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    "Li Lingfeng, you are too much."

    Li Le didn't dare to say a word, it was going to be supported by several bodyguards. At this time, a voice sounded up, and everyone turned around and suddenly exclaimed. Many people looked at the gloating scene.

    It’s not the other people who came out, it’s Li Le’s father, and now Li Family’s Patriarch, Li Tianhua.

    "Uncle, I don't know where I am too much."

    Today, since she has torn her face, Li Lingfeng does not intend to give Li Le father and son any face any more, without any fear, and faintly asked.

    "I am Li Family's Patriarch. You talk to me like this. Don't you feel that you are ignoring your seniority?"

    Li Tianhua looked cold, Li Lingfeng, if he was a private lesser, Li Le, he could sit back and ignore it. When he didn’t see it, but today, in the capital of capital, Li Lingfeng made Li Le like this, or because of an outsider, he can’t Regardless of.

    As a Patriarch, he can't afford to lose face.

    "The original uncle also knows that you are the Patriarch of Li Family."

    Li Lingfeng didn't panic after listening, but sneered, with a bit of sarcasm in her tone.

    "Li Lingfeng, in Li Family, you talk to me, what do you mean?"

    Li Lingfeng hits him in front of so many people, and Li Tianhua’s face is too late to be angry.

    "Dad, can't let Li Lingfeng do this. He helps the outsiders deal with our Li Family. He shouldn't be a Li Family person, drive him out and let him be like the two monks."


    The words have not been finished yet, Li Le only feels a flower in front of her face, and her face once again slaps a slap in the face, suddenly circled.


    Didn't say a word for a long time, Li Le's face was sluggish, he couldn't believe it, Li Lingfeng dared to beat him in the face of Li Tianhua.

    "Li Tianhua, let me tell, why did I ask that question just now."

    The cold light of his face, Li Lingfeng's forbearance for many years, finally broke out, and it was a slap in the face of Li Le. Li Le did not stand still and went straight down.

    "Li Lingfeng, let me let go of Li Le."

    Li Tianhua couldn't believe it at the moment. Li Lingfeng, who usually didn't talk much, dared to call his name in front of him and dared to play Li Le.

    "Li Tianhua, I put my words here today, and you don't deserve to be the patriarch of Li's." ”

    The face was full of cold light, Li Lingfeng then sneered: "You are a Patriarch, bring your illegitimate son back, we don't have anything to look down on, but you see, what did he do?"

    "You want Patriarch's position, when will I fight with you if I want to be a Patriarch, you think that the wheel gets you kind enough to let you manage Li Family, but you are alone and look at the big eyes, you have done something for you. What did the waste son do?"

    "Bringing oneself's brothers and sisters out of the house, now, I want to chase me out."

    "At the time, if I was outside, I told you that it was your father and son who were kicked out of the house. In front of me, use Patriarch to suppress me. Your Patriarch is given by Li Family. It is also a sentence to be recovered. The meaning of the words, so if you do things in the future, it is best to consider Li Family first, I don't want to have another time."

    After that, Li Lingfeng did not hesitate to lie on Li Le's lower abdomen. Li Le screamed and was kicked by Li Lingfeng to Li Tianhua's feet. His head stunned and fainted.

    "Teach your son well, don't lose face to Li Family."

    A faint sigh of words, Li Lingfeng looked around with apologetic eyes: "Sorry, let everyone laugh, everyone clear."

    Li Tianhua's face is gloomy. Li Lingfeng said that the sentences are all in the heart, and he is powerless to refute.

    "Li Lingfeng, how can I say that I am also the Patriarch of Li Family, you talk to me like this, I will tell the family about things, and discuss whether you can stay in Li Family in the future."

    Finally, he couldn’t breathe, and Li Tianhua spoke again.

    "Haha, threaten me"

    Originally, I didn't intend to compare with Li Tianhua, but Li Tianhua didn't even know how to play. Li Lingfeng retorted: "I tell you, you don't have that qualification yet, and they are the guests invited by Grandpa today. You still worry about whether you can. Stay at Li Family."


    After listening to Li Lingfeng, Li Tianhua almost fell to the ground.

    I looked at the two sisters Duan Yun and Li Shu in an incredible face.

    If it is really what Li Lingfeng said, then he is looking for Li Lingfeng to get angry today, which is the most stupid decision.

    Although he is Li Family's Patriarch, in the face of Li Family Old Master, it is only a matter of words to let him get out of the house.

    Duan Yun If three people come from Li Family Old Master, then he is really dangerous.

    "Go to what you should do, I don't want to say the second time."

    In the past, it was Li Lingfeng who didn't want to be a Patriarch. Li Tianhua had a chance. Li Lingfeng didn't talk. It doesn't mean that Li Lingfeng has no place in Li Family. At this moment, Li Lingfeng is fully represented in Li Family's authority.

    "Brother Duan, I am sorry, let you see a joke, Old Master is already waiting for you inside."

    Did not continue to

    Li Tianhua, Li Lingfeng turned and looked at Duan Yun. The three men laughed.

    Duan Yun didn't talk. After all, this is Li Family's business. He doesn't want to say anything.

    Li Lingfeng did something that Duan Yun didn't object to, that is, the two sisters of Bang Lishu came out, which was approved by Duan Yun.

    On the one hand, Murong Tao and others did not say anything. In their hearts, they all agreed that Li Lingfeng is still Li Family's big Young Master.

    Li Family's dinner was not affected by Li Tianhua's affairs. It continued as usual. In the villa, it was full of banquets. At about eight o'clock, Li Family's butler announced Li. Family Old Master debut.

    "Everyone, I am very glad that you can come and have a 70th birthday for me. I am here, welcome everyone on behalf of Li Family."

    A look of fortitude, although the age is over, the hair is white, still full of temperament, this is Li Family Old Master, Li Jianguo, one of the founding fathers, China's No. 1 Sir, the military is the presence of everyone.

    In Li Family, he is the real Patriarch.

    “The younger Murong Tao has seen the Old Master. On behalf of the Murong Family, I would like to congratulate the Old Master. I wish the Old Master will enjoy it forever, and Shoubi Nanshan.”

    The appearance of the Old Master is naturally the time for everyone to congratulate. When I saw it, Murong Tao went out first.

    "Murong Tao, you kid is not bad, but how can the old things of the old man not come in person?"

    Listening to this, everyone can hear that Li Jianguo's relationship with Murong Family Old Master is not normal.

    "Writing the Old Master Scratch Award, my home Old Master has something to do today, and I will definitely go to Li to play chess in the next day."

    For Li Jianguo's words, Murong Tao was not angry and smiled and replied.

    "Grandpa Li."

    Murong Tao finished the day, Bai Ge and Bai Ling walked out, Bai Ge jumped out and called, and then said: "My grandfather also said, I will find you one day, and I can't come today."

    "Hey, this is not Bai Ge's little girl, it's all so big."

    Apparently, Li Jianguo was very fond of Bai Ge. He smiled and said: "Go back and tell your grandfather. I will see him the next day. I must have fun with him."

    "I said that both of you are seven and eighty, how can you still fight so hard, and then you can't beat my grandfather."

    Bai Ge didn't see it, Li Jianguo said so, and suddenly he whispered a small mouth.

    "Hey, you little girl, when did your grandfather beat me?"

    Li Jianguo touched Bai Ge's head and then looked at Bai Ling: "Bai Ling kid, you are mixing well there, how are you thinking about whether to develop a country like you?" ."


    After Li Jianguo finished, Bai Ling on the other side did not speak. Duan Yun, who had just taken a sip of water, sprayed directly.

    Paralyzed, this is not to dig the wall foot, but even dig into oneself head.

    "brother-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

    Duan Yun looks like this, Li Yue'e on the side curiously asked.

    "I'm fine."

    Duan Yun smiled and replied, but he really wanted to go up and find a grandfather to fight.

    Just kidding, digging people to dig into oneself, this Li Family Old Master is definitely the first person, if not in front of Li Shu's two sisters, Duan Yun absolutely rushed to find Li Jianguo to say.

    Bai Ling is a talent of China, and oneself has been cultivated for so long. If Li Jianguo said that he would pull it, that oneself is worth it.

    "Grandpa Li said, laughing, it’s just me, I can’t eat it, I don’t like to be a soldier.”

    Bai Ling replied with a smile and said nothing, just glanced at Duan Yun with Yu Guang.

    "Well, your kid will come to me if he wants to figure it out, I will cultivate you well."

    Li Jianguo said another time, this time he fell on Shen Yufeng next to Bai Ling: "Shen Family's kid Shen Yufeng, I believe that Shen Family is in your hands, it should not be insulted by the title of the four family, also It’s a thought of Shen Laotou.”

    "Thank you Li Lao for concern, I will not let everyone down."

    Shen Yufeng has seen Li Jianguo before, but he has not seen it. The two of them have set a few words. Finally, they have their eyes on Li Shu and Li Yue'e, who are surrounded by Duan Yun. They are a bit complicated in their eyes.

    El Abuelo

    In the end, Li Yue'e couldn't help but called out to run out.

    “Yue'e ”

    Although Li Jianguo was a soldier, he saw Li Yue'e, and he almost couldn't control the tears of oneself. He smiled and said.

    "Hey, Grandpa, I want to die."

    Li Yue'e is still a girl after all. In the arms of Li Jianguo, she began to cry. For a long time, Li Yue'e is really talking about this time. So many grievances can only be expressed by tears. come out.

    "Yue'e, don't cry, today is Grandpa's birthday, we have to be happy."

    Li Yue'e went out, Li Shu followed and went out, patted Li Yue'e's back gently, and his eyes were full of tears.


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