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    Yang Haoxuan was picked up by the fat people, so he quickly fell the fat base, and poured the fat base, only the red dragon He Zhilong and the fat three people waited there.

    Looking at the three people, Yang Haoxuan showed a faint smile, and he did it with three people: "Maybe we will return to life in the future."

    When I heard Yang Haoxuan’s words, the red dragon stood up: “Boss, what you said is true”

    Yang Haoxuan smiled and nodded: "I just got the news, this soldier boundary is a little strange, the last soldier world we did not go, the same many people did not go, and just a few days ago, suddenly came the news, the West set up a covenant, the Western European Union, and our side is led by our country, there are a few small and weak countries, ASEAN was formed and was ready to fight again. ”

    "Hey, a small Western European Union is also so arrogant, I see the ultimate goal, or let us."Yang Haoxuan’s words have just been finished, and Zhilong, who has always been calm, is also somewhat angry.

    "Oh, there is a rule this time, that is, everyone will be sent to a place, where you need to compete during the day, night is also a sleepless night, life and death, always visible."

    "Oh, I don't think it's a matter of learning, but I have to fight." Red Dragon sneered.

    "The country has decided that this time we will be the highest mark, and the e-country and the surrounding small parliament will travel with us. As for the location, it is still not fixed."Yang Haoxuan got up and said faintly.

    "This time I met, I am afraid that it is the real expert. Who are you going to bring to the boss?" Zhilong broke the word and looked at Yang Haoxuan.

    Yang Haoxuan turned and smiled: "Oh, we have six places, you two, and there are Minglong, plus me."Yang Haoxuan said that his mouth was slightly hooked.

    "Oh, I don't know which two people are there?" Zhilong got up and smiled.

    Yang Haoxuan did not say it directly, and sold a piece: "You will know when you get there."After reading the look at fatty: "fatty, your task is very heavy."

    Fatty white eyes: "Boss, you will not be ready to bring me, let me say, I can't go."

    "Roll, I will not bring you a woman with a woman, can bring a woman can solve the need, can you do what you can" Yang Haoxuan directly wants to give a few feet to the fat, this guy can not get a pot.

    "Boss, do you have such a blow to people?" Fatty said awkwardly.

    "Hey, fatty, this South China City is your place, so, your three nephews will be handed over to you, and I know that my hatred hates more."

    Fatty listened to the spirit immediately: "The boss is assured, I saw which grandson dared to take the attention of the blind, I directly killed them by helicopter."

    This time, Yang Haoxuan did not object, but smiled: "If you can't solve it, just give me the news, or the missile will be bombed."

    Fatty almost didn't stand firm at all, my eyes looked a little weird to see Yang Haoxuan, and then I was a body, and I was awarded a military ceremony: "Guaranteed to complete the task."There is a cool heart in my heart. With Yang Haoxuan’s words, oneself has a protective umbrella. It’s okay to put a missile.

    Looking at the way of fatty, everyone else smiled. Yang Haoxuan arranged for it. The members of the Dragon Soul group such as Zhilong returned to the CD military area. Only Yang Haoxuan remained in Nanhua City.

    Yang Haoxuan has been asked, Yamaguchi side, the loss is too large, there is no more fighting force, and internal fighting constantly, coupled with Japan, Yamaguchi Group's dead rival Black Dragon will be crazy attack Yamaguchi group at this time, Yamaguchi group can protect themselves on the good, as for to the city of South China revenge, they can only be weak.

    Yang Haoxuan left Fatty's base. It was already more than three in the afternoon. He drove directly to the city. Lin Gangyu listened to the elegant feelings in Lin Gang's headquarters. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, his eyes slightly squatting, a handsome The face, the gold-rimmed glasses that I have been carrying have also been removed.

    Not long after, a man dressed in white clothes came out outside: "Oh, Lin University, it seems that you are very smart."

    When I heard someone talking, Lin Tianyu smiled slightly and turned off the music: "Oh, boss Yang, I thought you forgot me."

    "Haha, I forgot that no one can forget you. The guardian Tianlong is the best young man. At the age of 21, he won the rank of the university and completed the task one hundred and forty-eight times. None of them failed. But killing a corrupt official, in desperation, he was secretly removed from the ranks and disappeared. ”Yang Haoxuan sat down and smiled a little.

    When listening to Yang Haoxuan, Lin Tianyu was not surprised. He just smiled: "Those are just gone. Now, I am a Triad, your little brother."

    "Haha, yes, I believe I don't need to introduce it, you should be familiar."

    "Oh, the highest commander of the Dragon Soul group, Dragon God, in fact, I have seen you very early."Lin Tianyu got up and looked at Yang Haoxuan.

    "Oh, when" Yang Haoxuan was a bit strange after listening, Lin Tianyu actually saw oneself before.

    "Oh, three years ago

    You slaughtered the members of the Yamaguchi group. The order was conveyed by me. It was only that night was too dark, your face was full of blood, and I was wearing night gear, you didn't pay attention. ”

    After listening to Yang Haoxuan, he suddenly laughed loudly: "Oh, I remembered it. I didn't expect us to meet again."Yang Haoxuan smiled heartily: "Do you know the purpose of my coming here today?"

    Lin Tianyu listened to the protective smile and smiled: "Listen to listen."

    "In the army, the West has organized a Western European Union. We have established ASEAN here, and we are headed by our country. We have to hold an exchange. I think the purpose of communication is not to be said." Yang Haoxuan said to sit aside. Look at Lin Tianyu.

    Lin Tianyu pondered for a while and looked at Yang Haoxuan: "You won't count me too."

    "Oh, talking to smart people is not too hard."Yang Haoxuan said with a smile: "This time there are a total of six places, we have only four people in the Dragon Soul group."

    Lin Tianyu eyes bright: "Oh, it seems that I am calculating with Qu Feng."Lin Tianyu rolled his eyes and then smiled: "But this time, I was very happy when I arrived."

    Yang Haoxuan smiled after listening. When he saw the information of Lin Tianyu displayed in the mailbox, he was so excited. Lin Tianyu’s combat power, even if he was right, would not be much weaker.

    Then he smiled at Lin Tianyu: "Can you tell the style?"

    When Lin Tianyu heard Yang Haoxuan’s words, he turned and looked at Yang Haoxuan: “The style, if it’s not for me to leave, now the leader of the guardian Tianlong should be him.”After shook his head, there was a sorrow in his eyes: "But his strength, against Zhizhilong, will not lose."

    Lin Tianyu’s words once again gave Yang Haoxuan a shock. The strength of distinguishing one is very strong. He knows, but Lin Tianyu’s answer to him also surprised him.

    Moreover, the person inside the guardian Tianlong knows that he can be the guardian of the Tianlong leader, and that needs more than strength.

    "Oh, it seems that I have got two babyes."Yang Haoxuan smiled slightly: "Go to Wu'er Road alone."After turning around and walking out of the room: "After three days, follow me back to the CD Military District."

    Yang Haoxuan returned to his residence with full of thoughts. It is already more than six o'clock. Ye Qianqian, Lin Qingqing and Chen Xueying are all there, and they have already cooked their meals.

    Smiling and gone over: "How do you know that I am coming back?"

    "Hey, hello, we are looking at you from the military area. If you are not there, you will go home and wait for you."Chen Xueying said with a small mouth.

    Yang Haoxuan apologized after a smile: "Oh, I am careless."Sit down and say, but I don't know how to speak.

    Oneself guessed that he had just gone out to the hospital and had not accompanied the three women well, but now they have to leave, it is really not good to talk to them.

    On the table, the three happy looking at Yang Haoxuan eating rice, Yang Haoxuan saw the person's appearance, directly lost the mind of eating, put down the tableware, directly picked up Ye Qianqian He Lin Qingqing and rushed to the bedroom.

    When I left, I said a word to Chen Xueying: "You come in alone, or I will lock the door later."

    The later Chen Xueying followed me one by one.

    Put the two on the bed, hugged Chen Xueying behind, and fell to the bed, and the body pressed down: "Tonight, you are the most obedient, first reward you."After finishing the work, the big mouth covered up.

    As the clothes in the room fell to the ground one by one, and there was a regular happy sound inside, Yang Haoxuan continued to water on the three women.

    Before the injury has been in the hospital, there is no meat, today has such an opportunity, Yang Haoxuan naturally got a great war.

    After more than three hours of fierce fighting, the dead were lying weakly on the bed, full of sweat.

    Holding a pair of cylinders on the left and right sides, Chen Xueying was unable to kneel down Yang Haoxuan's chest and gasped.

    Feeling the warm aura, Yang Haoxuan still spoke: "I may have to leave another time."

    Yang Haoxuan’s words made the three women slightly shocked, and then Ye Qianqian opened her mouth: “Oh, we know that you have oneself, rest assured, we will take care of oneself.”Lin Qingqing on the other side also nodded.

    Kissing two women, this is Chen Xueying who is lying on his body: "If you rush to find another woman, come back and we will marry you."After listening to a certain part of Yang Haoxuan, it broke.

    This is also the case, Yang Haoxuan turned over and pressed Chen Xueying under his body: "Family Law Serves."Then there was another burst of spring.

    After spending three days with the three women, Yang Haoxuan took Lin Tianyu to the CD military area and sat on the plane. Yang Haoxuan’s thoughts were far away.

    Yang Haoxuan’s several people took the military helicopters this time, so in less than two hours, they felt the CD military area.

    Looking at the rows of people standing on the training ground not far away, Yang Haoxuan hangs a smile and walks straight.


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