there was a satisfied smile on his face. Hearing what Daben said, everyone laughed happily.

“Thank you Big Ben!!”

Everyone in Kaijō smiled unanimously and stepped onto the court together, while Seirin’s people also came on the court.

“It looks like it won’t be easy next.”

The atmosphere overflowing from the opposite side made Hyuga understand that the next three minutes must be very long, and Kise’s attitude is obviously different from just now.

“The match continues!”

The whistle sounded and the time out ended. Kaijō continued to match the serve. After Kise, who served on the sideline, passed the ball to Kasamatsu, he faintly ran to the front court and got stuck by Kagami’s side.

Kasamatsu, who dribble to the front court, faced Chiba’s defend and transferred the ball without hesitation. Seeing Chiba’s performance before, Kasamatsu knew that he could not defend against the monster in front of him.

“Pass? Really a wise point guard.

Reiko on the sidelines saw Kasamatsu split the ball immediately and had to praise his wit.

At this time, Basketball was given to Moriyama on the outside line, but Kasamatsu did not relax and began to run. Moriyama who got the ball was also put under a lot of pressure by Hyuga and immediately passed the ball to the small inside. Die, Seirin’s Mito Department is not to be outdone, but Xiao Die’s physical fitness is a lot stronger than that of Mito Department.

The basket, facing the defense of the Mito Department, threw Basketball against the Mito Department.

“Beep! defend flagrant foul!”

This ball caused the defend flagrant foul of the Mito Department. Basketball made a few laps on the rim and landed firmly into the net.

“Two points are counted, and one more free throw!!!”

When referee said two points, Xiao Di clenched his fists and screamed at the sky, and the team members all came over and gave him high fives.

…For flowers…………

“It’s really choking, I hit two plus one as soon as I came back from time out.”

Following the freethrow hit, Chiba said lightly.It seems that Kaijō will not force the ball to Kise now, but will start to focus on playing cooperation. This is very troublesome. After all, Chiba also knows Seirin’s center and Tetsuya Kuroko. The point is to defend the loophole, it is easy to be blown up.


Chiba, who was thinking while dribble, looked at the front. Although he was scored, he still couldn’t control Chiba’s mood, knowing that Chiba knew that he still had the advantage on the offensive end.

Now Kasamatsu, who is standing in front of the three-point line, looked nervously at Chiba’s dribble. Chiba is already an ultra-high-speed dribble that is merciless. Fortunately, Kasamatsu’s reaction is still very fast, and he does not fail to keep up with Chiba’s dribble. , But the footsteps really can’t keep up. Chiba doesn’t need many complicated movements.

Stride directly from Kasamatsu’s side.


“Don’t worry, we are here!”

Hayakawa ran out and said, ready to re-defense Chiba, but a person came in silently from the center line, that light blue hair, in the crowd, no one would always look at him, but he has been In Chiba’s sight, because in Chiba’s heart, he is the core of the entire team.

Chiba held the ball in both hands, in a urinal posture, and threw the Basketball to the side.The white hands threw the ball to the sky in an instant, and Tetsuya Kuroko threw the ball directly to the side of the basket. , A red-haired boy with a heavy step on the side, slammed into the ball with a defender.


Kagami roared wildly, took off directly, held the Basketball tightly with one hand, and flew in delay.

“Don’t think about it!”

Huang Set seems to have awakened, facing Tetsuya Kuroko and Kagami’s alley-oop, this three-point connection from Seirin, Kise leaped high, without the pressure of just playing, and straightened his right hand from Kagami’s The side put Kagami’s racquet on the backboard. NS,

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