Just as Ou Shaotian led Wu Aoyi and the others on the ground to besiege the hidden Poseidon Cultists, the gate of the underground treasure house was also opened.

The headed person is the well-known Child of Destiny Luo Wandao in Yihuan District.

I saw him take the lead, and led a group of younger brothers into the treasure house, but what caught my eye was the empty shelves.

Some of the shelves are even smaller, and even the shelves have been removed.

"Who is it, who is it that emptied the treasure house?"

Luo Wandao stared at him, gnashing his teeth with anger.

"Captain, there is a corpse here, come and take a look!"

Soon someone found the body of the blue clothed Elder and called out.

"It's the meaning of Tianwen Nine Swords, is it Li Zhenwei teacher?"

Someone analyzed it.

"You stupid, Li Zhenwei teacher is still besieging the Sect Lord of Poseidon Sect on it, how could it come down?"

Someone said in an angry voice.

"Look there, there are some fragments of the jade token. It seems that the attack by the teacher Li Zhenwei is correct, but it should be sealed in the jade token!"

Some people have analyzed the truth, and I have to say that none of these people is simple.

"It seems that it should be the person next to Master Old Li. When you look back, you can check it. I want to see who it is. I dare to grab food with me!"

Luo Wan Dao squinted.

He has never been a generosity, although luck is super good, but there is never too much good stuff.

After paying such a high price to come in, someone emptied the treasure house first, leaving only some tatters, which is simply impossible.

Now in the entire treasure house, only the scattered low grade Spirit Stone remains, and only the innermost treasure house has a small pile, which is estimated to be tens of thousands of low grade Spirit Stone.

This harvest is actually not bad, but it is far worse than expected.

The gap in my heart is too big!

"Captain, don't worry, we'll check when we look back!"

People around him said aloud.


The battle on the ground continued, but He Wanren, the Sect Lord of Poseidon, escaped. After all, he is not a fool.

He has one holy rank, but his opponent is three holy ranks.

So after dragging for a while and letting some of his senior executives escape, he also used the secret technique to escape.

I can only say that Li Zhenwei and the others still look down upon He Wanren a bit.

"Damn it, he escaped. It's hard to explain to the Principal now!"

Li Zhenwei's face was a little ugly.

Three holy powerhouses were dispatched this time, the purpose is to keep He Wanren, otherwise, two will be enough.

"The last thing the opponent used should be a high-level aquatic creature's treasure. That speed was too fast!"

Another high level instructor also said helplessly.

It is possible for a holy powerhouse to say that the speed is very fast. Naturally, it is not so fast. It is almost the same as teleporting, and it disappears at once.

"Don't talk about that many, let's take the others first!"

Li Zhenwei shook his head and started to attack those big fishermen.

As the three holy powerhouses took action, those Poseidon’s big fishing veterans suffered one after another, except for those who escaped at first, the rest were basically finished.

So the battle is over soon!

The rest is to search for spoils of war. There are a lot of good things on those corpses.

Of course, there are many students who want to find the treasure trove. In the end, they are naturally disappointed. After all, the treasure trove has been emptied.


After the war ended, Ou Shaotian also came to Li Zhenwei.


Li Zhenwei nodded.

At this time, he is busy discussing follow-up matters with the other two mentors.

This small island was taken down, and Poseidon Cult was also cleaned up, but how to deal with this small island needs to be arranged.

Human land resources are limited, and every small island is extremely precious.

This island was taken down by the Twelve-Star Academy, which belongs to the Twelve-Star Academy. As usual, there are two ways to deal with it.

One is developed by Academy itself.

Another kind is auction sale to other Great Influence.

On the surface, this island does not seem to have any resources. It seems that it is not worth buying and it is not worth buying.

In fact, this is not the case.

In this era, buying a small island is just like buying a house in a big city before the Heaven and Earth change, mainly for your own people.

As long as this island is put up for auction, there will be countless forces competing for it.

No matter which force it is, if it wants to expand, it needs a site. It doesn't even have a place to live, so it is difficult to expand.

A force that doesn't even have a resident is just like Rootless Duckweed!

This is the case with the Baiyun Catering Association.

Not to mention other things, just renting a house to employees in the twelve Star Island is a huge expense.

In this era, every property on Floating Island is a golden rooster laying eggs.

Coincidentally, the idea of ​​the three instructors is to auction off the island. After all, the Academy only needs to keep some resource islands.

This kind of island, which is mainly used for living, is not needed.

So Ou Shaotian next to him heard the discussion of the three instructors, and his heart was moved.

"Huh, do you want to buy this island, it is not far from the Twelve Star Courtyard. If you buy it, it can be used as a rear base."

Ou Shaotian Shinobi Can't help thinking about it.

But this matter is not in a hurry, wait a moment and see the situation.

It didn't take long for the island to be cleaned up. There was only one way to deal with the corpses. They were cremated and the ashes were thrown into the sea.

The blood stains were also washed away with sea water.

The rest is the auction of the island, and the time will be up to two days later, so the large group will stay on the island for two days.

Obviously, the three high level mentors have also discussed with the Academy's senior management.

Otherwise, it will not be settled so quickly.

"teacher, the food is ready, come over and eat!"

Ou Shaotian took Yun Duo'er and a few girls by himself, prepared the ingredients, the soup base and After the seasoning was prepared, he was called Li Zhenwei.

"Okay, wait a minute, I will be there soon."

Li Zhenwei's voice came from the watch.

It didn't take long for Li Zhenwei to come, but he was not alone, and the other two holy instructors were also brought over by him.

Wu Aoyi and the others are all cautiously, one by one is quiet a lot.

Until the three teachers ate and drank enough and left, they became active one by one. Unlike before, they only knew how to eat hard.

"Ai, I said you guys, you don’t know how to perform at such a good opportunity just now. If you can worship a teacher, at least you can hug your thighs!"

Ou Shaotian looked at Wu Aoyi and the others, some helpless way.

"Hehe, what teacher do you follow? Is there a teacher who is better than you? As for holding your thighs, it is enough to have a familiar face!"

Wen Zhan chuckled said .

After being instructed by Ou Shaotian, they improved too quickly. They don't think that other teachers can be as good as Ou Shaotian, even if they are holy teachers.

So they have no idea in this regard if they are apprentices or something.

Otherwise, with such a good opportunity, they would have seized the time to fawn, and how could it be wasted in vain.

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