Ou Shaotian talked about the matter in the group chat, then ignored it, and continued to study the true meaning of water while there was still some time in the afternoon.

On the other side, Yun Duo'er, Shaking Xingyu and the others are also on garrison missions together.

Now Yun Duo'er, Yao Xingyu and Long Xue have become three sisters. They often fight side by side and make progress together. The relationship is very good.

Wu Aoyi and the others are there, and their task is to station on the residential island.

In the evening, I had just eaten the dinner delivered by the residents of the island and was preparing for cultivation. An unexpected situation occurred. A third-rank intermediate Strange Octopus came ashore.

"My lord, a giant Strange Octopus appeared at the port, with the strength of the third rank, please help me as soon as possible!"

An emergency guard on the island Come here rushing to know.

"Okay, we got it!"

Yun Duo'er nodded, then called the Shaking Rain and the others, and rushed towards the port.

In the port, the huge Strange Octopus is raging, and the port’s guards are besieging them, but they are far from their opponents.

This small island is small, with a population of less than 10,000, and there are not many experts. The strongest guard is only the strength of Angler Ancestor.

"Keep it all away!"

After arriving, Yun Duo'er tenderly shouted, the yin and yang swords shot out and killed the giant octopus.

Although this variant octopus is not of high rank, it is very large, with its tentacles supporting the ground and reaching a height of 20 to 30 meters.

For ordinary small fishing villages, every occurrence is a disaster.

Wu Aoyi and the others also joined the battle very quickly. Everyone did their best, and one by one burst out Great Angler Ancestor-level battle strength.

Yun Duo'er's yin and yang swords are combined, and the strongest blow broke out, directly piercing the huge head of Strange Octopus.

Long Xue, who follows closely from behind, is also not simple. The sword qi strikes more than ten meters long on the huge wound will not allow it to heal.

Wu Aoyi and the others attacked those tentacles, cutting off one of them with one move.

More than ten people, in one round of attack, they killed Strange Octopus.

In this kind of battle, they are already familiar with each other. Obviously, it is not the first time to cooperate, but has cooperated many times.

So the combination is perfect, and the kill is easily completed.

The battle ended soon. The port’s guards sacrificed two guards, most of them were injured. It was a blessing in misfortune.

If Yun Duo'er and the others just accept the mission, I am afraid the port guards might be wiped out.

Although the small fishing village has issued a task in the Twelve Star Academy, it is not always possible that someone will take it, because they can't afford too high a reward.

Ordinary islands like them, although fish tides rarely break out, the powerful aquatic creatures that come ashore from time to time are already disasters.

"Let's go, go back!"

Yun Duo'er shook his head and took everyone back.

Clean up the battlefield and leave it to the villagers. As for the corpse of Strange Octopus, it doesn't matter to them, it doesn't matter if it is left to the villagers.


As time passes by day by day, Yun Duo'er and the others, in addition to cleaning up the large aquatic creatures that have landed ashore, are staying on the island for cultivation every day.

In order to catch up with Ou Shaotian's footsteps, they work very hard every day. Except for patrols, most of the time is mainly for cultivation.

The thing that I do the most every day is to practice with each other.

The villagers are mainly responsible for eating, and they don’t need to do it. As for the food, it’s mainly aquatic creatures they killed.

So during the period of garrisoning the island, the strength of Yun Duo'er and the others is also advanced by leaps and bounds, each one has made a lot of progress!


Ou Shaotian who is cultivating in the Twelve Star Academy has received a message from Zhang Pengpeng that the upgrade materials for the Fishing Boat Avatar have been collected.

It is mainly the Profound Gold Stone. As for the thousand-year cold iron and profound iron, there is no shortage.

There are also several large damaged flying boats in the fish hatch world. These flying boats are all upgraded materials, and there are a lot of thousand-year cold iron and mysterious iron.

It's just the lack of Profound Gold Stone.

"Shaotian, this is the material you asked me to collect!"

After meeting, Zhang Pengpeng handed over a space equipment to Ou Shaotian.

He originally wanted to send it there in person, but it is a pity that he is not a student of the Twelve-Star Academy, and he cannot enter the Twelve-Star Academy at all.

"Yes, I'll go back first, please feel free to contact me if I have anything!"

Ou Shaotian took the materials and left.

After returning to the Academy in a hurry, he immediately upgraded the Fishing Boat Avatar, but the upgrade this time was extraordinary.

In the dormitory, Ou Shaotian opened the Formation of the yard, and then began to upgrade.

As he gave an order, the tattoo marks on the back of his hand began to glow, and the faint rays of light spread from the mark and soon enveloped him.

About half an hour later, the rays of light disappeared.

This time, the time taken for the upgrade was far beyond his expectation. It was almost three times as long as before.

Obviously, this upgrade is extraordinary.

Avatar: mysterious gold spirit boat

Level: primary level

Speed: 120ms

Armor: mainly cold iron, mysterious gold Cover, the great statue is difficult to damage

Main gun: large air cannon, compressed air launches an attack, effective range of 10,000 meters, compressed air bomb every three seconds

Secondary gun: Medium-sized air cannons, distributed on both sides of the hull, with five doors on each side

Radar: scanning and deduction, detecting information on all things, consuming Spiritual Qi and deducing cultivation technique

fish cabin: door world


Possession: can be turned into a mark, attached to the body

Diving: seabed sailing, the speed does not change

Appearance: the length of the ship is 100 meters, the width of 20 meters, the bottom of the ship Thirty centimeters thick, three centimeters thick covering black gold, 4-Layer up and down, with a ten-meter-long black gold collision horn in the front, and the hull is full of mysterious formations, which looks very mysterious

Upgrade: Need Ten tons of thousand-year-old cold iron, five tons of Profound Gold Stone, three tons of profound iron, and a meal of profound spiritual wood

This time the upgrade, the changes can be said to be quite big.

Before the upgrade, it was already a top-level Cold Iron Flying Boat. After the upgrade, the name has indeed become a mysterious spirit boat, which is obviously stronger.

The black gold has completed the coverage, giving the Fishing Boat Avatar super defensive power. Even the attacks of the big fisherman level are difficult to destroy.

The speed of driving on the sea does not change, but the speed of seabed sailing does not decrease at all.

In this way, the battle strength of Fishing Boat Avatar in seabed will increase sharply, and it will be much stronger than before, and it will be easier to plunder resources in seabed.

"Very good, seabed stealth had to reduce a lot of speed, but now it can maintain the original speed."

Ou Shaotian was a little excited.

Obviously, the formation pattern on the Fishing Boat Avatar is stronger and can already ignore the resistance of the sea water, otherwise, it is impossible to keep the speed unchanged.

Under normal circumstances, seabed stealth, the resistance of sea water increases, and the speed is to slow down.

"Hey, something is wrong!"

Suddenly, Ou Shaotian found something wrong.

For the control of the Fishing Boat Avatar, he felt a little bit lagging behind, not as smooth as before.

"Fuck, won't it cause problems with the upgrade, right?"

Ou Shaotian couldn't help but panic.

Know that the Fishing Boat Avatar is his biggest support, if something goes wrong with the Fishing Boat Avatar, then he is really done.

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