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    "That, Mr. Duan, what do you say? We are a small mountain village. There are so many people, and some people will have martial arts."

    Duan Yun said that there is an expert, but also martial arts, the surrounding village names began to talk, my heart secretly thought Duan Yun is thinking about what, the village is such a person, they still do not believe that there is such a thing.

    "Everyone should calm down first. Maybe I said it is too exaggerated, but I can guarantee that I will find out that person and give it to everyone."

    "What if I can't find the murderer?"

    Duan Yun said that naturally, there are people who doubt that after all, this thing is really a bit ridiculous, they are not willing to believe.

    "If I can't find the murderer, then everyone can treat me as a murderer. I will bear all this. I am willing to bear all the results. Moreover, I will complete the road repairing and building the school. Therefore, please rest assured, I must I will give you an explanation."

    It was quiet around this time, and Duan Yun dared to speak like this, and no one said anything.

    After all, repairing roads and building schools is not a trivial matter. In many people's minds, the father and son of the charter are dead and dead, and they die when they die. It is more important to repair roads and schools.

    They think about the children of oneself, and they are not willing to push Duan Yun to the dead.

    "I believe that the police will come soon, and the people who kill the charter must be among us all. Therefore, I hope that during this decade, everyone will not be able to leave the village until the murderer is found."


    It was a boil, and many people began to get upset.

    It’s just that no one stood up and talked, and there was gas in his heart.

    Duan Yun eyes swept away, but did not find any abnormalities. These people seemed to be a group of villagers, and Duan Yun was also wondering who the man was hiding so deeply.

    It was not until noon that four or five police officers came to the village entrance. These police officers were sweating one by one, apparently on the mountain road.

    The police came and went straight to the door of Yan Xin’s house and shouted: "Which is Mr. Duan ”

    "I …

    A few policemen look like this, Duan Yun knows that it must have been a relationship.

    Mr. Duan Hello, I am Zhang Bao, the police captain of the Double Happiness Police Station. They are my men. Our Bureau Chief let me come here and listen to your command. ”

    Zhang Bao’s appearance in his thirties, Duan Yun can see at a glance, is an old fox, since it is, then it is easy to do, and do not have to say more than oneself.

    "Well, now two people are dead. You carry the body back to his house. We try to find the murderer and then bury the body."

    "Several of you, carry the body inside the knife."

    Zhang Bao is very obedient. He knows that Duan Yun is not an ordinary person, but his boss said that he should not offend Duan Yun. Everything is quite Duan Yun, so what Duan Yun said, he will do it.

    The four police officers behind him listened to Zhang Bao’s words and immediately started. The two men lifted the body of the charter. The other two carried the body of Zhang Fei and moved to Yan Xin’s house.

    Duan Yun felt helpless and quickly pulled Zhang Baobao: "This is not the home of the deceased."

    Zhang Baocai suddenly realized the way he realized it. He quickly smiled and let his men stop.

    Finally, Duan Yun decided to let the villagers disperse first. The body of the father and son was carried back to the charter house. At noon, Yan Xin’s mother prepared breakfast and then hosted several police officers.

    After breakfast, Duan Yun took a few policemen and Yan Xin to the charter.

    The old man of the charter is killed at home, then you should find the clues of the murderer at the scene of the murder. As for the charter, the start is too fast, the scene is impossible, and you can say that there is no clue.

    "Hey, are these two fathers and sons still using perfume?"

    Just entering the house, Zhang Bao, who was with him, said something.


    Listening to Zhang Bao, Duan Yun and Yan Xin are both confused. Duan Yun turned to look at Zhang Bao: "What perfume?"

    "Oh, Mr. Duan, this is the case, there is a taste of honeysuckle in this room, this taste is very light, most people can't smell it, but my wife just used this perfume, so I can smell it, I didn't expect the two fathers and sons to be good. This mouth. ”

    The brow was slightly wrinkled, and this kind of thing was heard for the first time.

    It’s just that the father and son are the same, no body odor is good, there are perfumes.

    "Bao Ge, since you can smell it, then you have to check the bodies of both of them and see if they have such a taste."

    A perfume, maybe a clue, Duan Yun seems to think of something, said to Zhang Bao.

    "Hey, Mr. Duan doesn't have to be so polite. ”

    Duan Yun is not an ordinary person. Zhang Bao can also see that he was very happy when he was called Bao Ge by Duan Yun. Then he examined the body of the father and son with a charter. Then he shook his head with a puzzled look: "This is Strange, there is a perfume in this room, but they don't have this taste."

    “Yan Xin, is there anything in your village that likes fashion?

    Girl or woman"

    Yan Xin squinted a little, then shook his head. "I have been outside for a long time. I don't know much about this. But I can go back and ask my mom, they have been in the village and should know this."

    "Well, let's go back and ask Yan Shushu."

    Then, a few people returned to Yan Xin's home. The clue of perfume is probably a way to find the murderer. Duan Yun will not let go.

    "I don't know what honeysuckle perfume you said. But, the fashion-dressed people in the village seem to have only the widow of the village west, who is more fashionable. She usually wears clean clothes and does not do any farm work."

    Chen Widow

    Duan Yun was a little funny in her heart. There was a widow in Taoyuan Village. Now she is running out of a widow, and oneself is really close to this widow.

    "Yan Shu, except for the Chen Widow, there are other women or girls who have nothing to do with this."

    "There are several girls in the village, but I also know that they usually do farm work every day, and there is time to dress up oneself. I don't know much about other situations, but I can help you to ask other people in the village. Take a walk."

    "Okay, Uncle Yan, let's go to the Chen Widow's house and get to know the situation."

    Yan Xin knows the location of Chen’s widow’s family, so she does not need people to lead the way.

    With Zhang Bao and Yan Xin, I went to the west of the village. The front small courtyard was similar to the Yan Xin home. I was isolated on one side and a little far away from other people in the village. Duan Yun was curious. This little widow is quite courageous and not afraid of others in the middle of the night. Knock on the door

    "Yan Xin, this widow, you don't understand."

    It’s time to go to Chen’s widow’s house, and Duan Yun asked.

    "I don't know. I heard that I only married the village in the past few years. At that time, I was already outside, and I only saw it a few times before going home in the New Year."

    Duan Yun just nodded silently, oneself is going to see what this Chen widow looks like.

    Just two steps away, Duan Yun suddenly saw a figure flashing inside the grove on the other side of Chen's widow's house, and soon disappeared. Suddenly, Duan Yun was puzzled for a few points, because the figure was obviously an expert.

    This is obviously Yan Xin. They didn't find out. Duan Yun didn't say anything, just knowing that this Chen widow must have something tricky.

    "Is anyone at home?"

    When the widow of Chen had a door, there was a gate in front of the small yard, and I could not see the situation ahead.


    Zhang Bao finished, there was a voice inside, it sounded crisp and loud, giving a sense of relaxation. This Chen Widow should be a beautiful woman. This is the first reaction of Duan Yun.

    "Chen sister, I am Yan Xin, I am looking for you, you come out."

    “Yan Xin ”

    After listening to Yan Xin's words, there was a doubtful voice inside. After a while, the wooden door was opened.

    Very beautiful, a pink pair, five black hair, the skin is also very white, looking at this woman, there is another taste, Duan Yun will not think that this Chen widow is a rural.

    And the aura of the young woman on her body is particularly attractive, and Zhang Bao on the other side is also looking at it one by one, and it is drooling.

    "Hello, I believe I don't have to introduce me. We are here, just want to ask you Miss Chen a few questions."

    Duan Yun also had some sorrows in his heart. I didn't expect that there was such a big beauty in addition to Yan Xin in this village. It is no wonder that the beautiful girl, it is really violent, so young and became a widow.

    "Little brother, ask if you have anything."

    Seeing that Duan Yun and others, Chen Widow is only slightly confused, but there is no abnormality.

    "From 9:00 to 10:00 last night, I don't know where Miss Chen is."

    Chen Widow’s slight doubts after listening, but nodded and promised: “I stayed home last night.”

    "Who can testify?"

    After the Chen widow replied, Duan Yun and Yan Xin had not spoken yet. On the other hand, Zhang Bao came to such a sentence, so that Duan Yun had the urge to slap the slap, the widow of the family, there was no one at home, you asked this is not Ask people if they are stealing people?

    "My family is me alone, where can anyone testify?"

    Chen Widow was first wronged, then looked at Duan Yun: "You are suspecting that Zhang Cun is killing me."

    "No, Miss Chen doesn't have to think so much. I just ask casually, and I will ask everyone, this is just a process."

    "Since the question has been asked, then we will not bother Miss Chen."

    Smiling at Chen Widow, Duan Yun cut Yan Xin and then turned and left.

    "You still don't go"

    The two turned and left to see Zhang Bao still looking at Chen widow in a stupid moment, and suddenly gave him a sigh of relief.


    After being so kicked by Duan Yun, Zhang Baocai reacted and rubbed oneself's saliva, then followed Duan Yun and turned away.


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