The night became unconsciously dark, and Ou Shaotian took the first team back the same way and returned to the temporary station built by the second team and the others.

The selected location is not bad, it is the side where the cliff is sunken in, showing a semi-arc shape.

At this time, the people of the second team have dug more than a dozen huge caves, and each cave has a small room, which is quite good.

Although they don't understand design, they have Baiyun bracelets!

The smart design system is scanned, and the blueprint design comes out. They only need to follow the smart prompts to dig, easy and simple!

So the caves dug out are pretty good!

"Good job, everyone, let's eat first, and taste the deliciousness of terrestrial creatures, which you have never tasted before!"

Ou Shaotian said with a smile !

"many thanks Island Lord!"

Everyone responded excitedly.

Then Ou Shaotian thoughts move and moved the two bison out of the door world.

They are all mutant bisons, they are very large, and the most important thing is that they contain a lot of energy. They are all Tier 5 bisons.

These bison innate talents are amazing, and they are born with savage bulls, but most of them are only at the level of primary level battles, not very powerful.

The weight of each bison has reached about 5,000 kilograms, which is five tons!

Two bison weighing ten tons are enough for them to eat.

Of course, when the two bison came out, they were killed by Ou Shaotian.

In the family life within the realm, he is like a god.

"Island Lord, let us do the rough work of cooking. Senior, go and fix it first!"

In the team, people who are good at cooking suddenly took action.

"Okay, those who are good at cooking, other people continue to work, hurry up and build the camp!"

Ou Shaotian nodded said.

At this time, it was almost dark.

But everyone's eyesight is very good, and you can see several hundred meters as far as the dark, so the dark problem is not big.

On the contrary, for safety, the camp cannot be stopped even in dark, and the camp must be repaired as soon as possible!

The outer guardrail was simply constructed, and the surrounding trees were also cut down, clearing a huge open space.

Some big trees left trunks when they were felled, which can be used as support!

The people in the second team are very clever. Among the large trees tens of meters high in the periphery, two rows of semi-circular tree trunks were left after selection.

The two groups of tree trunks are separated by about ten meters.

After selection, the location is relatively regular, as long as the middle of the two rows of tree trunks is filled, it is easy to build a towering fence.

This sturdy trunk is equivalent to the pillar!

After some people went to prepare dinner, Ou Shaotian took the rest of the people into action.

Everyone is not an ordinary person, and the actions are quite fast.

There is no shortage of construction materials such as special cement, sand, stones and steel bars. There are a lot of people in the realm, so the progress is very fast.

In less than an hour, a half-moon-shaped wall was built more than a hundred meters, with more than a thousand meters remaining.

"Island Lord, ready to eat!"

At this time, the person who prepared the food has already called for dinner!

"Let's go, everyone first go to eat, eat full, and then continue to work!"

Ou Shaotian said aloud.


Soon, everyone, put down your work, come to the table made of tree stumps, and start eating.

Delicious barbecue and broth, as well as a variety of vegetables!

As for spirit rice, I didn’t prepare it today, because everyone wants to eat meat. If you want to eat meat all-you-can-eat today, just eat some vegetables by the way.

"It's so fragrant, this meat is so chewy, it's completely different from fish, it's so delicious!"

Everyone was excited when they tasted the taste of beef stand up.

"If you like to eat, eat more, and then start doing it when you are full!"

Ou Shaotian said aloud.

He is also very happy to eat. He hasn't eaten beef for a long time, especially such delicious mutant beef.

Compared to the beef of the previous life, it is even more delicious!

"Brother Shaotian, have soup!"

Yun Duo'er hit a bowl of broth and put it in front of Ou Shaotian.

"Well, you eat too!"

Ou Shaotian said happily.

The aroma of grilled meat is compelling, and the broth is very delicious. This is a completely different taste from fish soup. Everyone is very happy to eat.

The gross weight of the two bisons exceeded ten tons, and they were completely wiped out by them.

These guys eat and run the cultivation technique to digest them one by one, and the belly doesn't swell even if they lose their stomachs.

Speaking of rice buckets, it’s really not just in name only, but also in reality!

It is also fortunate that there are array patterns around, otherwise the meaty fragrance alone will attract countless powerful Spirit Beasts.

After all, Shili Fragrant is not nothing serious sometimes!

"Working started!"

After eating and drinking, Ou Shaotian greeted, and everyone continued to work!

Everyone does it together.

Including Ou Shaotian, Li Zhenwei and Jun Ruoqing, none of them were idle. They shot together. Finally, it was about ten o'clock in the evening to build a more than 1,000-meter city wall!

At the same time, a large array was laid.

Ou Shaotian personally took the action for the great formation, and the Formation was obtained from the Immemorial dísciple great hall.

The name is golden bell Defensive Array!

This Formation is extraordinary. It is quite famous among the defensive Formation. When it is activated, it turns into a golden bell to protect all around.

According to the introduction, the higher the level of materials used in the formation, the stronger the defense of Formation.

The highest ninth rank defensive power can be achieved.

The Formation created by Ou Shaotian is not particularly strong, but the defensive power has also reached the seventh rank, consuming a lot of his precious materials.

These materials were previously fished in the void vortex.


time quietly pass, a week has passed in the blink of an eye.

In just one week, Ou Shaotian and the others built a battle fort at this cliff location hundreds of kilometers deep, named Bai Yun Fortress.

At this time, other people are still building camps outside, even the Divine Race camp built by Hong Tianquan and the others is only about 30 kilometers deep.

However, the camp of Divine Race is very impressive, and it also accepts outsiders, but there is a head fee for entering.

According to the head, each person has one hundred high grade Spirit Stones and can go in overnight.

It doesn’t seem to be much, but the fees for entry are just one of them. There are also various fee items in the camp, so you can make a lot of money.

After more than ten days, it is not that other forces have established a camp, but basically they have failed!

Many of the locations are not selected, and in the end they are flattened at night!

The creatures on the island are not only powerful, but also have low IQs. They all have their own territories. When these people come, they are invaders.

Naturally will be attacked by those animals.

Only the Divine Race's Hong Tianquan and the others, relying on their powerful strength, held the camp.

According to Hong Tianquan's plan, the next step is to use the camp as a springboard, nibbled into it step by step, and finally occupy this sunset island.

Of course, other aliens will definitely act in this process.

May choose to build camps and compete with them for territory, or they may directly invade and occupy their camps.

In the end, the one to emerge victorious depends on who is stronger!

Whoever belongs to this island in the end depends on whose power is stronger in the end and can destroy other strengths on the island.

Not only local creatures, but also foreign camps, they must be defeated one after another!

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