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    "Uncle Dahe, rest assured, Brother Duan Yun is very powerful, these rogues can't beat Brother Duan Yun, no report to the police, nothing."

    Little Jasmine on the side heard Xin Dahe and others want to report to the police, Little Jasmine hurriedly said that Xin Xiaobei's face flashed quickly and complicated, but still agreed with Little Jasmine's statement, said to Xin Dahe, the old man: "Dad Mom, we have to believe that Duan Yun and Duan Yun are very good when they were young, nothing."

    Xin Dahe After listening to the old man, he only had a bit of worry on his face. The former Master of Duan Yun saved him a family. They also knew that Duan Yun was not an ordinary person, but he did not say anything.

    "Kid, let's get started, let your fat man see how much you can play."

    Duan Yun walked outside, Fatty smiled at Duan Yun, then waved his hand gently, and several big men rushed toward Duan Yun, directly punching out sharply.

    Duan Yun smiled: "I promise not to disappoint you."

    After the fatty is finished, Duan Yun has already jumped out, hooking his fists, kicking his legs, and his body is constantly flashing. Every time he shoots, almost everyone will be beaten, and the screams will continue to ring.

    The people next to me suddenly were dumbfounded. The Xin Xiaobei family was full of eyes, and fatty also grew up. Is this a movie?

    “Brother Duan Yun is cheering, Brother Duan Yun is amazing.”

    Duan Yun kept flashing, and a group of rogue was crying and crying. Little Jasmine standing next to Xin Xiaobei was happy, shouting excitedly while clapping.

    Duan Yun still has a smile on his mouth, a simple military boxing, and a group of rogue fights without any help. More than 30 rogues, the number of fallen people is increasing, and fewer people are standing. .

    It took less than a minute to lie down almost half of the people.


    At this moment, Fatty, who was watching the battle, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with his hand, and the two words appeared in his heart.

    If I continue, I am afraid that these people will not be able to play Duan Yun at all. It is only now that Fatty found out that Duan Yun said that he was not bragging. Duan Yun was fully capable of knocking down all of them.

    But now, he has no ability to stop.

    I can only watch the oneself brought by oneself one by one.

    Watching Duan Yun hit a person, the worry on the face of Xin Dahe's family slowly disappeared, and finally a smile appeared. Duan Yun was not the average person they always knew, but did not expect Duan Yun to be able to play like this. .

    Looking at Duan Yun's flashing figure, Xin Dahe looked at him and nodded with satisfaction.

    "Xiaobei, look, Little Yun, this child is a good boy. You will not be bullied if you follow him. So, you have to communicate with Little Yun and have already made our wish."

    Duan Yun is picking up a group of rogues brought by fatty. Xin Dahe here is a long-awaited saying to Xin Xiaobei. He Wen also nodded and agreed.

    "Dad, what do you want, or look at Duan Yun first."

    Xin Xiaobei After listening to Xin Dahe's words, I was happy. Duan Yun's figure of prestige is not the first time I showed it in front of Xin Xiaobei.

    However, this matter was supported by two hundred percent of Xin Dahe, and she was still very happy.


    Finally, the last rogue was dumped to the ground by Duan Yun. Duan Yun just clap his hands, his face was not mad and he looked at the opposite fatty: "Now it seems that you lost."

    Gū lōng

    Looking at the people who are all oneself, Fatty swallowed a slobber, watching Duan Yun like a monster, secretly thought, is this still human?

    "You don't want to mess with anything you want to do. Have something to say."

    Fatty is now a kind of fear of Duan Yun in the heart, one person easily beat so many people, it is still the average person to give him a hundred courage, he did not dare to work with Duan Yun, the tone immediately soft, right Duan Yun pleaded and said.

    "You can rest assured that I am a civilized person and do not like to do it."

    Looking at the fatty expression, Duan Yun smiled slightly and then said, "I am very reasonable. Now that you have lost, you should talk about who is going to develop this area."


    After listening to Duan Yun's words, Fatty just wanted to speak, suddenly thought of something, and quickly shook his head: "This can't be said."

    "Have you thought about it?"

    The expression of fatty makes Duan Yun feel a little curious. A developer has such a great deterrent. Even Fatty is not willing to say it. Since this is the case, Duan Yun dares to duan Yun, the person behind the fatty must not be the average person. At least one powerful person.

    The tone of ice-cold, and the eyes filled with killing intent, suddenly across from the fatty.

    "You can choose not to say, but you better not regret it."

    A face looks like a smile, looking at the opposite fatty, with a hint of warning in the phrase tone.

    Was scared by Duan Yun's words, fatty is about to cry, and finally whispered: "I can say, but you have to promise me, don't say that this is what I said."



    After the fatty words were finished, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my thigh and went straight down.

    "You don't have the capital to negotiate with me."

    Now Duan Yun is more curious about who the developer is behind, and the following is a bit of a kick, kicking off Fatty's leg directly.

    Fatty hands clasped oneself's calf, sweating, looking at Duan Yun ice-cold's eyes, and finally chose to compromise: "Deputy Mayor Wang Heng."


    Duan Yun heard the words Wang Heng and he was a bit stunned. I didn’t expect that the developer behind it turned out to be Wang Heng.

    Wang Heng Duan Yun can be said to know, because I have seen one or two faces, the last time I went to He Xing's villa, he did not dare to bring oneself back, I did not expect this Wang Heng to secretly also make money.

    "Responsible for this development zone is a small company called Hongwei Construction Company. I don't know the name in Jinyun City. This is the opportunity that Wang Heng gave them. We just do it with money. Now you know."

    After a sigh of relief, look at Duan Yun: "You can pack us all, but you don't have the ability to do anything with Deputy Mayor."

    "Well, don't bother you to care, now you can fulfill what you said before, and lose the damage caused by the residents around your team."

    Duan Yun finished talking and turned to look at Xin Dahe: "Uncle Dahe, you let everyone report it, everyone has any losses, this gentleman said, he will double the compensation for the losses caused before."

    "Good Le."

    Xin Dahe heard a moment, smiled and ran to the door and began to sip at the neighbors.

    Although this is a kind of extortion, in their view, Duan Yun is doing justice, so Xin Dahe directly approves Duan Yun's approach.

    Xin Dahe ran to say this, and almost all the neighbors around him suddenly ran over and began to report oneself's loss at Xin Dahe.

    "The door to my house was beaten twice by them."

    "Uncle Dahe, my window was smashed three times by them."

    "Dahe, and the window of my house, I have been repaired five times."

    "Uncle Dahe, my family's chickens are missing two, and they are definitely doing them."

    "Uncle Dahe, my Wangcai is gone, they are stealing, and they have taken out the dog hot pot. You have to help me remember this."

    Xin Dahe was so sipping, many people started to report the same, and reported it for almost seven or eight minutes. It was not quiet yet. Xin Dahe went to Duan Yun: "Little Yun, everyone has a loss. I can’t tell you halfway, what should I do?”

    Duan Yun smiled and said: "Nothing, Uncle Dahe, I have heard the loss of the newspaper just now. I probably thought about it. If you double the compensation, you should give everyone 80,000."

    After Duan Yun said, look at the fat on the ground: "You will give 80,000."

    "80,000, why don't you grab it?"

    Fatty heard, suddenly there is a kind of jump to Duan Yun a mountain pressure, but he did not have the ability.

    The trivial things that those people just said have doubled, and they have not doubled to 30,000. What's more, some people still say that Duan Yun's direct opening is 80,000 pieces. This is no different from grabbing.

    "What, you have opinions"

    Duan Yun looked at fatty and didn't get angry, just a little bit of ice-cold.

    When oneself first came, he also blackmailed the one called Brother Bo. These are all they asked for themselves. What's more, these people's money is to write illegitimate money. This is also oneself to achieve justice, and this is how to blackmail.

    "I now know that the developer behind it is Wang Heng. You also said that Wang Heng is a Deputy Mayor. You said that if he knew that this was what you told me, what kind of reaction would it be?"


    As soon as I heard Duan Yun, Fatty almost fainted, and oneself had just told Duan Yun about it. I didn't expect Duan Yun to take it out and blackmail him.

    In the heart, Duan Yun is despicable and shameless. It is more rogue than Triad, but this can only be said in the heart. The last bite: "I give it."

    In the case of Duan Yun, even if it is Triad, it can't be beaten, but it can't be won. It's blackmailed. Oneself has no reason to refute. Fatty found out today that oneself is the most ridden Triad.

    But Duan Yun said yes, he is a small rogue leader, but he can't offend Wang Heng, Wang Heng is a substitute Mayor, how to pack him and how to pack him.

    When Wang Heng is angry, it is not impossible to kill him directly.

    "That's right."

    Duan Yun smiled a little, and then a few more cars came over. All of them suddenly got into the tightness and looked at the cars that came over.

    Xin Dahe was also worried, and said to Duan Yun: "Little Yun, it won't be their help."

    "Uncle Dahe, nothing, I am here."

    Duan Yun gave Xin Dahe a reassuring look. He didn't worry too much. The person who came was Duan Yun. He could guess the approximate news. Lu Yunfei had sent a message to Lu Yunfei. It is.


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