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    Duan Yun After a few words, Fang Zheng's body began to tremble, his hands licking oneself's head for the next time, he was struggling and looked very painful.

    However, Duan Yun did not manage these, but continued to whisper: "Fang Zheng, do you want to be a waste, even murder, don't dare, how do you avenge your parents? Now kill your father is here, you are not If you dare not, I will help you kill, and later you will be your big Young Master."

    In the tone with a bit of irony, Duan Yun looked at Fang Zheng's look, only hope she could cheer up.


    Finally, Fang Zheng screamed and his eyes became a little red. He picked up the axe on the ground and rushed to the front of Huang Wen. The axe of the dragon smashed straight down.


    Seeing Fang Zheng's axe down, Huang Wen's face was incredible, but he couldn't move at all. He just took Duan Yun's hand and gave him a complete urban combat.


    The blood splashed, and Huang Wen was screamed by Fang Zheng with an axe on his chest.

    However, Fang Zheng is not an Ancient Martial Artist after all. An axe did not kill him. Fang Zheng’s axe was ruthlessly cut down, an axe, two axes, three axes.

    Fang Zheng at the moment completely forgot who oneself is. In his mind, only hatred, knowing that blood is flowing over the ground, Huang Wen is almost divided, and Fang Zheng stops, his face is bloodthirsty, and his face is firm. Looking at Duan Yun: "Boss, I am not a coward, not a waste, I want to become stronger."

    Looking at Fang Zheng's appearance, Duan Yun couldn't bear it. This would completely change the life of Fang Zheng, but this is the choice of Fang Zheng, and Duan Yun supports him.

    "Okay, I believe in you."

    Duan Yun agreed coldly, the reporter looked at other people: "Remember, you are nothing now, you want to deal with the Eastern Sea Pavilion, you are far from enough, only you become as strong as I am, even more than I am still strong enough to deal with the Eastern Sea Pavilion, understand?"


    After Duan Yun finished, a group of Ancient Martial Artists around Fang Zheng replied in unison, and the momentum was quite loud.

    "Now, after you have dealt with the things at hand, there are still three days. If you still have something to worry about, you can handle it. Three days later, your old master will be buried. You will go to a place like hell until you become Strong, you can come back, otherwise you will only become a dead person."

    Duan Yun said, facing Fang Zheng: "Let's go back first."

    A group of people got on the bus and Duan Yun called Murong Qing.

    "How are things solved?"

    When the phone was connected, there was some concern about Murong Qing.

    "Well, things are solved. You bring people over to deal with it. If you fake the scene, you will make a dispute between the people of Ancient Martial Court and the Eastern Sea Pavilion, and create a contradiction for them. I believe that you can do it. ”

    Answering Murong Qing, Duan Yun's face is a bit complicated.

    "Okay, give it to me, what are you going to do next?"

    Murong Qing promised one, then he took care of it.

    "I will talk about this later. I will deal with the matter of Fang Tianxia first. You will pay attention to the situation of Jinyun City. If there is any force to enter, tell me about it."

    The two said a few more words, this is the phone call, there is Murong Qing to deal with it, Duan Yun does not worry about anything, after all, Murong Qing's efficiency is not worse than Tang Feng.

    Back to Fang Family, Duan Yun did not go back, but lived in Fang Family, and spent three days devotion to Fang Tianxia for funeral affairs. In these matters, Duan Yun must stay with me, Fang Tianxia is gone, Jiuyuan Group Some shareholders may be willing to move some hands and feet.

    Before going out to kill Huang Wen, Duan Yun asked Murong Qing to help oneself check the situation of Jiuyuan Group. Jiuyuan Group has three major shareholders, and the major shareholder of Hell is naturally Fang Tianxia. The other two shareholders are not small and ambitious.

    If Fang Zheng takes over now, they will definitely shoot. After all, Fang Zheng is a second generation, and the word of mouth is not very good. If Jiuyuan Group handed over to Fang Zheng, the Jiuyuan Group will definitely be finished.

    These things must be handled by Duan Yun.

    Fang Tianxia Bar Fang Zheng and Jiuyuan Group handed over oneself, and Duan Yun couldn't let it be so ruined. Anyone who wants to work with Jiuyuan Group, Duan Yun will be the first to disagree.

    Early the next morning, Fang Zheng wanted to announce the news of Fang Tianxia's death. Of course, the reason for his death was not true. Fang Tianxia passed away and caused a lot of turmoil in Jinyun City.

    On the first day, there were many people in Jinyun City who had faces and came to chase.

    Fang Family In Jinyun City, there is no relative, because Jiuyuan Group is Fang Tianxia from scratch, to help deal with, but some of the company's veterans.

    On the second day of the funeral, the two major shareholders of Jiuyuan Group finally came to mourn Fang Tianxia, showing some things in a false and false sense. The two shareholders looked at Fang Zheng with a smile: "Little Zheng, your father's business. We are all hurt

    Heart, you have to mourn. Your dad said that he left, he did not explain something to you."

    He is a major shareholder of Jiuyuan Group, named Qi Yang. He is standing next to another shareholder, Yang Da. Both are over half a year old. Duan Yun can see at a glance that these two old bastards are two people. Listening to them, there is no good heart.

    "Uncle Qi, Uncle Yang, I don't want to say anything else. The company's business is still waiting for my father's aftermath."

    Fang Zheng is not a fool. He can also hear the meaning of Qi Yang’s words. He secretly slammed the two men. These two old bastards, even if the funeral of oneself dad has not been finished, they will start to fight. The company's attention has come.

    However, Fang Zheng must pay attention to the etiquette between the elders at this time, so he did not say anything.

    "Little Zheng, we know this, but the company has encountered some problems recently. All of them must be hosted as soon as possible. Otherwise, there may be some trouble in the company."

    After listening to Fang Zheng, Yang Da also said to Fang Zheng.

    "If the two of them are mourning, we should treat each other with courtesy. Mr. Fang mourned these three days, not talking about the company's affairs. I hope that both of you will be heavier."

    The two men came to talk about the company at this time. Duan Yun didn't look down, and said a touch.

    When Duan Yun spoke, the two looked at Duan Yun with a puzzled look. Finally, Yang Da couldn't help but ask: "Who are you?"

    "I am currently hosting the Fang Family, you say who I am"

    Duan Yun didn't like the two people very much, and the tone of the two people talking to oneself made Duan Yun very uncomfortable, so Duan Yun did not intend to give them a good look, a faint answer.

    "What are you dare to say that you are hosting the Fang Family? We are friends with Little Zheng's dad, decades old friends, and we have not said anything about hosting their home. Why do you say this?"

    After listening to Duan Yun's words, Yang Da was not happy. In their opinion, Duan Yun decided to pay the money of Fang Family. Duan Yun suddenly became the eyes of the two.

    Duan Yun sneered: "But why didn't we find out that you are dealing with Director Fang?"

    After Duan Yun said coldly, they looked at the two people: "Now is the second day of Director Fang's death. You keep saying that it is his world, but it seems that you are not coming in the first time. How can I hear that some people are listening to Director? When Fang passed away, he ran to the company and began to wrestle with people."

    "You don't want to talk nonsense, who are you, even talking here."

    After listening to Duan Yun, Yang Da was a little panicked and glared at Duan Yun.

    "His name is Duan Yun, now the head of the Jiuyuan Group and the head of our Fang Family."

    Yang Da talked like this, and Fang Zheng on the other side couldn't stand it anymore, and said coldly.

    "Little Zheng, what do you say?"

    I heard that Fang Zheng said that Yang Da and Qi Yang suddenly looked at Fang Zheng with a shock. This is not a small news. They have known Fang Tianxia for so many years, but I have never heard of Fang Tianxia's good friends.

    Fang Family is also only Fang Tianxia and Fang Zheng. There are no relatives. This suddenly pops up a responsible person. This is enough.

    If the person in charge is really, then they will eat the Fang Family and take the Jiuyuan Group, which is a bit difficult.

    "After waiting for the funeral of Director Fang, I will inform you of the meeting. I will introduce you to yourself once. Now, I have not talked to you yet, but I can remind you that Jiuyuan Group is Fang. Family, anyone who wants to make a bad idea, I will not let him go."

    Duan Yun smiled coldly and then looked at Yang Da: "If the two continue to mourn, we welcome, but if it is for something else, please come back."


    Duan Yun unexpectedly gave them two orders. Yang Da looked at Duan Yun with cold eyes and was angry. He only said one word. The ancient Martial Artists who followed Fang Tianxia glared at them one by one.

    Yang Da didn't dare to speak, these people are no strangers.

    The reason why Jiuyuan Group can have today is that it is inseparable from these people.

    These people are not ordinary people. Many things that Jiuyuan Group can't solve are solved in their area. Fang Tianxia can keep Jiuyuan Group for so long.

    Now these people are standing on the side of Duan Yun, it seems that it is not simple.

    Both of them were human fine, and suddenly they both looked at Duan Yun coldly and left Fang Family.

    Fang Family at the door, Yang Da was full of anger, and said to Qi Fei next to him: "Qi brother, you said that this kid is coming, unfathomable mystery is so cute to see his relationship with Fang Family is not bad, this matter I am afraid there is some trouble."

    "Old Yang, what are you afraid of, who is he? Anyway, the company can't be thrown into the waste of Fang Zheng. We go back to Dora, and Fang Zheng is not aware of the waste management company. When the company is not us two. Human."


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