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    The stone bridge that only allowed one person to pass, with Lin Tianyu leading the way, followed by Xia Wei, the people behind him followed.

    Looking at the dark abyss below, Yang Haoxuan also some scalp numbness, although found the past road, but through this distance, is not a simple thing, just below the abyss, is enough to cause scalp numbness, if the general psychological quality is not good or a little worse, I am afraid not to walk through this cliff, It is estimated that it will fall down and die without a corpse.

    Finally, watching the last person pass the cliff, Yang Haoxuan slowly breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately these people have good psychological qualities, no one fell.

    At the moment when the last person passed, the whole picture shook again. It was only an instant effort. The two stone platforms that stretched out were shrunk back, disappeared, and restored the original cliff risk.

    In this case, Yang Haoxuan and others have become accustomed to the fact that every time they pass a pass, the road will disappear, so that they have no way, and can only continue to move forward.

    I ignored the changes behind me and continued to move forward. The same was true of other people. This time, Chen Feng was not in the forefront, but Lin Tianyu was at the forefront. Since Lin Tianyu had just played a game, it has become somewhat Strange, Lin Tianyu at the moment, exudes an invisible confidence.

    Although Yang Haoxuan and others in the back did not know what happened to Lin Tianyu, no one went up to ask Lin Tianyu, because they could see that Lin Tianyu had some strangeness, but there was no problem.

    The group continued to go ahead. No one made a noise, and the atmosphere looked awkward. Lin Tianyu, a slender figure, and a tall figure, stretched a picture of the waist drum.

    In this way, everyone walked away for almost 20 minutes, and Lin Tianyu stopped in front of him, and in front of Lin Tianyu, there was a golden glow.

    Behind him, Yang Haoxuan and others were also shocked. The eyes stayed in the wide hall in front of the 100 meters, and a pile of gold and silver jewels exudes a burst of golden light.

    In this case, everyone was shocked. In front of a natural hole in the size of a football field, there are various kinds of jewellery on top of each stone platform, as well as all kinds of rare treasures.

    Yang Haoxuan and other people look at the front of the Lin Tian-yu to stand there, behind the Yang Haoxuan and other people also followed up, Yang Haoxuan self-proclaimed look at the front pile of gold and silver jewelry, the heart constantly thinking, so many jewelry, how can be here in front of those layout, are to hide these jewels and those white bones, are for these jewelry to come

    Now it’s not just Yang Haoxuan’s thoughts. Lin Tianyu and others around him think the same way. Suddenly, Lin Tianyu moves and walks toward the stone wall on the right. Yang Haoxuan and others look up and look at Lin Tianyu’s direction. Above the stone wall, neatly arranged a few lines of red characters.

    The whole hall is now brighter than the daytime outside, even outside the daytime. The radiance of these treasures illuminates every corner of the place, so they can test the words on the stone wall far away.

    "I am Zheng Xuan, with its Lord Zheng He to the emperor to make the sunset, carrying the treasures of all countries Gongzhao priceless span of the West, not road encounter pirates 3,000, but the number of pirates too many, and there are artillery and other attacks, I was separated from his main Zheng He, by the Pirates besieged the island March, the last grain, in Accidental discovery of this underground Tibetan palace, after three months of layout, only to be successful, if I later the children of Daming find this treasure, hope to hand in the court, I wait for 500 bones to bring back to daming from the burial, Zheng Xuanti "

    A clear and simple line of words, reflected in the eyes of Yang Haoxuan and others, is shocking. At this moment, they are completely understandable. Why is there an ancient domestic building on the island, and why is it wearing the Ming Dynasty? The zombies of the official uniforms, and then the pile of white bones in the foggy formation. The piles of white bones in the five-line maze, the wreckage of the front steps of the deadly silk, to these lines of words, they are completely understood.

    Man is a dead man, and a bird is a food-eating. For hundreds of years, these people have sacrificed their humble life for the one-man group in front of these dazzling treasures.

    Seeing that everyone is still shocked and emotional, Yang Haoxuan has come to the forefront. In the middle of these treasures, rows of neat white bones are displayed there. There are clothes wrapped here, but now, only to see A little residue.

    Only the front of a white bone body, still a complete set of clothing wrapped, Yang Haoxuan stepped forward, carefully looked at, Lin Tianyu on the other side called: "Lin Boda, this you are an expert, Come over and see, this suit, at least how much it costs."

    Lin Tianyu, who was still meditating, and everyone heard Yang Haoxuan’s words, and surrounded them. Li Tianyu gently stroked the dress worn on the bones. He looked carefully for about a minute, then clicked. nod.

    "Pure gold scales

    Silk, such clothes, in ancient times only appeared two times, are in the Tang Dynasty, the Western countries pay tribute the rare treasure. of our country, you, the whole dress is golden yellow, and his material is rare treasure., his name is called Gold scales silk, because of his materials, not only silk, but also said to live in the sea floor of a gold squamous fish, This fish has been extinct by now, and this fish lives thousands of meters above the sea floor. I don't know how these people got it. ”

    Lin Tian-yu said still full of admiration nodded, sighed a few words, and then said: "You see above the pattern, should be above the stone wall said that the tall man Zheng Xuan, just a little strange is, such clothes, should be the Ming Dynasty Jinyi Wei costumes, and as far as I know, to the western Zheng He, seems to have nothing to do with Jinyi Wei Ah" After that, there was another sigh of ecstasy.

    "Well, I haven't discussed history with you. I just asked you how much this dress is worth." Yang Haoxuan rolled his eyes, Grandma's, and Lao Tzu didn't ask you so much, why do you show it so much.

    Lin Tianyu suddenly disappeared for a while, and looked at Yang Haoxuan with some surprises: "Why do you want to privately swallow state property?"

    Yang Haoxuan was speechless again, oh, when did this become so humorous, and then looked down at Lin Tianyu: "You are not afraid of shooting, I am still afraid, I am asking, this dress, how these treasures compare ”

    Lin Tianyu suddenly awakened, hehe smiled: "If this dress is compared with these treasures, the total value is lower, but this golden silk is a treasure that can be imagined in the world, so It can't be compared."

    Yang Haoxuan hangs a smirk at the corner of his mouth. He put his hands together and bowed to the pair of white bones on the ground. Then he gently pulled down the clothes on the bones and sorted them in his hand. Yang Haoxuan found the above. There is no gray layer.

    Everyone is very strange, Yang Haoxuan is doing this, I don’t really want to swallow it.

    Yang Haoxuan saw the eyes of everyone, my heart was stunned, my grandmother, when I was a man, grass, you are a group of so-called brothers, despising. I despised others from it. Suddenly, Yang Haoxuan suddenly shot, and there was a dagger in his hand, and he slid down into the clothes in his hand.

    "Grass, this cargo destroys the national treasure" saw Yang Haoxuan's action, everyone at the same time, Lin Tianyu wanted to go forward to stop Yang Haoxuan, but helpless Yang Haoxuan shot too fast, it is already late.

    "Si…"A piece of clothing was smashed and sounded, and at the same time, a slight metal rubbing sound was heard. Yang Haoxuan’s mouth was filled with a smile, and the dagger in his hand had disappeared, holding the dress in his hand.

    This dress has a total of three floors, the outermost layer is pure silk, followed by Lin Tian-yu said gold scales silk, the innermost is a layer of best quality silk, and now, by Yang Haoxuan a knife across, the outermost layer of silk has been scratched, the middle of the gold scales of silk is the slightest damage, and Yang Haoxuan this boy, Look at the baby in the hands with a sneer on his face.

    I still muttered in my mouth: "Baby is baby, this thing, I am afraid that armor-piercing bullets are useless."Suddenly after the meal: "The armor-piercing bomb is right, almost forgot this guy."Then he said, holding the clothes in his hand and jumping to the side of the wind: "Maniac, give me a shot."

    "啥" Yang Haoxuan's words almost made everyone suddenly reacted and broke their anger. Is this a brain poisoning, especially the wind, and my heart is awkward, my grandmother, give you a shot of the gun, even the tank can wear it. Two cars, you think that you are the one who is not dying.

    Shaking his head hard and looking at Yang Haoxuan: "You are poisoned by your brain. Don't waste my bullets when you want to die. I have to get a 10,000 yuan for at least one bullet. You have to find a knife to wipe your neck."

    Yang Haoxuan heard, almost fell, this guy, how come this kind of thought, then helpless smile: "I mean, let you give me a shot of this clothes, you want to die" said the clothes in the handle Look at the wind.

    This time all the talents reacted to what they were doing, Mu wind pondered for a while, the phone moved a few times with lightning, and there was a black sniper rifle in the hand, and Lin Tianyu’s clothes were gun.

    "Pong" sounded a harsh sound, and brought a spark, Yang Haoxuan's clothes with a float, and instantly returned to calm, Yang Haoxuan quickly put his clothes in his hands and kept looking.

    After listening for a while, my eyes fixed on a blackened focus on the clothes. The outer layer of silk clothes was broken by a hole, and the golden silk in the middle was not damaged at all.

    Seeing this, Yang Haoxuan chuckled out: "The treasure is a treasure, and the armor-piercing project does not work."After talking about the clothes in his hand, he threw it to Lin Tianyu: "You look at the clothes, and the defense is stronger than a tank."

    Lin Tianyu and others only understood Yang Haoxuan’s move just now, but he just took the clothes, but a blank piece of paper fell on the clothes, and two lines of black fonts were faintly visible.


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