Before launching an attack, he lost a top-class flying boat. It is hard to imagine how ugly Hong Tianyin’s face is. It is simply unfavorable for the finished apprenticeship.

However, in order to avoid encountering a seabed sneak attack again, he directly arranged two sixth rank experts to pay attention to the bottom, which also eliminated the possibility of Ou Shaotian's sneak attack from the bottom again.

After discovering that there was no chance for a sneak attack, Ou Shaotian also drove the Fishing Boat Avatar and returned to the team of Jun Ruqing and the others.

The attack was not launched until the alien flying boat approached the Divine State Island.

"bang bang bang!"

Intensive shelling sounded, this is an alien flying boat launched an attack on Divine State Island, dense artillery fire exploded on the defensive light curtain .

It looks like fireworks are set off in the sky.

It's very spectacular.

Five Elements is a large array that can attack and defend. Naturally, the formidable power is not a reminder. As long as the Formation under the Innate Spirit Treasure is sufficient, it is impossible to be broken by these artillery fires.

"What Formation is this, so defensive power?"

On the deck of the command ship, Hong Tianyin and the others looked at the defensive light curtain of Divine State Island, somewhat unbelievable. It can actually block the fierce attack of 49 flying boats.

This is too exaggerated!

"It should be that our attacks are too scattered. To break this defensive cover, it is estimated that Mr. Mo will take action!"

A sixth rank next to him said aloud.

The Mo Lao he said was referring to Hong Tianyin's personal guard, the existence of that seventh rank Peak.

"Sorry, my responsibility is to protect the safety of Young Master. I will not take action on other things!"

Until Hong Tian printed out, Mr. Mo had already spoken out Tao.

For him, even if other people are dead, he is not responsible, but if he leaves Hong Tianyin because of his shot, and Hong Tianyin is involved, then he will be buried!

So for him, unless it's about Hong Tianyin's life and death, he will never take it lightly.

"Mo Lao, I am also the sixth rank, it will not be so easy to have trouble, if you don't take action, this Divine State Island may be difficult to win!"

Hong Tianyin also couldn't bear it. Live said aloud.

"Let's talk about it, I won't take it easily until as a last resort!"

Mo Lao shook his head again.

There is no way, Hong Tianyin can only order all flying boats to continue the attack.

But at this moment, a counterattack was launched on the city wall of Divine State Island, and the barrels of the array guns protruded outside the defensive light curtain.

"bang bang bang!"

Along with a burst of rumbling sound, an energy cannonball was thrown out, like a meteor sliding down the sky, and the strikes were on the flying boat ahead.


One of the high level flying boats encountered more than a dozen artillery shells and was directly exploded.

"Quickly, quickly, open the defensive cover!"

The alien coalition forces who had never thought that the Divine State Island would counterattack suddenly panic and opened the defensive cover of the flying boat one after another.

"Disperse, avoid!"

The defensive cover of the flying boat is basically impossible to completely resist the artillery fire on the city wall. If it is hit continuously, it will only destroy the ship. escape.

So the flying boats that were gathered together soon dispersed, choosing to avoid the artillery fire from the sky.

At the same time, Ou Shaotian and Jun ruthlessly brought the fleet out from the side, and the intensive artillery fire aimed at the nearest high level flying boats.

Different from the pattern cannon on the city wall, the accuracy of the energy cannon on the flying boat is very high.

"bang bang bang!"

With the rumbling sound of the distance, two alien flying boats were blown to pieces, and the aliens on the flying boat fled in embarrassment.

There are also some unlucky people who fell directly into the water and encountered attacks from the fish group.

Under the injury, their blood attracted a lot of spirit fish. At this time, they fell into the water, almost nine deaths and still alive.

"Damn it, step back, and get rid of those flying boats first!"

Hong Tianyin was furious.

The flying boats of the alien races retreated one after another, leaving the attack range of the Divine State City array guns, and then locked the flying boats of Ou Shaotian and the others.

Ou Shaotian drove the Fishing Boat Avatar in front, attracting a lot of fire from the enemy.

Other flying boats took the opportunity to attack.

The two sides are thousands of meters apart, and the shells are constantly shooting at each other, and flying boats are hit from time to time.

"bang bang bang!"

On the Human Race side, one of the flying boats was unlucky and was directly blasted.

Fortunately, there were not many people on the flying boat. There was only one squad. They all fled to the flying boat next to them, and only two were injured.

Ou Shaotian controls the Fishing Boat Avatar and is constantly attacking.

The air cannon formidable power that has evolved many times is amazing, and more and more Spiritual Qi are integrated. Under extreme compression, it is close to the high concentration of Spiritual Qi bombs.

The fire control radar locks on the enemy, and every shell will not miss.


I saw a loud noise, another alien flying boat was blown up by the Fishing Boat Avatar controlled by Ou Shaotian.

For a while, the Human Race lost two flying boats, while the alien side lost more than ten flying boats.

Hong Tianyin was furious.

"Young Master, that flying boat is unusual. It can’t break its defenses after so many guns. It’s not suitable to fight him."

"Yes, I suggest Directly rush to Divine State Island and take a melee approach to attack!"

Someone soon suggested it.

"Okay, you take the lead!"

Hong Tianyin no longer talks nonsense, directly ordered all flying boats to rush to Divine State Island at the fastest speed, and then a dozen sixth Rank leads the attack.

As long as it rushes to Divine State Island, the shore defense artillery on the city wall will be useless.


A few minutes later, more than 30 alien flying boats braved the artillery fire and washed ashore.

The alien races on the ship rushed down one after another, and under the leadership of a dozen sixth rank aliens, they slew towards the city wall, and thousands charged with great momentum.

On the city wall, Ouhai looked at the alien race that was approaching, thoughts move, and launched the Gold Element attack of the Innate Five Elements array.

The dense golden rain of swords suddenly appeared and shot towards the charging alien.


Unprepared, countless screams rang out.

"Damn it, it's an array attack, please be careful!"

The sixth rank in the forefront of the alien races urged their domains to block the golden sword rain and protect them. People around me.

But thousands of alien races are too scattered. A dozen of them are impossible to completely protect so many alien races.

The eagle-body clan flying at a low altitude is the most unlucky. Under a wave of attacks, more than hundreds of people were shot and killed, which can be described as heavy casualties.

The remaining eagle-body tribes were so scared that they fell to the ground and did not dare to fly.

Flying in the air is a living target.

"Help, my wings were shot through!"

I saw an eagle falling from the sky, shouting in horror.

Unfortunately, who would save him at this time, everyone was running for his life, so this poor guy hit the ground directly.

He didn't fall to death, but he was injured.

" hurts me too!"

Screams were everywhere.

And Golden's Jianyu is still constantly attacking, and all the people who washed ashore are within Jianyu's attack range.

Except for those that the sixth rank protects with the domain, everyone else is unlucky.

In just a moment, more than half of the casualties were killed.

More than 5,000 alien races charged, with close to 3,000 casualties, it is really golden's sword rain attack power too terrifying.

It's endless, and the average Tier 5 can't be resisted at all!

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