After returning home, Ou Mu Yunxue was busy cooking, while Ou Shaotian sat on the sofa holding Ou Xiaoxiao and chatted with father.

"Dad, what is the situation of the company now?"

"The company is very good now, but the rival's Shuiguo4 and Jiuxing4 have been released, and the Spirit Gathering Array function has been added!"

"putting it that way, shuiguo4 and jiuxing4 have the three functions of defense, attack and gathering spirits at the same time?"


" Does the sales of our baiyun3 have any impact?"

"The impact is not significant. Our Baiyun House already has a lot of cloud powders. These cloud powders are promoted spontaneously, and our bracelets are still very popular!"

"Well, I’ll log in to Baiyun’s Home to have a look!"

Ou Shaotian also opened the Baiyun’s Home Forum and found that it was very lively. A new post will also appear!

Many people have posted to ask, when will baiyun4 be released?

Ou Shaotian made an announcement at Baiyun's House, announcing the upcoming news of baiyun4.

The forum was then closed!

But there was a riot in Baiyun's House, countless fans popped up and new posts appeared, all about baiyun4!

Many people are guessing what new features will be added to the baiyun4 bracelet!

"Father, don't worry about the bracelet. I'm ready for baiyun4, and I can release it at any time. The next important thing is the relocation of the factory!"

Ou Shaotian said Said.

Siyuan Island officially asked them to move out within a year, and now it has been a few months.

"The relocation work is ready. As long as the Divine State Island enters the endless Sea Territory, you can relocate at any time!"

Ouhai nodded said.

"Well, according to the speed of the Divine State Island, it should be about to cross the vortex Sea Territory now, and it will not take long to enter the endless Sea Territory!"

"That's good , When Divine State Island arrives, let’s move as soon as possible. I don’t want to stay here either!"

"Well, wait for me to have a meal and check it out!"

Afterwards, Ou Shaotian also asked Ou Shaotian about his experience of fishing in the void, and when he heard that they were fighting with various races, he couldn't help but feel worried.

But fortunately, there is no danger!

It also played the prestige of Human Race, and the performance was quite perfect.

"Ready to eat!"

At this time, Mother Yunxue also prepared the food.

"It's dinner, pigeons, let's go wash our hands!"

The little baby in Ou Shaotian's arms called out first, and when it came to eating, he was happy It's incredible!

"Let's go, wash your hands!"

Ou Shaotian held Ou Xiaoxiao to wash his hands, while Ou Hai went to help serve the dishes!

Soon, the family sat at the dinner table!

I haven't seen it for so long, Yunxue naturally prepared an extremely rich meal. Ou Shaotian took the little baby and ate it happily.

After eating for an hour, the meal was finished.

After eating and drinking, Ou Shaotian took Ou Xiaoxiao into the door world, and then came to Divine State Island.

"Brother Shaotian, little baby!"

Yun Duo'er rushed over immediately after learning that Ou Shaotian had arrived.

Follow closely from behind is Jun Ruqing and the others.

"Hello everyone, what happened recently, did you?"

Ou Shaotian smiled when he saw the big guy.

"elder sister, hug!"

Ou Xiaoxiao has reached out to Yun Duo'er to hug!

During Ou Shaotian's absence, Yun Duo'er sent her to kindergarten.

"The little baby is so good!"

Yun Duo'er also happily carried the little baby over.

"There was nothing wrong during this period. Everyone was mainly cultivation, and each of them improved quickly and worked very hard!"

Jun said ruthlessly.

A group of them walked and talked about the Divine State Island situation.

At this time, Divine State Island has entered the vortex Sea Territory for some time. At the current speed, it will not take long to reach the Endless Sea Territory.

It's just that the movement of Divine State Island over this period of time has consumed hundreds of millions of high grade Spirit Stone.

For such a large island, the power needed can be imagined. Under the conservation of energy, there are naturally a lot of high grade Spirit Stones needed.

Most of the Spirit Stone earned from the sale of the Baiyun bracelet was invested in it.

"If there are no accidents, Divine State Island will be able to enter the endless Sea Territory within one month at most. Please hurry up and cultivate!"

Ou Shaotian knows very well, wait for it to enter With the endless Sea Territory, Divine State Island will inevitably attract foreign prying eyes.

Fortunately, he now has the identity of the Immemorial Divine Sect, which can avoid some alien bullied the weak. Otherwise, it's really hard to say.


While Ou Shaotian was touring Divine State Island, in Siyuan Island, City Lord Sitianyuan came to visit.

Last time I let Ou Shaotian pass.

However, this time, I personally visited the door. I have to say that this change is really big, to the point where many people can't believe it.

Oufu and Oumu were also very surprised when he saw City Lord Si Tianyuan.

"Since City Lord, the distinguished guests are here, please come in quickly, I wonder if you suddenly visited, what is the matter?"

Ouhai welcomed Shi Tianyuan in, At the same time curiously asked.

"Mr. Ou, I'm looking for Ou Shaotian!"

Si Tianyuan said with a smile.

"Looking for my son? Why are you looking for him? He is out of business and is not at home."

Ouhai said aloud.

"Well, I asked him to talk about the relocation. I had to ask you to relocate because of Divine Race. I hope you can be considerate!"

"Come on, Drink tea!"

"Thank you, as you all know, Origin Clan is a neutral race. For Siwon Island, stability is the most important thing, so I don’t want to see you fight on the island. Noisy!"

"We understand this, so we are ready to move. We will move out within three months at most!"

"no no no, my I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to move anymore!"

"No need to move?"

"Yes, Ou Shaotian has the potential of Immemorial to teach true dísciple. Become a true biography, with this level of identity, the people of Divine Race don't dare to mess around!"

Speaking of this, Oufu and Oumu finally understand Si Tianyuan's intentions!

It turned out to be because of Immemorial religion.

But they are all ready, Divine State Island will soon enter the endless Sea Territory, this is not to say that you can't move if you don't move.

"City Lord, I cannot give you an answer for the time being. I need to wait for my son to come back and discuss it. After all, we have prepared a lot for the relocation!"

Ou Hai shook his head.

Due to the relocation, Divine State Island entered the Endless Sea Territory ahead of time. In order to stimulate the Formation, the high grade Spirit Stone cost countless.

Now if you don’t move, you won’t move, but it’s not that easy!

"Well, then I'll go back first!"

Si Tianyuan got up and left after speaking, and said nothing more.

After sending him out, the father and mother only discussed it, and they both hesitated, whether or not they should choose to relocate?

But in the end, there was no discussion about the result, so I still have to wait for Ou Shaotian to come back.

The most important thing is that with the Divine State Island, they don’t need to stay on Siyuan Island anymore. After all, the Divine State Island really belongs to them.

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