After chatting with Yang Fan for a couple of words.

Then, the old village chief said to the villagers who were watching: “Did you hear what Fan Xiaozi said just now, which of you has a fishing boat and has not gone to sea?” If you have, you can rent it to other tourists! ”

Immediately, a middle-aged woman took the lead in replying: “Yes, village chief, there is an old fishing boat in my family that has not gone to sea!” ”

Soon, four or five more middle-aged and elderly women next to them said, “My family also has one!” ”

The village chief nodded: “Okay, then you will discuss with these tourists to see what kind of rental method it is.” ”

Next, things are very simple.

Tourists work in groups of threes and threes, about five or six people to rent a boat, and then each person pays a charter fee of 30 yuan.

There were 46 tourists in total, and a total of 8 fishing boats were rented.

In other words, this wave, Yang Fan generated more than a thousand yuan for the village.

And this is not the only income generating point that he has in mind.

After seeing that the tourists had teamed up to rent the boat, Yang Fan smiled at this time and said: “Everyone, don’t rush to get on the boat first, let me ask you a question, you will watch the killer whale later, do you want to feed the killer whale, or let your children feed the killer whale?” ”

Hearing his words, the tourists immediately nodded: “I must want to!” ”

You know, these tourists who drive over are not bad money.

They usually take their children to the zoo or aquarium to play, if they encounter the kind of project that can be fed, they will not hesitate to buy some food to feed the child to the animals, and now hearing Yang Fan say that they can feed killer whales, of course they are 10,000 willing!

But the question is, what to feed killer whales?

Later, a female tourist who came to travel with her five-year-old son asked Yang Fan: “Handsome man, what do you usually feed killer whales?” ”

Yang Fan smiled and said, “Feed fish or beef.” ”

The female tourist asked, “Do you have fish or beef for sale in your village?” If there is, I’ll buy some! ”

Hearing her words, other tourists also responded: “Yes, is there any sale, if there is, we are willing to buy some to feed killer whales!” ”

Seeing this situation, Yang Fan immediately turned to the old village chief and smiled: “Look, third grandfather, isn’t the business coming again.” ”

The old village chief immediately grinned and gave him a thumbs up: “Hehe, Fan boy, you are powerful!” ”

How can the old village chief not understand, Yang Fan first let tourists rent boats to watch killer whales, and now he lets tourists buy fish to feed killer whales, this set of sets, obviously to generate income for the village!

The old village chief laughed, and then shouted to the onlookers: “Who of you caught fish in the morning and still haven’t sold it?” If so, hurry up and sell it to tourists! ”

The villagers listened and immediately responded.

Many diligent fishermen go out to sea at three or four o’clock in the morning to collect their nets, so by this time some fishermen in the village have already caught some fish and returned.

The villagers who had the fish went home separately, and Ma sneaked up to bring the fish they caught in the morning to the dock.

Buckets and buckets of fish are left to the picks of tourists.

Seeing the villagers bring fish, those tourists immediately began to rush to buy fish, for fear that if they bought less, they would not be able to experience the feeling of feeding killer whales.

During this period, Yang Fan has been supervising.

He fears that some villagers will raise prices and even double the price of fish to tourists.

This kind of behavior of pit tourists, Yang Fan will definitely not allow it to happen, because once it happens, it will cause great damage to the image of Big Whale Village.

Do you think, now the little killer whale is so hot, by the way, the big whale village is also on fire, and this group of tourists is the first batch of tourists to come to the big whale village, if you pit others, people will give you a bad review on the Internet at that time, won’t this immediately defeat the reputation of your fishing village?

Therefore, Yang Fan felt that it was necessary to supervise it.

Of course, what made him feel gratified was that these villagers in his fishing village were obviously very simple, and they did not make a fuss about the price of fish at this time, and basically sold them to tourists at normal market prices.


It didn’t take long to do it.

Tourists sold out all the fish brought by the villagers.

When they finished buying the fish, Yang Fan waved his hand: “Okay, you are all ready to get on the boat, let’s go to see the killer whales!”

Hearing his words, the tourists immediately cheered.


Yang Fan took these excited tourists and took a boat to the deep water area.

Once in the deep water, he immediately cut a sea wolf fish and threw the pieces into the sea one by one.

Little killer whale Da Meng is usually active in this area, it is very sensitive to the smell of blood ~ sense, as soon as there is a smell of blood it will basically appear quickly, Yang Fan used to feed it beef every day, is to directly throw the beef into the sea, soon Da Meng will appear.

This time, there were no surprises.

A few minutes after Yang Fan threw down the fish pieces, a ‘big sickle’ that seemed to be hanging upside down on the surface of the sea surfaced!

This, naturally, is the dorsal fin of the little killer whale!

Seeing Da Meng coming, Yang Fan immediately whistled, and then directly threw a five- or six-pound sea wolf fish towards it.

Da Meng heard his familiar whistle, immediately poked his head out of the sea, and immediately saw a big fish flying towards him, it cheered a whimpering whale, directly with a force, the fish jumped out of the sea and grabbed the sea wolf fish!

This spectacular scene of ‘killer whale pounce’ was naturally sparse and ordinary in Yang Fan’s eyes.

But for those who visit, it’s simply amazing!

Seeing the appearance of the little killer whale, all the tourists immediately cheered excitedly!

Especially those children, they are even more excited to clap their hands and feet.

“Wow! Mama, it’s a killer whale! ”

“Oh! There really are killer whales! ”

“Grandpa! Look, killer whales! ”

The children were excited, and the adults were also excited, so they quickly took out their mobile phones and began to shoot.

Usually they can only see domesticated killer whales in the aquarium, but now they see pure wild killer whales directly in the sea, this rare scene, of course, you must quickly shoot it, and then send a circle of friends to show off!

Even, a few female tourists also took a TikTok ~ audio small video!

Seeing that these tourists were excited, Yang Fan smiled and said, “Now, you can start feeding the baby killer whales.” ”

Hearing his words, all the tourists cheered again.

Then they scrambled to throw fish at the baby killer whales.


In an instant, dozens of fish flew towards the baby killer whale!

Little killer whale Da Meng has seen this kind of battle, and before he could react, some fish smashed towards his head, frightening it into the sea.

When it came back to its senses, it began to eat wildly!

Tourists keep feeding, and baby killer whales keep eating wildly.

It didn’t take long for the two or three hundred pounds of fish that these tourists just bought into the belly of the little killer whale.

Speaking of which, the little killer whale Da Meng after Yang Fan’s feeding during this time, the body size is already very large, although it is still young, but the appearance looks almost catching up with adult killer whales!

Therefore, the food of the little killer whale is really not covered, two or three hundred pounds of fish belly, it only eats a seven points full.

When Yang Fan saw that the tourists were rushing to feed Da Meng, he couldn’t help but smile.

“Hehe, it seems that I don’t have to feed Da Meng, the big stomach king, in the future, let these tourists who come to see it feed it!”

You know, the amount of food of the little killer whale is very amazing, the daily food cost is at least thousands of dollars, every time it is fed it, Yang Fan will be a little painful.

And now, with tourists feeding it!

In this way, you can save the boss a lot of money!

Thinking of this, Yang Fan couldn’t help but feel a little beautiful in his heart!


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