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    Fang Zheng announced this, the following immediately blasted the pot, what is the situation Fang Zheng actually asked others to take care of the company, and said that this is Fang Tianxia's last wish, then who is this person and then everyone looks at the conference room door, I want to see the true face of this mysterious man.

    Everyone was talking, only Yang Da and Qi Yang Two people a gloomy face, Fang Zheng said this mysterious person, they can both guess, is Duan Yun.


    The door of the conference room was opened again. Two people walked in. No one else was walking in front. It was Duan Yun, followed by a young man with glasses and a briefcase in his hand.

    “This is the future person in charge of Jiuyuan Group, Duan Yun.”

    Fang Zheng looked at Duan Yun who came in, a smile on his face, and introduced it to everyone.

    Duan Yun

    At this moment, everyone is looking at Duan Yun. For Duan Yun, they have never heard of it before. This is the first time I met. Duan Yun is who they don’t understand. Then they look at Fang Zheng. Many people look at it. To Yang Da, there are two people.

    "I introduce myself, my name is Duan Yun. I may want to work with you in the future. I hope everyone can cooperate."

    Duan Yun finished, beside the man with eyes walked forward to put the Briefcase on the table, and then took out a document inside, helped to help oneself glasses: "Hello everyone, my name is predecessor, is Jinyun City supreme law firm lawyer, this is Fang Tianxia Mr. Lin was looking for a will from me a week ago with his signature on it, and you can have a look at it. ”

    After that, the contract was handed over to the senior management of Jiuyuan Group.

    Duan Yun and Fang Zheng didn't talk. The contract said what they had seen. The senior executives of the Jiuyuan Group read the contents of the contract and should understand what to do. They don't need to say anything.

    The buzz continued to ring in the conference room, and the people who did the work looked at the contract and looked at Duan Yun with curiosity.

    In the past, Fang Tianxia did not mention Duan Yun as a person. Now it is suddenly a Duan Yun who said that he took over Jiuyuan Group. This is not a small news.

    “Fang Zheng, the shareholder of this Jiuyuan Group can be more than just your father. We hope that you will think about it for the company, don’t be fooled by the villain, it will ruin the company.”

    Duan Yun came out to take over the Jiuyuan Group, and Yang Da and Qi Yang couldn't sit still, and Yang Da said to Fang Zheng.

    "This is my father's will, but also I mean, and there is a lawyer's verification, so I hope you can comply with my father's wishes, and then we will cooperate and continue to develop Jiuyuan Group." ”

    Fang Zheng ignored Yang Da Two people, these two people in Fang Tianxia still in the time is already ambitious, today naturally also did not have any kindness.

    "Fang Zheng, we advise you not to use your anger. This is your company. You can't mistake the company's future because of your decision."

    Fang Zheng ignored the two people. Qi Yang stood up and sighed. Then, in the conference room, nearly half of the people stood up and met Qi Yang's voice: "Director Fang, please consider carefully."

    "Hey, it seems that Director Qi and Director Yang have a good foundation."

    There are so many people supporting two people, and Duan Yun is not surprised. Anyway, the two men are not so embarrassed to accept oneself today, and Duan Yun smiles faintly.

    "Hey, Duan Yun, this is the thing of our Jiuyuan Group. Now we are in a meeting. Please come out immediately, otherwise I don't mind letting the security guard blow you out."

    There were so many people supporting them, and Qi Yang was full of enthusiasm. Yang Da looked at Duan Yun coldly and sighed with a tone of command.

    "You can try"

    Duan Yun replied faintly, and then said: "I will be responsible for the Jiuyuan Group in the future. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can find me."

    "Security guard, give this person a shot."

    After Duan Yun’s words were finished, Yang Da was suddenly on fire. He shouted loudly at the outside of the conference room. In time, the conference room rushed in seven or eight security guards, all of which were ready.

    Seven or eight security guards rushed in and ran to the front of Duan Yun, looking like fiends, waving the batons in their hands.

    "I advise you not to do it. I am now the Chairman of the Jiuyuan Group."

    Looking at a group of security guards rushing in, Duan Yun did not pay attention to it. If you can let these few melons and smashed dates, then oneself can live without it.

    "Don't listen to him nonsense and drive him out."

    Yang Da saw a few security guards hesitating, and suddenly snorted again.

    This time several security guards did not hesitate, two people security guard will reach out to grab Duan Yun's shoulder.


    Two crisp cracks in the bones, the security guards of the two shots screamed, then screamed twice and flew directly out of the conference room.


    Everyone was dumbfounded, and two big-eyed men were doing a hand to Duan Yun, and even unfathomable mystery was thrown out.

    "Who can I see?"

    Duan Yun threw out two security guards, and rushed in and out of the door to get seven or eight people in black.

    The leader of the Fang Family, Fang Wu, looked at a group of security guards coldly: "From today on, you are fired, there is nothing for you here, get out."

    A group of security guards suddenly looked dumbfounded. They looked at Fang Wu and others with a puzzled look. Finally, they looked at Yang Da and Qi Fei with helplessness. They were all told by these two people, but now Fang Wu When people come out, they can't make it.

    Jiuyuan Group can only hold in the hands of Fang Tianxia, mainly because Fang Tianxia has a group of capable people, just Fang Wu and others.

    Fang Wu is the head of the security guard team. It can be said that the entire security guard system is responsible for Fang Wu, and they are letting them go, and their job is finished.

    "Don't listen to them."

    When Yang Wu and others ran in, Yang Da was a little panicked.

    "Why, do you both want to rebel?"

    Fang Wu looked at the two people with a cold eye, said coldly, then shouted to the several copper plates around him: "Throw them out."

    "pā pā pā ”

    Fang Wu finished speaking, and there was a very rhythmic applause at the door of the conference room. Then a group of people walked into the conference room and took the lead, not others. It was yesterday that Duan Yun threw out Fang Family. Yang Shaoling.

    “It seems that today’s Jiuyuan Group is very lively.”

    Yang Shaoling walked in with more than a dozen people and smiled and walked to the side of Yang Da. He smiled slightly and said, "I am with Mr. Qi and Mr. Yang is a friend, so come and join in today. ”

    Yang Shaoling finished, he brought a group of bodyguards to look at Fang Wu and others, and suddenly Fang Wu and others did not dare to do it. After all, these people brought by Yang Shaoling were not able to deal with them.

    "Yang Shaoling, it seems that the lesson given to you yesterday is not enough."

    Yang Shaoling appeared at this time, obviously it was to support Yang Da, and Duan Yun said coldly.

    "Hey, Duan Yun, this game, I see how you win."

    Yang Shaoling coldly snorted, with a bit of resentment in his eyes, was thrown out of Fang Family by Duan Yun yesterday. He was a fire. If he was not in front of so many people, he must call them Yang Family's guards. Duan Yun.

    Listening to the guard said that Duan Yun's strength is not normal. Yesterday, I also specially checked the information of Duan Yun, but I didn't find anything. I can play a little. Yang Shaoling knows that today Fang Zheng wants to recruit the board and bring people directly. .

    "Yang Shaoling, do you think these people can stop me?"

    Looking at the arrogant Yang Shaoling, Duan Yun said coldly.

    "You can try, I tell you, I am right with me, there is no good end, although you can play a little, but we Yang Family is a lot more than you can play, you are a grasshopper, I thought I could learn for two years. Is it invincible in the world?"

    Yang Family has always been low-key, but the strength of Yang Family can't be underestimated. Yang Shaoling really didn't put Duan Yun in his eyes.

    "Haha, Yang Shaoling, although I can't be invincible, but it's more than enough to clean up, how, you Yang Family wants to manage the Jiuyuan Group."

    Yang Shaoling is now ignorant of life, and Duan Yun is too lazy to say some warnings. Duan Yun wants to give her a profound lesson today.

    "You can all become the Chairman of the Jiuyuan Group. Why can't I handle this? I tell you, I really have to manage this, how can you?"

    Yang Shaoling did not show a weak attitude today, watching Duan Yun coldly.

    "Good, I hope you don't regret it."

    Duan Yun sneered, sighing a smile at the corner of his mouth, then turned to look at Yang Da: "You two want to be independent."

    Yang da and Qi Yang Two people listened to Duan Yun's words, looked at, Yang da Cold voice said: "Hum, you an outsider also want to control Jiuyuan Group things, I tell you, I first disagree, who knows where you get a bullshit contract and a bullshit lawyer, These things can not be hidden from everyone to fight, Director Fang's will in our here, we may look at it. ”

    After Yang Da finished, the person who handed out a contract to the Jiuyuan Group looked like.

    The people of Jiuyuan Group are now confused about what is going on, but those who support Yang Da immediately took the contract and looked at it.

    For almost ten minutes, everyone looked at the contract.

    In addition to those who supported Yang Da, others were dissatisfied. In the end, a woman in her twenties stood up: "Director Yang, Director Qi, although I am the Manager of the Personnel Department, but this is yours. Will the contract be too exaggerated?"

    "Manager Yan, what do you mean?"

    The woman said this, Yang Da in front of the cold replied, looking at the woman with a displeased face.

    "Jiuyuan Group now has at least 18 billion assets. Fang Family is the largest shareholder. It has at least 11 billion shares. The contract you issued said that Director Fang sold you two billion yuan. You Don't you explain it to everyone?"


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