Ou Shaotian received the receipt reminder from Jiulongbao, and after confirming that it was correct, he also let Scarlet Lotus Vine release, and there was no backlash.

As soon as Scarlet Lotus Vine was released, the three of them returned to the flying boat not far away and fled at the fastest speed.

"Master, let me clean the deck!"

Purple Gold Black Tortoise flew out of Ou Shaotian, looked at the blood-stained deck, and couldn't help but say aloud.

"Well, I will leave it to you!"

Ou Shaotian nodded.

Then Purple Gold Black Tortoise took action. As the top Soul Spirit of the Water Element, cleaning the deck is just a trivial matter for it.

I saw it had a big mouth, sucking up the sea water, and then turned its head and sprayed it on the deck.

The huge impact quickly washed the deck clean.

"Master, it's done!"

Purple Gold Black Tortoise said happily.

"Well, let's go back!"

Ou Shaotian nodded, the Fishing Boat Avatar flew up and flew towards the Twelve Star Academy.


On the other side, after Li Pan and the others came back, Xie Heng also called the three of them over and asked in detail what happened.

This time he paid a full 1 billion low grade Spirit Stone. This is not a small sum. Naturally, it is necessary to understand clearly.

But he is not without gain, at least his men are more centered on him.

After all, it is worthy of allegiance to be able to pay such a large price for the little brother, so it was a big wave of people's hearts that were bought for a while.

"Little Island Lord, this is how the matter happened."

Li Pan described the matter in detail before finally speaking.

"This kid is growing too fast, unless someone of a higher generation is used to take action, otherwise it is impossible to succeed."

After Xie Heng finished listening, he also frowned. .

Now he also knows that it is not that Li Pan and the others are incompetent, but that Ou Shaotian is too great and grows too fast.

Unless the experts of the older generation are used, it will be difficult to find one who can deal with Ou Shaotian among the peers, or at all.

But if you use the expert of the older generation, then sorry, unless you can bear the anger of the holy powerhouse, otherwise, it is better not to mess around.

"Yes, Little Island Lord, I still don't want to target him in the future, otherwise it must be us."

Li Pan also quickly persuaded him.

He is really intimidated by Ou Shaotian's fierceness now. He killed more than 30 people at once. How could he be able to do it!

In his eyes, Ou Shaotian is simply a butcher.

It must not be provoked.

"Forget it, don't deal with him for the time being. As for the food hall, just imitate and follow suit. We will do whatever they do."

So is Xie Heng I was timid, so I decided to wait and see first, not to take action for the time being.

even more how Ou Shaotian has offended the Sea Dragon Gang now, and he also wants to see if the Sea Dragon Gang’s gang leader will take action against Ou Shaotian.

He still shouldn't do this early bird.

Too dangerous!

This time I used my mind and I was bankrupt. When I come back next time, he doesn't have a Spirit Stone to redeem people.


So in the following time, Xie Heng remained silent, and did not make any bad actions towards Baiyun Food Hall.

I just learned how to do business in Baiyun Food Hall.

The other forces couldn't help but inquire about it. After this inquiries, they knew that a major event had appeared, and that Xie Heng had actually admitted defeat.

There is no impermeable wall in this world.

Xi Heng's use of one billion to redeem a person is not a trivial matter in itself. After all, such a large sum of money will have a lot of impact.

Those who are interested only need to investigate a little to know.

Even if Xie Heng wanted to conceal it, he couldn't hide it, so it spread among the younger generations of the twelve Star Island.

"Is it impossible? Anyone like Xie Heng who is rude and unreasonable will also compensate, and or for three of his hands to compensate?"

Someone heard about this. The first reaction is not to believe it. I think it is impossible to think about it.

"It’s true. You can see how quiet Xie Heng has been recently. He hasn’t been out for several days and hid at home."

Someone is well informed, but It is a very positive way.

"One billion, is he stupid? He was willing to pay so much money. Just a few of his men. They were killed when they were killed. There is nothing at the worst!"

Someone shook his head.

"Che, what do you know, this is to buy people's hearts, otherwise, the people's hearts will be scattered, and the team will be difficult to lead!"

Some people despise it.

"Che, as long as you have money and you are afraid of no one, you can work. What should you do faithfully? Can you eat it?"

Some people said with disdain.


In the circle of the twelve Star Island younger generations, some people agree, some say they give too much, and some say he is stupid.

No matter what the view, but at least they all know that this Ou Shaotian is not to be trifled with. If you don't want to end with Xie Heng, let's keep your mind!

So for a while, Baiyun Food Hall became calm and tranquil, ushering in a rare period of peaceful development.

So in the following time, every food restaurant is making money every day, and more and more money is gathered.

It has completely become the overlord of the twelve Star Island catering industry.

In a box, Ou Shaotian was eating delicious food while checking the materials sent by Zhang Pengpeng, frowned.

This information is about his cheap Master Dadao.

In these days, the Baiyun Food Hall is developing rapidly. With the help of the Baiyun Catering Association, he also investigated the news of Badao.

The result of the investigation is very simple. Ten years ago, the Tyrant appeared in a seabed ruin in the Vortex Sea Territory near the Twelve Star Island.

While fighting for the treasure of the relic, he snatched a treasure from the Cancer Island Lord of the Twelve Star Island, thus forming a grudge.

After that, Tyrannical Blade disappeared in the sphere of influence of the Twelve Star Island.

The reason Ou Shaotian frowned was because it was too coincidental. It was Cancer Island that the Dadao offended, which made him have to sigh.

This fate is really amazing. His Master offended Cancer Island. He also offended Cancer Island. He is indeed a master and disciple.

"The Island Lords of the twelve Star Island are all holy powerhouses. The Master can grab treasure from the Cancer Island Lord, so it seems they should be holy too."

Ou Shaotian After a simple analysis, he probably guessed the strength of his Master.

After putting this document away and putting it in the space equipment, he picked up another document, which was about the Sea Dragon Gang.

During this period of time, the guards were investigating the Sea Dragon Gang, so in the Twelve Star Island, the Sea Dragon Gang was temporarily inactive.

But he can't be careless, so he still arranges people to stare at the Sea Dragon Gang and pay attention to the situation of the Sea Dragon Gang.

After looking at the information about the Sea Dragon Gang, everything is normal, and nothing unusual has been found for the time being.

"It seems that it should be okay for the time being!"

Ou Shaotian put down the information, he was also sighed in relief in his heart, and he was no longer so worried.

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