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    "In your eyes, I am just a tool. If you make enough money for you, you have to kick me off. Of course, I don't care, but you have to let me marry Zhu Family. I am absolutely Will not agree."

    This tone, Lin Yunqian has been married for three years, today, finally broke out.

    With a bit of ridicule on his face, Lin Yunqian smiled very sadly. After all, this is a oneself family, faintly looking at Lin Tianhao in front, Lin Yunqian is very sad.

    Lin Yunqian said this, Lin Tianhao's face is not very good-looking, the entire Lin Family's expression is not happy, this is their pain.

    "You are a Lin Family person and you should make a sacrifice for Lin Family."

    In the end, Lin Tianhao looked at Lin Yunqian coldly and then stared at Duan Yun: "I don't care who you are. Now, please leave Lin Family right away."

    "Sorry, my job is to protect the safety of my employer. I am now a bodyguard of Miss Lin, so I will not agree to your request."

    Lin Family people like Lin Yunqian and Duan Yun did not like them very much. They faintly pointed to Lin Tianhao and ignored Lin Tianhao.

    "Miss Lin, you don't want to marry us at Zhu Family, but you don't have to find someone to hurt our Zhu Family."

    Lin Yunqian struggled with her father. The people of Zhu Family were always watching. Now Duan Yun spoke, and the people of Zhu Family ran out to pressure.

    "You are talking about the waste called Zhu Chen?"

    At this time, Duan Yun only stood up and kept Lin Yunqian behind him. These people couldn't take oneself anymore. Duan Yun looked at the representative of Zhu Family in front of him with a sneer.

    "What are you dare to say my son like this?"

    When Duan Yun spoke, the person opposite Zhu Family was furious and looked at Duan Yun with a cold eye.

    "The original waste is your son, then you are Zhu Family now Patriarch Zhu Chengyun"

    Looking at the middle-aged people who are blessed in front, Duan Yun has some doubts, Zhu Chen is not the Zhu Chengyun personally, Zhu Chenyun is grotesque, Zhu Chen is like the pretty boy, this genetics does not match.

    “Who exactly are you ”

    Zhu Chengyun is not a fool. Duan Yun knows his identity and must be an insider.

    "I don't have to tell you who I am, but now it is Lin Family oneself who handles family affairs. Why do you run out of this bird?"


    By Duan Yun's words, he almost vomited blood, Zhu Chengyun looked at Duan Yun coldly: "Boy, you are looking for death"

    "Haha, it depends on you."

    Duan Yun sneered, then looked at Zhu Chengyun with a playful look: "My son and I are all in hospital. If you want to, I don't mind sending you to the hospital for a few days."

    For the people of Zhu Family, Duan Yun is really unhappy. These people are a little threatening to threaten people everywhere. To die oneself, a little Zhu Family is not enough.

    "I don't look down on you. I want more people who want me to die. I don't stand here today. You are like your son. Just a waste, less scare me here, you have to do it, you are bring it on."

    Zhu Family is really powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but in front of Duan Yun, nothing is as long as Duan Yun is happy, just move his fingers and you can easily destroy Zhu Family.

    "Young people, don't talk too arrogantly, here is Lin Family."

    Duan Yun is so arrogant, Lin Tianhao on the side can't stand it anymore, watching Duan Yun coldly.

    "Thank you for reminding me, but I am used to it, and it is the same everywhere."

    Duan Yun can not buy Lin Tianhao's account, Zhu Chengyun oneself are all stunned, but also afraid of a Lin Tianhao, if he is not Lin Yunqian's father, Duan Yun I am afraid I have already rushed to open.

    "Come, come and kill me."

    Being shut up by Duan Yun, Lin Tianhao instantly felt his face blank, shouting outside the door, and immediately rushed into the guards of four or five Lin Family.

    The four guards are all Sixth Order expert, which is not bad. At this time, Duan Yun is coldly screaming: "Please."

    "I want you to throw him out, not to go out."

    Four bodyguards looked at Duan Yun, Lin Tianhao was on fire, and roared.

    Suddenly the four guards did not hesitate. Before a flash, they went straight to catch Duan Yun's arm.


    The guardian had just stretched out, suddenly a flower in front of him, feeling a pain in his arm, and hurriedly backed a few steps, and in front, Duan Yun looked at them with a faint smile.

    The four guards suddenly looked shocked. This is definitely an expert. Duan Yun didn't even see how they shot. The four people were careful.


    A guard screamed and slammed forward, and a sharp punch slammed out of Duan Yun's chest. The other companion next to him was not full of movements. At the same time, the body jumped and one leg went to Duan Yun.

    Duan Yun’s face is full of smiles, his body is not moving, and the opponent’s attack distance is less than the body.

    At ten centimeters, Duan Yun stretched out his hands, holding one hand's fist in one hand and the other hand's calf in one hand.

    Suddenly the guards of the two Lin Family felt that oneself was caught by a big pliers and could not move at all.


    Looking at the two people who were shocked, Duan Yun sneered, kicking his right foot, kicking his feet on the chest of two people, and the two Lin Family guards were kicked out of the villa hall by Duan Yun.

    Solved two opponents, Duan Yun slammed out and cheated like a cheetah. When the remaining two Lin Family guards had not had time to show, Duan Yun slammed into the chest of the two, the rest Two people were also thrown out of the hall by Duan Yun.

    Gently patted his hands, Duan Yun sneered at Lin Tianhao: "I have a principle. I want to go there, no one can stop it. If I don't want to leave, no one can move. If you don't believe it, You can call out your family's guards and see if you can move me."


    Lin Tianhao's face was gloomy. He didn't expect the family's guards to be thrown out by Duan Yun. So, Duan Yun is not only an ordinary person, but also an expert.

    "Do you really think that I don't dare to move you."

    In the end, Lin Tianhao sighed coldly. He was the Patriarch of Lin Family after all. If Duan Yun couldn't clean it up, how would he manage Lin Family in the future, not to mention the face of the Zhu Family.

    "Enough, Dad."

    Lin Tianhao is going to be a person, Lin Yunqian took a cold drink and then looked at Lin Tianhao: "I came here today, I didn't plan to eat with you, and I didn't plan to stay more. I just said a few words and announced one. Something, I will leave when I finish."

    "Now I am announcing that I am not a President of the Lin Group. The Yunqian Group will not be affiliated with Lin Group from now on. I will leave the Lin Group and have nothing to do with Lin Family."

    After a word, Lin Yunqian's expression is very complicated. It can be said that her heart is very painful. These are the family of oneself. In this way, everyone is willing.

    However, the actions of Lin Family have been completely disheartened by Lin Yunqian. If Duan Yun does not appear, she may recognize it, but the appearance of Duan Yun gave her the courage to resist, and Duan Yun promised tonight. She will come to make such a choice.

    "Lin Yunqian, you know what you are saying"

    Lin Yunqian When the words came out, the people opposite Lin Family were stunned. Lin Yunqian never showed such a tough attitude. Today, he is just out of Lin Family.

    Lin Tianhao looked at Lin Yunqian with a gloomy face, and his face was dumbass.

    "Dad, I have already decided. In the past three years, I have made a lot of money for Lin Family, and I have repaid you. As for the Yunqian Group, that is my oneself company, so I have to take it away."

    I have decided to turn my face with Lin Family, and Lin Yunqian doesn't need to keep anything.

    "Lin Yunqian, you are a Lin Family person, you say this, you don't even think about it."

    Lin Yunqian's attitude was so determined, Lin Tianhao's face also cooled down, and screamed at Lin Yunqian coldly.

    "I will open a press conference tomorrow to announce this incident. As for you, I can wait and see. Now I am not a Lin Family person. Please take care of yourself."

    Lin Yunqian feels a little collapsed. This decision has been struggling for a long time in her heart. Now she feels that oneself is really tired and just wants to take a good rest.

    "Lin Yunqian, you live and die with Lin Family, death is the ghost of my Lin Family, Lin Family has nurtured you, so you have to make sacrifices for Lin Family, this is your life, you can't change, I am giving now You have a chance, don't force me to use force to force it."

    Lin Tianhao is, after all, Lin Family's Patriarch. If Lin Yunqian is gone, he can't explain it to Lin Family.

    If Lin Yunqian really walked out of Lin Family like this, then Zhu Family didn't recover well. For Lin Family, it was a huge loss, so today Lin Tianhao can't let Lin Yunqian leave anyway.

    "Sorry, Miss Lin said, she is not a Lin Family now, so she has to leave, you have no right to leave her."

    Lin Tianhao wants to use force, Duan Yun certainly does not agree, Lin Family These people want to keep him and Lin Yunqian, not yet.

    "What are you doing for me to get out, this is our Lin Family thing."

    At this time, Lin Tianhao was on fire, and Duan Yun ran out to interject, suddenly slammed and yelled at Duan Yun.

    "Miss Lin has said that she is not your Lin Family now, she is my boss, I have to be responsible for her safety."

    Duan Yun looked at Lin Tianhao, and he was very upset. If he was the father of Lin Yunqian, Duan Yun could guarantee that he had already walked and could not walk.

    After Duan Yun said with a cold smile: "I love to be uncomfortable, and I don't like the people who are self-righteous, especially those of you, who say that she is a Lin Family person, but you don't look at your behavior. Are you worthy of this sentence, do you think of her as a Lin Family?"

    "In your eyes, she is just a money-making tool. You are her father. For the sake of a little profit, you have to sacrifice oneself's daughter. You are a father. You have no conscience. Is it that you are so old? Got to the dog?"


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