Next, Yang Fan immediately commanded Da Meng and swam quickly towards the iron box in front of him!

Soon, one man and one whale came to the side of the iron box.

Looking at the iron box in front of him that was covered with rust and did not know how many years it had been buried at the bottom of the sea, Yang Fan’s eyes flashed with incomparable excitement!

He had a hunch that this box was better than containing good things!

Seeing that there was no lock on this iron box, Yang Fan stretched out his hand and slowly opened it with full expectation…

Next second!

He directly widened his eyes and roared: “Lie in the groove! Sent it! ”

I saw that after the iron box was opened, it was neatly filled with silver ingots!

“Haha! It turned out to be a box of silver ingots! ”

Seeing this, Yang Fan immediately grinned.

Then, he quickly picked up a silver ingots and studied it carefully.

Soon he found that at the bottom of this silver ingot, there were several words engraved, which had been eroded by the years and were already very blurry, so he could not see what was written.

But according to the shape of the text, it is easy to judge that this should be several ancient texts.

That is, this is a box of ancient silver ingots!

Looking at the silver ingots in his hand carefully, Yang Fan found that there were some black oxides on the surface of the silver ingots, it stands to reason that silver is very stable and will not be oxidized by water, but the ancient refining technology is not very high, so this should not be pure silver, mixed with some other impurities, so there will be a slight oxidation phenomenon.

Weighing the silver ingot, he estimated that it was at least half a catty or so.

According to the price of about 4 yuan per gram of silver, this silver ingots can probably be worth tens of thousands of yuan.

And the silver ingots of this large box, I am afraid that there are hundreds of them, which means that these silver ingots can be worth at least one million!

Of course, the value of this silver ingots cannot be calculated simply by the price of silver.

This is an ancient silver ingot!

They are antiques, which have great collection and research value, and must be worth more than ordinary silver.

If this batch of silver ingots is taken to the antique market, those antique collectors will definitely be willing to pay a lot of money to buy it for collection!

Therefore, the value of this box of silver ingots can be worth at least several million, or even tens of millions!

Thinking of this, Yang Fan couldn’t help but grin: “Hehe, it’s a surprise!” I actually picked up a box of ancient silver ingots! ”

However, the excitement is enough.

A doubt also popped up in his mind.

Why is there a box of ancient silver ingots here?

After thinking about this question for a while, he quickly thought of a possibility.

It is unlikely that this box of silver ingots was lost here in isolation, it was most likely dropped from an ancient ship that was about to sink!

And if this speculation comes true, then there is likely to be an ancient shipwreck in the nearby sea!

“So, I may well have found an ancient shipwreck treasure?!”

Thinking of this, Yang Fan’s heart immediately plopped!


About the underwater shipwreck treasure.

In fact, Yang Fan had an idea for a long time.

Since he possessed the Dragon Balls, he had thought many times that he would go to salvage shipwrecks under the sea in the future, after all, there are too many treasures buried under the sea!

But he also knew that it was very difficult to find the treasure of the shipwreck in the vast sea, and the conditions were not ripe yet, so the idea was temporarily shelved.

Yang Fan remembers that he once watched a documentary about the world’s underwater shipwreck treasures.

According to the documentary, there are at least 1 million shipwrecks around the world!

And with these shipwrecks sunk at the bottom of the sea are countless gold and silver jewelry!

The value of these gold and silver jewelry is really immeasurable!

Of course, not all shipwrecks have gold and silver jewelry, such as some warship frigates that were sunk during the war.

But some merchant ships and transport ships and pirate ships are of great value, because these ships are often loaded with materials and gold and silver jewelry, and for thousands of years in ancient times, gold and silver were the only hard currency in the world, so when trading at sea, merchant ships would carry large amounts of gold and silver.

In addition to gold and silver jewelry, there are many merchant ships carrying precious ivory, porcelain and other art treasures, which if salvaged are definitely priceless treasures.

In fact, before the Qing Dynasty closed off the country, China’s three dynasties of Song, Yuan and Ming also had the Maritime Silk Road.

The most famous nature is Zheng He’s voyage to the West, when maritime trade was at a high time, and many merchant ships in China were loaded with exquisite porcelain, silk, and tea to trade overseas.

However, the ancient navigation technology is general, so that a large part of the merchant ships going to sea will sink in the middle of the way.

According to statistics, there are at least thousands of ancient merchant ships buried in the South China Sea, which also makes this sea area carrying the ancient maritime Silk Road known as the ‘underwater porcelain capital’.

And the most well-known seabed shipwreck found in China today is the ‘Nanhai No. 1’.

‘Nanhai No. 1’ is a shipwreck of the Southern Song Dynasty, which experts have preliminarily identified as an ocean-going trading merchant ship with a large amount of exquisite porcelain to be exported overseas.

As soon as the ‘Nanhai 1’ was discovered, it shocked the world’s marine archaeology community, because after being buried on the bottom of the sea for thousands of years, the hull of the ship did not decay at all, and it was still quite well preserved, which is simply breathtaking.


Thinking that there is probably an undersea shipwreck nearby.

Yang Fan didn’t say a word, and directly rode the little killer whale Da Meng and began to search.

He used his water-defying eyesight to carpet search every inch of the seabed.

And after about ten minutes of searching, he finally had a harvest!

I saw that about a few hundred meters in front of the right, there was really a shipwreck lying quietly!

It was a decaying wooden ship, about ten meters long and four meters wide, the wood of the hull had long since decayed, and the cabin and deck were covered with thick silt.

“Groove! There really are shipwrecks! ”

After discovering this sea-wreck, Yang Fan’s eyes immediately lit up!

He was really excited at the moment!

He guessed that since a box of silver ingots could fall from this ancient shipwreck, maybe there would be a second box, a third box, and a fourth box of silver ingots on it…

Even, maybe there are a few boxes of gold ingots!

If this is the case, this wave of him is really going to make a big deal!


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