The black clothed person wanted to stop the dragon blood city and the others, so most of them turned their backs to the direction where Ou Shaotian and the others were. The consequences can be imagined.

The God Extinguishing Bow of the Fishing Boat Avatar shot over, and the black clothed person fell into another wave in an instant.

So dragon blood city and the others successfully broke through and intercepted.

"whiz whiz whiz!"

God Extinguishing Bow's crossbow arrows continued to shoot, and each black clothed person was shot or hit hard.

Ordinary adventurer also saw the opportunity and broke through.

Those who were subdued Angler Cultivator also seized the opportunity to rise up, and the scene instantly got out of control, and the remaining black clothed persons did not know what to do.

black clothed person: It’s over, what can I do?

These black clothed persons looked towards their boss one after another, but the leader of the black clothed person was also hesitant. For a while, I didn't know whether to order a stop or order to kill Ou Shaotian and the others.


At this moment, the people gathered around Luo Wandao also broke through.

The fastest runner was Luo Wandao. He took the lead, took his squad, rushed out of the encirclement, and rushed outside.

"Stop them, don't let them run!"

The leader of the black clothed person saw this scene and immediately shifted the target and directly ordered Luo Wandao and the others to be intercepted.

After all, intercepting dragon blood city and the others will be attacked by crossbow arrows, intercepting Luo Wandao and the others will not, as long as they are not stupid, they will make the right choice.

Luo Wandao: Your uncle, am I really Child of Destiny? If so, how could I be so unlucky?

Since meeting Ou Shaotian, his luck seems to have suddenly declined. Good things have been robbed by Ou Shaotian, and now it has become an attraction for firepower.

"Damn it, don't look back, charge ahead!"

Luo Wandao was heartbroken to open the way with treasures. Some one-time attack magic weapons were activated by him, and he threw them to kill from the right side. The black clothed person leader and the others who came here.

Unfortunately, too many black clothed persons rushed over. Only three people successfully ran out after him. The other dozen people were surrounded by black clothed persons and killed.

"Damn it, you wait for me, I won't let you go!"

Fleeing from the encircled Luowandao, after letting out the cruel words, he looked towards Ou Even Ou Shaotian hates the direction of Shaotian and the others.

If it weren't for Ou Shaotian who used crossbow arrows to support the dragon blood city and the others, the black clothed person leader would not have moved the target, they would have successfully broken through.

Now it is bad luck, only a few people have escaped, which can be said to have suffered heavy losses.

On the other side, dragon blood city and the others escaped from Ou Shaotian’s Fishing Boat Avatar.

"Many thanks, everyone, help!"

Dragon blood city and the others thank you.

"Okay, let's leave first. I just hit the opponent completely unprepared. When they react, it will be in trouble."

Ou Shaotian shook his head and directly controlled the Fishing Boat. Avatar floats up.

After returning to the surface, these rescued teams left one after another.

After all, after being ambushed by the black clothed person, they have to go back to investigate the identity of the black clothed person and use the power behind them to retaliate.

If it is a fair competition in the ancient city, no one can say anything.

But like a black clothed person, it is simply too much to lead people outside to fight.

After the others left, Ou Shaotian also let the Fishing Boat Avatar speed up slowly and began to return.

In order to avoid accidents, he directly used the fastest speed.


The Fishing Boat Avatar landed slowly at the port of the Twelve Star Academy, and finally returned safely.

"Brother Shaotian, we are going to go back to retreat first. After we exit, let’s get together again!"

After returning to the first ring area, Xue Wuhen went out Said the voice.

"Well, yes, I also plan to go to retreat for a while!"

Ou Shaotian nodded said.

After the two parties bid farewell, Ou Shaotian also returned to the dormitory. He did not rush to sort out the harvest, but sat on the sofa and dialed Yun Duo'er first.

"Duo'er, what are you doing!"

"Brother Shaotian, I'm on a mission. It will take a few days to go back."

"Well, then you should be careful, and feel free to contact me if you have anything!"

"Got it!"

After hanging up the call, Ou Shaotian first took a shower and then got it. Order food, after eating and drinking, his figure disappeared in place and appeared within the realm of the fish hatch.

"There are so many things, how should I pack it?"

Ou Shaotian couldn't help muttering as he looked at the pile of things.

In a short period of time, the door world can only be developed by himself. For the time being, other people cannot come in.

Soon, he came to the place where ancient records were piled up.

These cultivation technique classics were all moved by him from the ancient city ruins. There are probably thousands of books, which are basically very precious inheritance.

[Name]: Mechanical Puppet Technique

[Quality]: Holy low grade

[Remarks]: Combination of ancient organ puppets and modern robots, record I learned how to make a holy-rank mechanical puppet...

Ou Shaotian found this book among thousands of books.

So many things have to be cleaned up, and the world has to be developed. It is definitely not possible to rely on him alone. The best thing is to make some mechanical puppets.

I have to say that the intelligence of this World is more advanced, and spiritual wisdom can be born through the pattern.

One of the most typical is the spirit of magic weapon.

However, the magic weapon spirit is only available for holy-level equipment, and its IQ level is quite high, similar to that of human beings.

Ordinary puppets don’t need too high level intelligence.

It's almost enough.

"What we have to do now is to refine a batch of mechanical puppets, but before that, learn the contents of this book first."

"Radar, scan Deduction optimization!"

Ou Shaotian read aloud after closing the classics.

"Ding, the deduction is optimized successfully!"

Soon, within 3 minutes, the radar optimized the mechanical Puppet Technique.

[Name]: Mechanical Puppet Technique

[Quality]: High grade

[Remarks]: Combination of ancient organ puppets and modern robots, record I learned how to make a god-level mechanical puppet...

With a lot of information instillation, Ou Shaotian was also caught in sentiment.

The mechanical Puppet Technique of the gods can be said to be extremely profound, but the radar scanning makes it easy for Ou Shaotian to comprehended.

It took more than ten minutes to digest this knowledge, and he also woke up.

"I really want to create a god-level puppet for fun, but unfortunately, there is no such high level material!"

Ou Shaotian said with some regrets.

Although there are many treasures harvested this time, there are not many materials for reaching the holy rank, let alone the materials of the god rank.

"Go on!"

Ou Shaotian has no nonsense and started to work.

When the radar optimizes the deduction, he has already mastered the mechanical Puppet Technique. As long as there are materials, God-level puppets can be made, not to mention Heavenly Grade puppets.

So after Ou Shaotian prepared all the necessary Heavenly Grade materials, he started to do it!

Although it is the first time to refine, but the mechanical Puppet Technique has been directly mastered by him to the Great Accomplishment level, so it is difficult to fail.

In less than an hour, he produced the first Heavenly Grade mechanical puppet.

Then came the second and the third. After making ten Heavenly Grade mechanical puppets, he stopped.

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