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    Taking water and things to the two policemen, Duan Yun looked at Murong Tao: "The outside thing will be handed over to you."


    Murong Tao nodded. Duan Yun said that he naturally understood what it meant. The situation of the tunnel was already understood by Murong Tao and Duan Yun on the way. The quality is no problem, not the bean curd project, and now the two collapse, the middle There is no collapse, Li Yue'e and Bai Ge should be trapped in the middle.

    There is only one kind of thing that can happen, and that is man-made.

    As for the specific reasons, Duan Yun and Murong Tao are still unclear, so Duan Yun is letting Murong Tao investigate the situation outside, and it is also a protection shackle for oneself.

    Since this incident is artificial and there is no killing of Li Yue'e and Bai Ge, the other party should be directed at oneself. When the other party sees oneself and goes in to save people, it is possible to continue to let Murong Tao Outside, Duan Yun is more assured.

    After listening to Murong Tao's answer, Duan Yun tied the water and food to him and walked over to the collapsed tunnel.

    "What is he?"

    Duan Yun walked to the tunnel, and Liang Feiyu looked at Duan Yun with some doubts and asked Murong Tao.

    "Mayor Liang, I think you still have to deal with the scene. It is best not to let the reporters come, otherwise you will be in trouble."

    Murong Tao did not answer Liang Feiyu's words, but said one, turned and left.

    "Hey, what's great."

    Murong Tao did not answer his question Liang Feiyu's face was not happy, but there is no way, only coldly snorted.

    Duan Yun also refused to think so much about it. At the entrance of the tunnel, I looked at the situation. The tunnel is 500 meters long. Li Yue'e they are in the middle, they must have a few pieces. Time, otherwise they are likely to be dangerous.

    Between the electric and the Flint, Duan Yun had put on the pair of silver iron claws on his hands and began to dig wildly. The time flew and the Duan Yun was surrounded by flying mud stones. The people around him exclaimed. An unbelievable look at Duan Yun.

    "What is he going to do?"

    Liang Feiyu here, look at what Duan Yun wants to do. Just look up and see Duan Yun digging with his hands, and it’s just a moment of work. Duan Yun is quicker than a mouse, and only one layer of flying can be seen around. The soil, without the figure of Duan Yun, suddenly shocked.

    At this moment, Duan Yun has not taken care of so much. He only wants to save Li Yue'e and Bai Ge. He does not retain the strength of oneself. This pair of silver claws is characteristic, unbreakable, excavated, and equipped with oneself inner. Strength, no hindrance.

    An artist-sized space was formed around the body. Duan Yun marched wildly, and in the tunnel, in the middle of more than two hundred meters, four cars were parked, Li Yue'e and Bai Ge were sitting. In the car, a look of worry.

    "Bai Ge, what should I do, I can't call it, and the brother-in-law doesn't know that we are here."

    Li Yue'e looked worried at the next Bai Ge.

    Bai Ge is also a helpless face: "Yue'e, don't worry, the tunnel collapsed, there is no signal around, but our bodyguards should inform me soon, and they will come to save us. ”

    When I came out to play, I also had such a situation. Bai Ge was also helpless. Now she is trapped inside. She is a little older than Li Yue'e, so she began to comfort Li Yue'e.


    Li Yue'e is a smart person, Bai Ge said so, she did not say anything, just nodded lightly.

    Bai Ge smiled and took two bags of snacks to the back: "There will be people who will save us soon. If you haven't eaten in a day, eat something first."

    Bai Ge is a pointless foodie, and there is something normal in the car. The two started to eat snacks.

    On the other side of the car, a man in his thirties opened the door and walked down. He rubbed his foot on the car and shouted: "The thief of the dog sun, I, your Father did nothing bad, still Let me sleep here."

    "Old Liu, don't worry, it's collapsed, and people outside should have started to rescue."

    The middle-aged man was angry and angry, followed by a man who was almost in his thirties and began to persuade.

    "Rescue Old Li, are you a fool? This tunnel is more than 500 meters. When they dig in, we have long been dying of oxygen, and it is almost the same for us."

    The man who was called Old Liu couldn't calm down in his heart, and he stumbled in the car.

    "It doesn't work if you get angry. It's hard that you still want to climb oneself."

    Old Li naturally understands this problem and says helplessly.

    "Oh, it’s no big deal to die, but I want to have some fun at this time."


    Next to the old Li, I began to wonder: "People are trapped here, and you still have a hairy fun."

    "You saw it, there is a small couple on the car. I saw the girl. It’s not bad. Anyway, I’m going to die. We’re better off, it’s worth it, how is it?”

    Old Liu smiled and looked at a black sports car in front.

    "Old Liu, this is illegal, don't mess."<

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    "If you break the law for a while, you will die of oxygen deficiency. If you still have a shit law, you still have to do something meaningful. If you don't go, let it go. I will go by myself."

    Old Liu didn't listen to Old Li's advice. He sneered and walked over to the opposite black sports car. He walked over to the car and squatted on the black sports car: "The person above, roll me down."

    "What do you want to do?"

    There was a man and a woman sitting in the car. At this time, the mood was not so good. The man and the man saw someone licking oneself's car and opened the door and said coldly.

    "Hey, what?"

    Old Liu's sneer: "Boy, if you know each other, you will hand over your girlfriend. Anyway, it's almost dying. Let's have fun."

    "Hey, don't look at you, look at you like that, go out and scare people, and still want to eat swan meat."

    Old Liu was finished, and the woman in the car also walked down, looking at Old Liu in front of her face with disgust.

    "Little girls, they are not bad, it is a stinky mouth, I, your Father will eat swan meat today, and you will definitely make you cool."

    Seeing the woman who came down, a tights and black stockings, plus a face of light makeup, looks like a big beauty, Old Liu suddenly swayed a few points.

    "I tell you, my dad is the Public Security Bureau Bureau Chief Li Renda. If you dare to move us, go out and let me die a unnatural death."

    The intention of the opposite man was obvious. The man suddenly snorted and pulled out oneself dad.

    "You are dumbass, why don't you say that your father is Li Gang?"

    It’s just his words, and the opposite Old Liu snorted coldly, then went on to say, “When the outside people dig in, we’ve already died, and when your dad came to give you a corpse, it’s still about the same. Let me die a unnatural death, if you know it, just go away, or I will kill you now."

    Old Liu's face is fierce, but it looks a bit scary.

    The pampered young master suddenly felt a little bit in fear, and the opposite Old Liu, although ugly, was also a tall man. If he started his hand, he really had a way to deal with it.

    "Old Liu, don't mess around."

    At this time, Old Li with Old Liu also came up.

    "Old Li, you have a good look at this woman, the appearance is good, anyway, it is going to die, we will be cool for a while, let him do so much, we are good brothers, let's go together."

    Old Liu saw Old Li walked up and said with a happy heart.


    Old Li looked at the woman in front and had some heartbeat. After all, the woman was really good, it was the type of reaction that the man looked at.

    "This is what killed this kid first and we are playing."

    Old Liu saw Old Li moving his mind and suddenly sneered at the pampered young master in front.

    "Don't, don't mess with the two, you want her, you use it."

    That pampered young master saw two men to be on oneself, and immediately pushed the woman around.

    "Li Tong, you don't want to be a face, you are not a man, waste."

    The woman did not expect her boyfriend to push out oneself and suddenly screamed.

    "What is the little beauty called, come, let your brother hurt you."

    The woman was pushed out and hugged by the opposite Old Liu, laughing happily.

    "Let me go, you guys, you guys are breaking the law."

    The woman struggled desperately, but her face was pale, but it didn't help. On the one hand, Old Li also had a big animal hair, and she directly tore her stockings, and suddenly the old Liu’s disgusting laughter came from the tunnel.

    "What are you doing to let go of her."

    Old Liu and Old Li are preparing to share their prey, and they sounded together. Everyone suddenly looked up and looked up.


    But as soon as they looked up, Old Liu and Old Li immediately stopped. The two men were open and the saliva was flowing out. The other person who spoke in front of him was Bai Ge and Li Yue'e. Both of them were angry at Old Liu and Old Li.

    "Brother, this is best quality."

    As soon as I saw Bai Ge and Li Yue'e, Old Liu quickly wiped the saliva of oneself's mouth and smiled at Old Li.

    Old Li is also licking oneself's eyes: "Old Liu, I won't be dreaming."

    "You let me go, go find them happy, they must suit your appetite."

    Old Liu and Old Li are still praising Bai Ge for their lack of time. The woman, who was pressed by Old Liu on the front of the car, shouted at Old Liu.

    Old Liu is to let go of the woman, looking at Bai Ge with a look of desire: "Brother, I am one, one, how."

    "Well, anyway, you have to die, just one person."

    Old Li is also unambiguous. The beautiful women like Li Yue'e and Bai Ge are loli-type, but they haven't seen them. Now when they appear, the woman is too inferior, pick, they will naturally Pick the best, so I hit the idea of Bai Ge.


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