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    "As a girl, how can you be so lazy."

    Listening to Li Yue'e, Duan Yun has nothing to say, even eating instant noodles.

    "Hey, I am a girl, the girl is lazy, the sister is not at home, I am too lazy to cook."

    After Duan Yun finished, Li Yue'e returned with a sigh of relief. Duan Yun didn't talk, who called oneself is her brother-in-law.

    Since Li Yue'e said so, Duan Yun couldn't let Li Yue'e go hungry, so he ran to the kitchen to prepare for Li Yue'e, but there was nothing but two eggs in the refrigerator.

    Close the refrigerator, go outside, and say to Li Yue'e: "I am sorry, Miss Li Yue'e, there is no food in the refrigerator."

    "Ah, I am so unlucky."

    Li Yue'e heard it, and suddenly he was wronged.

    "Go, I will take you to a big meal."

    I thought about it, Li Shu is not there anyway, oneself is too lazy to cook, and Li Yue'e staying at home every day, must be very stuffy, it is better to take her out to distract and send time.


    When I heard Duan Yun's belt on oneself and went out to eat a big meal, Li Yue'e was happy, exclaimed with excitement, then shouted: "brother-in-law, wait a minute, I will change one."

    I went inside the room that ran into oneself.

    After a while, I changed my dress and made Duan Yun look like a glimpse. This is the beauty of beauty. Li Yue’s height is one and the same as Li Shu. Big beauty.

    It’s just a little green now, and it’s not as complete as Li Shu, but Duan Yun dares to conclude that in the future, it’s a disaster.

    "Let's go, brother-in-law, let's go eat a big meal."

    When I eat a woman, there are nine out of food. Li Yue'e is also a foodie. When it comes to eating this, Li Yue'e is already excited. Pulling Duan Yun goes outside.

    "You slow down, at least pay attention to the image."

    Originally, Li Yue'e was very slick in a dress, but when I heard it, I completely ignored the image. Like a starving ghost, Duan Yun was speechless.

    When I got outside, it wasn't until eight o'clock. Fortunately, the restaurant is still closed. It was originally intended to be Virtuous Cloud Restaurant, but Li Yue'e said that I wanted to go somewhere else and change the taste. The two found a family. Upscale restaurant.

    Business is not bad, taste should be OK.

    When I arrived at the restaurant, I ordered a few dishes. Duan Yun went to the bathroom and let Li Yue'e oneself stay for a while. Li Yue'e naturally had no objection.

    When Duan Yun went to the bathroom, the second floor of the restaurant went down to a man, in his thirties, a suit, looks like a dog, when he saw Li Yue'e, suddenly eyes face.

    The corner of the mouth smirked a smile, and the suit man walked over.

    "This lady, may I ask a person?"

    Very gentleman, very temperament, the look of a successful person, the suit man looks like this, it can be said to be very attractive.

    If the average woman sees it, she will definitely take the initiative to send her.

    It’s just that Li Yue'e at the moment seems to have a bad cold for him. He looked at the four weeks in confusion and then looked at the suit man in confusion: "Uncle, are you talking to me?"


    Li Yue'e came out with such a sentence, the suit man almost fell to the ground, he originally wanted to take a nap, I did not expect Li Yue'e this little girl was not attracted to him, but also so many people called him Uncle.

    Let his self-esteem suffer a bit of damage.

    There was a glimmer of light in my heart, but the man in the suit was still very well hidden. It was still very gentleman’s smile: “Hello, I am the manager of the personnel department of the Yunqian Group. Yang Hong, I am very glad to meet you, can I sit down?”

    Yunqian Group, Personnel Department Manager

    When this sentence came out, the people who suddenly laughed at him were suddenly exclaimed.

    The Yunqian Group is now in Jinyun City, but it is more famous than the Lin Group. It has a super capable beauty boss, Lin Yunqian, which everyone knows.

    In Jinyun City, many people dream of being able to work in the Yunqian Group.

    Manager of the Ministry of Personnel, this position is not small, after all, the rights of the personnel department, in a company, is greater than the rights of other departments.

    It’s just that this is really a big official for others. In Li Yue'e’s eyes, nothing is wrong. Now Li Yue'e has four sisters, one Li Shu, and the other three are Lin Yunqian and Shen Yu. There is also Yan Xin.

    These four sisters are the characters of the boss level, how is the Manager of a personnel department compare with them?

    "Uncle, this position has already been someone, I came with my friend, please let me know, or wait for my brother-in-law to come, he will be upset."

    Seeing the opposite suit, the man sat in the position of Duan Yun without oneself's consent, and Li Yue'e was also somewhat unhappy.

    And Yang Hong is a smile: "I don't know how the lady called me, you should be a fresh graduate."

    Yang Hong can

    The Yuqian Group mixes the position of a Manager, and the vision is still a little bit. Li Yue'e looks like a high school graduate. Isn’t the current child reading a good job, a good job?

    Since this is the case, it is easy to do. He has a certain position in the Yunqian Group, and it is still possible for a person to work in the Yunqian Group.

    Li Yue'e's body doesn't look very rich, so in Yang Hong's eyes, using the Yunqian group to work to lure Li Yue'e is the best choice. After all, he does this kind of thing, not the first. Once.


    I don't know what Yang Hong is going to do, but Li Yue'e replied very politely.

    "Reading is nothing more than finding a good job. I see that the lady is very temperamental and naturally beautiful. If you are interested in working for our Yunqian Group, you can contact me."

    Li Yue'e is not stupid, naturally understands the meaning of Yang Hong, and suddenly said a word: "Mr. Yang, what you said, I am not interested, my brother-in-law is coming back soon, so I advise you to leave now, or wait for me to be afraid of you."

    "Miss, you are so funny, I am a manager of Yang Hong, and this is not scaring me."


    In Yang Hong's eyes, Li Yue'e is just a child of ordinary people. Her brother-in-law can't make oneself any more. Just after talking, the body suddenly becomes stiff because of the sound coming from behind. Some are familiar.

    Looking around, Yang Hong suddenly wows cold and wow.

    At this time, Duan Yun walked over with a smile. When he saw this face, Yang Hong was really guilty. The reason was very simple. Duan Yun was a friend of Lin Yunqian, and he could not afford to be offended.

    "Hey, this is not Yang Deputy Manager, what is it, so free?"

    Seeing this birdman only, Duan Yun was a little funny in his heart. He thought it was the leopard who wanted to hook up Li Yue'e. It turned out to be this idiot.

    "Yeah, Duan Yun, really, you are here."

    Yang Hong was guilty, but he did not show it. After all, he just blew it. He is Manager. In front of so many people, if he was scared by Duan Yun, he was too shameful.

    "Cut, it turns out to be an x, and the sub-Manager is also a Manager."

    "Yeah, really shameless, loading forks."

    Duan Yun called Yang Deputy Manager, Yang Hong did not object, a few guests next to a few tables to see Yang Hong unhappy, immediately despised two sentences.

    Yang Hong’s face was immediately smashed, but Duan Yun hated his teeth.

    Duan Yun is so hateful, even in the face of so many people to dismantle him too, the day is not good, and now eat Duan Yun a boring loss, suddenly no slap in the face to kill Duan Yun.

    "Yang Deputy Manager, we seem to be unfamiliar. If you are fine, please don't sit in my position, and we don't welcome you here. Where are you coming, go back, don't bother us."

    Originally, Yang Hong was not very annoying, but he just had to hook up Li Yue'e.

    And the meaning in that sentence is very obvious, so Duan Yun gave him a bit of resentment, and suddenly had no good attitude.

    "Duan Yun, you"

    Yang Honghao is also a deputy manager. He is pointed to the nose by Duan Yun, and he will not be able to endure this tone.

    "What do you think you are in your thirties, but also to hook up the girl, what, I want the old cow to eat young grass, the Deputy Manager is very hanging in front of me, you are a scum."

    Yang Hong also wants to worry, Duan Yun didn't have a slap in the face and he was very good. He suddenly laughed at it and said, "Why don't you just go out and ask me to throw you out? What do you want to dig up?" Dog eyes."

    To deal with such people, it is such an attitude.

    Yang Hong is not a good bird. Duan Yun naturally does not need to be a civilized person.

    "Duan Yun, don't be too much. How do you know President Lin? I tell you, out of the company, I can't take oneself as an employee of the Yunqian Group."

    Yang Hongshi couldn't stand this breath, and his attitude was pulled down, looking at Duan Yun with a cold face.

    "Hey, how, you threaten me"

    Yang Hong’s words are that individuals are listening to him at first sight.

    Duan Yun hates others threatening oneself, and suddenly looks at Yang Hong: "Well, I have to look at it, can you tell me how to cut me a leg or kill me or let me prefer death over Life ”

    A sharp language, Yang Hong's face turned white, I did not expect Duan Yun to be so arrogant.

    "Hey, Duan Yun, I tell you, we are walking."

    In the end, Yang Hong said coldly, he is a deputy manager, and he is not here to work with Duan Yun, although he wants to play Duan Yun.

    More importantly, Duan Yun is a friend of Lin Yunqian. He still wants to mix with the Yunqian group. If he wants to stay on, he can't face Duan Yun.

    "Well, that's good, Yang Deputy Manager, you are good."

    Yang Hong threatened oneself, and Duan Yun was naturally not afraid. When Yang Hong turned around, he smiled slightly and stretched out one foot. He just squatted on Yang Hong’s foot. Yang Hong didn’t have time to close his feet. on the ground.


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