After driving away the fish group, Ou Shaotian began to dig with tools.

Spirit Stones are deeply buried in seabed, which is not so easy to dig. If the Spirit Stone cannot be located accurately, it will be quite difficult to dig.

There is a lot of silt in the seabed, and once it is excavated, the sea will become turbid.

So under normal circumstances, although the existence of Great Angler can seabed in Level 1 fishing grounds, it is not easy to dig.


Ou Shaotian thoughts move, the radar swept, and he scanned the strongest points of Spiritual Qi.


Without hesitation, Ou Shaotian took action directly.

The big herring killed was collected by him in the spatial pouch. After clearing the scene, he began to dig the location scanned by the radar.

The location is clear.

Soon, the first low grade Spirit Stone was dug out by Ou Shaotian.

After that, piece after piece, he was continuously digging out and collecting it in the spatial pouch.

Under precise positioning, the Spirit Stone of this den was soon dug by him.

Since this fishing ground belongs to the naturally formed Spirit Gathering Array, the distribution of Spirit Stones is not too regular and rather scattered.

The low grade Spirit Stone in the fishing ground must be more than 1,000 yuan.

More than two hours later, Ou Shaotian successfully unearthed more than fifty Spirit Stones. This gain can be said to be leveraged.

"Go up first!"

Ou Shaotian took a deep breath and decided to go up first.

Working on seabed, under tremendous pressure, the spiritual power was consumed very quickly, and the spiritual power in his body was almost consumed.

Recover the Soul Spirit Xiaojin who is on the sidelines, Ou Shaotian looked towards and swims with the Fishing Boat Avatar.

Ten minutes later, he returned to the Fishing Boat Avatar.

"Brother Shaotian, you are finally back."

Yun Duo'er hurried forward, took out a towel and wiped Ou Shaotian's water droplets on his face while wiping his hair Do it.

"Don't worry, things are going well!"

Ou Shaotian took the towel from Yun Duo'er and wiped it himself.

"That's good, how is the harvest?"

Yun Duo'er also asked out loud after he was relieved.

"You may not believe it, I dug 53 pieces of low grade Spirit Stone!"

Ou Shaotian has a happy smile on his face, and at the same time puts the spatial pouch inside The low grade Spirit Stone was taken out and placed in front of Yun Duo'er.

The Spirit Stone, crystal clear and near-transparent, looks like a white jade, very beautiful.

"Wow, Brother Shaotian, you are amazing."

Yun Duo'er picked up the Spirit Stone and praised it while watching it.

She couldn't think that Ou Shaotian dug more than fifty pieces of low grade Spirit Stone in just a few hours, which is too exaggerated.

This is an extremely precious Spirit Stone!

“It’s okay, I’ll take a break first, and I’ll go down again later.”

While Ou Shaotian sits down and rests, he also releases Soul Spirit Purple Gold Black Tortoise and lets It goes into the sea by itself to devour spirit fish and restore spiritual power.

When digging up the Spirit Stone before, he kept Purple Gold Black Tortoise on the sidelines and did not hunt for food, so the spiritual power would gradually be exhausted.


Yun Duo'er nodded, also no longer disturb Ou Shaotian.

Time quietly pass. After more than an hour, Ou Shaotian returned to a complete victory again and stood up from the deck.

After looking at the radar scan, he found that the fishing boats in Flower Village were far away from them and would not be spotted, so he was ready to move on.

"I'm going down, be careful yourself, remember not to leave the fishing boat!"

Ou Shaotian looked towards Yun Duo'er and said.


Yun Duo'er nodded, which means you know.

After that, Ou Shaotian went into the sea again, this time the target was Spirit Stone, so his actions were very clear.

Radar scans and locates, then drives away the fish group, and then digs.

After a set of procedures, it took more than two hours to harvest dozens of low grade Spirit Stones again, and the total amount reached 135 yuan.

By the time the second operation ended, it was already more than two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Let’s come here today, I won’t go down anymore."

Ou Shaotian said while wiping the drops of water on his body.

Although the action went smoothly, the pressure on the seabed was also great, and there were too many dangers around.

Especially when he digs out the Spirit Stone, it is easy to attract some powerful aquatic creatures over, and battles will occur from time to time.

If it weren't for the Guardian of Soul Spirit Purple Gold Black Tortoise, he would probably take longer.

After two trips, his mind is also quite exhausted.

"Well, this harvest is enough, let's go back first!"

Yun Duo'er is also nodded.

More than one hundred low grade Spirit Stones were dug in one day, which is not too exaggerated.

In her opinion, this is already a super incredible thing. Is the Spirit Stone under the fishery really so easy to dig?

She wanted to go digging when she saw it.

But she just thought about it, and didn't really go down and mess with Ou Shaotian.

"I won't go back, since I'm here, I will catch some spirit fish by the way!"

Ou Shaotian also took out the fishing rod, and then used the Thousand Thrower Hand. The hook immediately fell into the middle of a group of spirit fish.

"Well, then fish again!"

Yun Duo'er nodded, and then retract the fishing rod, moved towards Ou Shaotian's chosen position to cast the rod.

She knew that there must be the most fish in that position.

pa pa!

The water is surging, and the fish is hooked!

Ou Shaotian spiritual power control, the reel on the fishing rod turned and began to take up the line.


He caught a big fish more than one meter long.

[Name]: Bluefish

[Rank]: Rank 0 Level 3

[Quality]: Normal

[spiritual power]: 3121 points

[Remarks]: Spirit fish with verdant scales like jade. I heard that the fish scales will be very delicious when fried.

One stroke to stun, and then the fish was picked up. Cabin space.

Level 3 spirit fish, for him, is not very attractive anymore, fishing is also very casual.

It's not that he doesn't want to fish higher level, but close to the water. Basically, they are all Level 2 and Level 3 is already considered better.

"I got the bait too!"

Yun Duo'er fishing rod also caught a big fish.


More than two hours passed between time quietly pass and unconsciously, and the fish cabin space was gradually full.

"Ready to go back!"

Ou Shaotian put away the fishing rod and said aloud.

While speaking, he also checked the radar to determine the Flower Village patrol team and the location of the Flower Village fishing boats.

Seriously, if it wasn't for the follow-up to continue to dig Spirit Stone, he would want to rob and retaliate.

With his current battle strength, he can definitely kill the Flower Village patrol team easily.

Just in order not to disturb Azure Wood Town, I can only endure it for now.


Yun Duo'er nodded, and then began to collect fishing rods.

After packing things up, Ou Shaotian controlled the Fishing Boat Avatar to return.

It took more than an hour to return to White Cloud Village.

"Brother Shaotian, let this catch go to your house. I will go to your house for cultivation and eat at your house!"

After returning to the port, Yun Duo'er He said aloud.

"That's okay, then you should go back and report peace first!"

Ou Shaotian nodded said.

After all, it is a special period, and it is very necessary to report safety.


Yun Duo'er nodded.

Then the two separated when they returned to the square.

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