3020 AD, 1000 years in the new calendar, a thousand years after the catastrophe.

In the depths of the vast Universe Starry Sky, a blue life planet exudes fascinating colors. This is a planet with human civilization.

Her name is Blue Star.

The planet originally had a lot of land area, close to half of the ocean area. However, a thousand years ago, Heaven and Earth changed. The icebergs of the north and south poles melted and the sea level rose.

In the end, a piece of land collapsed and sank. Pieces of land were covered by sea water, leaving only one island formed by high mountains.

After most of these mountains were submerged, a small part of the island was left exposed to the surface of the sea. It became the only place for terrestrial creatures to survive, and survival has become more difficult than ever.

However, before the disaster strikes, the high-level mankind has already made preparations and built floating islands floating in the sky, and the elites in the society have been taken to the floating islands.

Various high-tech inheritance has also been transferred to Floating Island, keeping the fire of human civilization as much as possible.

It became the only safe place when disaster strikes.

More people fell in the tsunami that broke out when the disaster came, and a small number retreated on the island formed by the high mountains and began to struggle for survival.

Followed by the revival of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi and the mutation of marine life.

Mankind has also begun a difficult struggle, striving for a new rise, struggling for the confused future.

After thousands of years of hard work, mankind has regained a firm foothold, society has stabilized again, and cultivation civilization has also begun to develop at a high speed, and scientific and technological civilization has become an auxiliary.

On the boundless sea, on an island neither too big nor too small, there is a village on it called White Cloud Village. There are more than a thousand households with a population of about two to three thousand people.

Outside the village, in a shabby small courtyard, Ou Shaotian woke up from his bed.

After sitting up, Ou Shaotian shook his dizzy head, and then began to look all around, the strange memories in his mind also began to merge.


Such an incredible thing actually happened!

"Is the future after the catastrophe, still an orphan?"

Ou Shaotian murmured to himself in surprise after finding out his situation.

Unfortunately, he was still an orphan in this life. A year ago, his parents had disappeared in the vast sea, and they were probably buried in the sea.

This body has the same name as him, and after the memory has merged, they no longer distinguish each other.

I have been an orphan for more than 30 years in my previous life. How I hope this life has relatives, but unfortunately, I still don’t have a family.

Ou Shaotian came to the mirror and looked at the strange and familiar face, but he felt very heavy. "The most important fishing trial failed. What should I do?"

My head was fully awake, and after I figured out the condition of this body, I started to worry.

The reason why the original body was unconscious is that not long ago, he followed the angler in White Cloud Village to participate in a fishing trial, but was knocked out by a big fish, causing the trial to fail.

The most important thing is that he was kicked out of the trial team by the angler Wang Xu who led the team and lost the qualification for the trial.

There is no school in the village. Young children are taught by the elderly in the village. Wang Xu is the angler in the village, and he is also a high-ranking figure in the village.

He was ousted from the trial team. If there were no accidents, Ou Shaotian would be dead in his life.

Because this trial is really important. After the rise of cultivation civilization, Heaven and Earth's will has changed. Humans only need to pass the trial and catch the spirit fish with their own hands, and then cook it through the secret technique, and then eat it. , You can awaken the innate talent Soul Spirit.

The best age for awakening is 12 years old. Ou Shaotian happened to be 12 years old, so he participated in the fishing trial, but was knocked out by the spirit fish.

In addition, until now's performance was not good, so I was kicked out of the trial team.

If you want to awaken in the future, you can only rely on him. No one will lead him anymore, but going to sea by yourself is similar to courting death, so I say that this life is over.

"Forget it, don't want that many, when we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through, when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current, always There is a way."

Ou Shaotian cheered up again, looked towards himself in the mirror again, and felt a lot better. Although it was far inferior to others, it was a Level 1 fisherman anyway.

Compared with the self in the previous life, he is much stronger. The body of only 12 years old looks extremely strong, at least with the strength of an adult in the previous life.

Then I turned around and saw the bowl on the table near the bed. It was left by Yun Duo'er, his through childhood playmate. He can wake up now, thanks to Yun Duo'er. A bowl of Spirit Gathering Fish soup.

His trial failed, but Yun Duo'er succeeded. He caught a swordfish with his own hands, stewed it with medicine ingredient, and after eating, he awakened the innate talent Yin-Yang Swordfish and was rewarded three times. Bowl of Spirit Gathering Fish soup.

After Ou Shaotian was injured by a big fish, Yun Duo'er fed him a bowl without the slightest hesitation to stabilize his injury.

"This girl, I don’t need Spirit Gathering Fish soup to consolidate my newly awakened innate talent Soul Spirit, and I actually gave myself a bowl. I really owe this favor. How can I pay it back!"


Ou Shaotian was moved by the fact that cultivation resources like Spirit Gathering Fish soup are precious things in their small fishing village. Even if they have money, they may not be able to buy them.

It seems that I can only find a way to repay in the future. As a reincarnator, Ou Shaotian still has this confidence.

Then he walked around the house, from the bedroom to the hall, to the kitchen, his face became more and more ugly.

This house can be said to be a family member, with no valuables at all. Even the rice tank in the kitchen is empty. It is estimated that even the mouse will not survive.

Poor, really poor and unimaginable, even poorer than he was an orphan in his previous life.

I recalled that in the year he lost his parents, he basically relied on his neighbors for relief. If it were not for these neighbors, I am afraid he would not survive now.

"It seems that there are a lot of people who need to repay, but the most urgent thing is to prepare some food first, otherwise, when the energy of the Spirit Gathering Fish soup in the stomach is exhausted, then you will be hungry. "

Ou Shaotian began to worry about his livelihood after he figured out his own situation.

For more than a long time, I searched all the places I could find. In the end, only a few sea coins were found, which were not enough for him to eat a meal. It seemed that he could only find another way.

Did you go to the neighbor's grandfather's house to have dinner again?

If he was a 12-year-old child before, he would definitely have a mixed meal, but he is now in his thirties.

Let him run to the neighbors to eat and drink, and he will not be able to pass that hurdle in his heart.

"Others have cheat when they are born again. Where is my cheat? Am I so unlucky?"

Ou Shaotian felt a little weak in his heart.

Previous life knowledge is basically useless. If you don’t have cheat, it’s really not easy to mix. The only thing you can rely on is your mature mentality.

I took another look at the old pieces of furniture in the house. After knowing that he really couldn't find valuable things, Ou Shaotian turned and walked outside the house, thinking about a solution as he walked.

However, when he walked to the yard and saw the small fishing boat left by his parents, Ou Shaotian's figure was frozen.

He seemed to see another himself.

It was a very strange feeling. How can I put it to say that the small fishing boat is like his other body, and he can control the various driving forms that come to the door as long as he can control it with thoughts move.

"Is this my cheat?"

After Ou Shaotian came back to his senses, he suddenly smiled, and the whole person was much more relaxed, no longer like before Depressed.

It seems that all the previous difficulties are not a problem.

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