For half an hour, after eating and drinking, Ou Shaotian gave Ou Xiaoxiao a bubble blowing tool and a liquid for blowing bubbles.

The tool is very simple, just make it out according to the impression.

Blowing bubbles in liquid is a bit troublesome. It needs to be adjusted again and again to get just the right liquid that is easy to blow out bubbles.

"Pigeons, are you ready, can you blow bubbles!"

The Ou Xiaoxiao next to him said eagerly.

"It's okay!"

Ou Shaotian made two sets of tools in total and quickly got them done.

"Dove pigeon, give me, blow me bubbles!"

The little fellow hugged Ou Shaotian's thigh and exclaimed happily.

"Wait a minute, let me try it first!"

Ou Shaotian dipped the liquid, then put it to his mouth, facing the circle, gently With a blow, a big bubble flew out.

"Bubble, it's a bubble, pigeons are amazing!"

The little fellow immediately stretched out his hand happily to catch, and the falling bubbles were quickly broken by her Up.

"Come and blow this, just like a pigeon, you have to be gentle, you know!"

Ou Shaotian gave a set of tools to Ou Xiaoxiao.

The little fellow is very clever, and soon he blew up like a look, and big bubbles were blown out by her.

"Bubble, look at the dove, it's the bubble I blew!"

The little fellow exclaimed in excitement.

Soon, the two of them plunged into the great cause of blowing bubbles, and the father and mother also joined in, controlling the breeze.

Do not let the bubbles fall.

Soon, the whole room was filled with bubbles flying, and the fluorescent flashes on it were very beautiful.

The little fellow ran around chasing the bubbles, very happy.

After playing tired, the little fellow was taken by mother Yunxue to take a bath, Ou Shaotian finally relaxed, chatting with father Ouhai in the living room.

"Xiaotian, since you came, Xiaoxiao has been very happy everyday all. I am relieved to see you get along so well!"

Ou Hai couldn't help sighing.

"It's mainly the cuteness of the little fellow, so people can't help but care!"

Ou Shaotian said with a smile on his face.

"Don’t talk about this, let’s talk about the company’s affairs. Your ideas are very good, the after-sales service is very good, and it has attracted a lot of users!"

"That’s Naturally, the next thing you have to pay attention to is to engage in the fan effect, you must manage your fans well!"

"Well, it's already happening!"

Ou Shaotian's approach is actually Imitated the practice of a certain company in the previous life, although it did not engage in online hunger marketing, but the strategy of operating fans has been learned.

Now Baiyun House has initially gathered some fans, not only Human Race, but also various alien races.

"The key now is the issue of raw materials. Although you have brought back a batch of ore, at the current development speed, you can stick to it for about three months at most!"

Ouhai is a little worried The way.

As the Baiyun company becomes more and more famous, the Baiyun bracelet is also getting better and better, the sales volume continues to increase, and the consumption of materials is also increasing!

"Three months? Not so fast, Divine Race's fruit company, as well as Machine Race's Jiuxing company, will definitely develop bracelets!"

"As long as they If the bracelet is developed, our sales will drop. To maintain sales, we must continue to innovate!"

Ou Shaotian faintly smiled and said.

He has already conceived how to innovate specifically, and he has already had preliminary ideas.

Performance running scores are enough, and it doesn’t make much sense to continue to innovate. The key is functional innovation.

For example, increase the protection function, which can activate the shield when encountering danger, such as expanding the function of Spirit Gathering Array, which can assist the master's cultivation and so on!

In his vision, the Baiyun bracelet is not a simple Internet communication tool!

But before that, we still have to completely solve the problem of raw materials.

This is a big problem.

Siyuan Island is so big, not to mention other nearby islands, but also controlled by some powerful people, even if you get a nautical chart in the past, you may not be able to buy materials.

So after thinking about it, Ou Shaotian set his sights on the seabed.

The upgraded Fishing Boat Avatar is enough to explore the nearby Sea Territory. As long as you don’t encounter the existence above the seventh rank, it is safe.


2nd day, Ou Shaotian appeared on the seaside of Siwon Island. Instead of going to the port, he came to the seaside and went into the sea quietly.

Then released the Fishing Boat Avatar and let the Fishing Boat Avatar dive away.

Now the Fishing Boat Avatar is already a huge monster, and the speed is extremely fast. It can also be called BOSS-Rank in seabed.

After releasing the Fishing Boat Avatar, Ou Shaotian returned home.

"Dad, mom, this is the entrance to Celestial Grotto that I differentiated from. Through this stone gate, you can enter the realm within the realm!"

Ou Shaotian with his parents He came into the underground closed room of Baiyun Company and said aloud.

According to his plan, the Fishing Boat Avatar will mainly be active in the sea in the future, so when entering and leaving the world, we need to divide an entrance again.

This time he spent more than 20 million high grade Spirit Stones, and divided a total of two entrances, one is the one in front of him.

There is also a tattoo on his hand.

The door world can have up to nine entrances, and now four are used up!

"Son, do you need to guard this entrance?"

Seeing the entrance, Oufu and Oumu were a little worried.

After all, this is the island of Origin Clan. In case of an accident, the stone gate falls into the hands of Origin Clan, then it is really troublesome!

"Don’t worry, the door world has long been refining by me, and the stone gate can be taken away at any time. I am even more invincible in the door world!"

Ou Shaotian looks confident The way.

Since he dared to release the stone gate, he was naturally confident.

If it is discovered, nothing will happen. The most is to escape from Siyuan Island. It is impossible to snatch the world!

At worst, he hides directly from the entry world, and then takes away the stone gate.

Furthermore, without his permission, others will not be able to enter the stone gate. It is also impossible to think that the stone gate will be the entrance to the Celestial Grotto gate world.

"That's good!"

Hearing Ou Shaotian's explanation, Ouhai and Yunxue also felt relieved.

In addition, this was originally their closed room, the security problem was not serious, and there was the guard of the Baiyun Guards outside.

It can be said that it is multi-insurance.

Thinking about it this way, they naturally won't worry about it.

"Next, you still think about how to make good use of this stone gate. There is no shortage of high-end black stone mines, and auxiliary materials can be transported from the Divine State Island."

Ou Shaotian smiled slightly.

In this way, the door world becomes a transit point, and they can call resources from Human Race without worrying about ordinary materials.

Just get the source of high-level materials.

"Well, we know!"


Needless to say, they will do the same, even more how Baiyun's main factory is also in the door world, the outside world is just assembly!

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