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    Back home, it is almost nine o'clock. Li Shu and Li Yue'e and Little Jasmine are watching TV at home. When Duan Yun comes back, the three people are happy, Li Yue'e looks excited. Duan Yun: "brother-in-law, you are finally willing to come back."

    Li Shu is also very concerned about watching Duan Yun: "Duan Yun, how are you doing things at Fang Zheng's home?"


    Duan Yun nodded. He didn't sleep very much for the past three days. Now that he has finished the process, he can understand something, and then look at Li Shu: "Sister Shu, do you want to manage the company in the past?"

    Duan Yun unfathomable mystery came out with such a sentence, Li Shu snorted a little, then looked at Duan Yun with some doubts: "What do you mean?"

    “Fang Zheng has already gone abroad, I promised to help him manage the company, but I looked at Jiuyuan Group and I need a lot of capable management skills, so I asked Sister Shu if you have this idea.”

    Li Shu heard a bit of fluctuations in his eyes. If you want to talk about management ability, if it is not an accident, Li Shu is now a strong woman like Lin Yunqian, just

    Thinking of this, Li Shu is a bit sad.

    "brother-in-law, you can find the right person. I told you that my sister used to be a genius. I also helped Li Family manage the company. I changed a lot of money, just Li Family."

    “Yue'e ”

    Li Yue'e stood up and spoke, and when he said it was normal, he was stopped by Li Shu.

    Duan Yun on the other side smiled slightly. Listening to Yue'e, Li Shu had previously managed the company. It was only because of Li Family that this came to Jinyun City.

    "Sister Shu, from the situation of your restaurant, I can see that you are a capable person, things are hidden, Jiuyuan Group is now missing a Personnel Manager, I believe that you will be qualified for this position. ”

    Li Shu is kind, but Duan Yun can see that Li Shu is not a fool. In her heart, there is a strong woman's heart.

    Just when Yan Xin was the President, Li Shu took over the position of the Personnel Manager. It was a good fit. I wanted Li Shu to be a President, but I thought about it, or forget it. After all, I want to stabilize Jiuyuan Group and let Yan Xin is more suitable.

    "This, Duan Yun, I am afraid"

    Li Shu is also a little excited at the moment. Like Lin Yunqian and others, she is a capable woman. She also wants to be a business woman, but the conditions are not allowed. Now Duan Yun gave her this opportunity, her heart. A little thought, once again began to rise.

    "Sister Shu, I believe in you, I see Yue Shanshan on the other side of the restaurant. It's not bad. You can let her take care of it. I will let you not be a Personnel Manager. It's not just to let you always be the Personnel Manager. I hope You can help me manage Jiuyuan Group."


    This time, Li Shu fluctuated again. This is what he always wanted to do. Now Duan Yun said that it is tantamount to tempting her.

    "Sister Shu, go ahead, I believe in you."

    Duan Yun smiled at the porcelain. This time, Li Shu did not refuse, but nodded and promised: "When will I go?"

    "Tomorrow, I will take you to Jiuyuan Group tomorrow, but in the morning you will solve the restaurant first."

    Duan Yun's ambitions are not satisfied with a small restaurant. The restaurant's monthly profit will not be too high. Duan Yun now needs Li Shu to enter the enterprise management, so that Li Shu can manage the company later.

    "Well, okay, I will handle the restaurant thing tomorrow, but if I go to work at Jiuyuan Group, what about Little Jasmine?"

    Although he agreed to Duan Yun, but looked at Little Jasmine next to him, Li Shu asked a little concerned.

    "Sister Shu, you don't have to worry about this. I have an uncle and aunt in Jinyun City. They like children very much. I believe they can take care of Little Jasmine. Little Jasmine is a child. He needs a warm family."

    Regarding Little Jasmine, Duan Yun certainly thought that Xin Xiaobei just called to say that her mother had been discharged from the hospital and let oneself come to her house to eat tomorrow.

    Xin Xiaobei's parents are also relatives of Duan Yun, and they have the ability to take care of their children. It is appropriate to put Little Jasmine on their side, so that Little Jasmine can feel the warmth of a family.

    "Well, I just can't bear Little Jasmine this kid."

    Li Shu nodded and hugged Little Jasmine and kissed him on Little Jasmine's face, a pair of reluctant look.

    "Sister Shu, you can rest assured that Little Jasmine is very embarrassing, you have to watch Little Jasmine often."

    After listening to Li Shu, Little Jasmine looked at Li Shu with a small head and said that Duan Yun was touched. Little Jasmine is so sensible at this age. It is really rare.

    Early the next morning, early in the morning, Duan Yun and Li Shu went to the restaurant, said the restaurant thing, let Yue Shanshan act as a restaurant, and then rushed to the Jiuyuan Group with Li Shu.

    At the Jiuyuan Group, several security guards shouted aloud to Duan Yun. Duan.

    Up to now, no one in the Jiuyuan Group has ever known Duan Yun. Duan Yun is now the supreme consul of the Jiuyuan Group. They dare not offend Duan Yun.

    Directly to the face

    Xin's office, Duan Yun saw Yan Xin's face calm, still busy looking at the documents on the table, did not find oneself two people went to the office, this gently tapped the door.

    Mr. Duan. ”

    When he heard the knock on the door, Yan Xin reacted, and his face flashed a slap in the face, hurriedly greeted Duan Yun.

    “President Yan is welcome.”

    Duan Yun saw Yan Xin's serious work and was relieved.

    Mr. Duan, what are you looking for?"

    Restoring the mentality, Yan Xin looked at Duan Yun and asked.

    "Come, let me introduce you first."

    Duan Yun smiled at Yan Xin and wanted to introduce Li Shu to Yan Xin. But the words had not finished yet. Yan Xin was shocked and looked at Li Shu: "You are Li Shu"

    “Yan Xin ”

    Li Shu was also shocked, and then the two laughed excitedly: "It's really you."


    Duan Yun is a bit dumbfounded, this is a ghost, the feelings of these two women know.

    "Yan Xin, I didn't expect you to be a President. It was so unexpected. I didn't expect to see you here."

    Li Shu saw Yan Xin and slammed Duan Yun directly. He ran over and looked at Yan Xin with excitement.

    "I didn't expect to meet you here. It was so happy. I thought I had a different time. We didn't have a chance to meet."

    Yan Xin is also happy.

    Listening to the conversation between the two, Duan Yun suddenly felt that oneself was superfluous, and wanted to introduce them to them. I did not expect oneself to become an outsider.

    "Duan Yun, tell you, this is my college classmate and my good sister, Yan Xin, I didn't expect your newly elected President to be her. You are the right person, I can tell you. Yan Xin was a high school student in our class."

    The two talked for a while, then they thought of Duan Yun, Li Shu smiled at Duan Yun.

    Mr. Duan, I also think that Li Shu is actually your friend, it is too unexpected. ”

    Yan Xin is also very happy at the moment, laughing at Duan Yun.

    "Oh, I was also very surprised. I didn't expect you two to be friends. This is worth celebrating. It is just that I brought her here today. There is something to tell you."

    Duan Yun smiled back slightly and said it politely.

    Mr. Duan, what are you talking about? ”

    Yan Xin heard that Duan Yun was looking for her, and she suddenly got serious.

    "It is like this. Does the personnel department still have no Manager? I want Sister Shu to take up the vacancy. What do you think?"

    "What part of the cross talk, you actually let Li Shu go to the Personnel Manager"

    Yan Xin listened to Duan Yun's words and immediately exclaimed, then said: "Mr. Duan, a small Manager in the personnel department, you let Li Shu go, it is a waste of talent, Li Shu was the first talented woman in Beijing. Li Shu was a former President of Li, but only later. Just an accident, I suggest let her be a President, I will go back to the Personnel Manager. ”


    Duan Yun is completely stunned. Li Family has an extraordinary status in the capital. It is one of the best families. Li Group is also a well-known company. I didn't expect Li Shu to be a President of Li Wei Group.

    The news was shocking to Duan Yun.

    Duan Yun also heard a bit of news. Li Group had a woman who was a President for two years. Li Group made a lot of money. I didn't expect the mysterious female President to be Li Shu.

    In this way, Yan Xin is really right, oneself let her go to the Personnel Manager, which is really a waste of talent.

    However, if you listened to Yan Xin, Duan Yun was difficult to do. Oneself yesterday made Yan Xin a President. Now he has withdrawn Yan Xin’s President position and let Li Shu go. This is not equal to oneself. What?

    In this case, it will inevitably lead to the company's criticism.

    "Little Xin, where is this? You also had the same results when you cooperated with me. But it is all over, don't mention it. Now you are Jiuyuan today's President, you will do it well, Duan Yun sees people. Very accurate."

    Li Shu is a wise man, what the matter looks like, she can guess the approximate, and quickly smiled at Yan Xin.

    Mr. Duan, the position of the Personnel Manager I have already worked for someone else. The person's ability is very good, and the work efficiency is good, the character is also very good, plus let Little Shu go to Manager, it is too sturdy, I suggest let Little Shu Come as a President, I can be her assistant. ”

    After listening to Li Shu, Yan Xin did not agree, but strongly recommended Li Shu as a President.

    "Little Xin, this is not good. Duan Yun yesterday made you a President. You can't say that you have to withdraw. And I just came to the company, not suitable for this position, and I believe in your ability. I believe you will not let Duan Yun is disappointed."

    Listening to the two men's concessions, Duan Yun is a bit embarrassed.

    Both of them are recommending each other, and it seems that the two women are not bad. The position of this President, who should choose oneself?


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