Yun Duo'er was the first to kill an opponent, but the crisis was also coming. Zhang Dacheng, who followed closely from behind, saw his companion being killed and a terrifying blow broke out.

At this critical moment, the heavy crossbow on the Fishing Boat Avatar launched an attack.

black flowing light flashed past, Zhang Dacheng, who had just leaped up in mid-air, was shot through.

"This ship will attack automatically?"

Yun Duo'er was a little surprised, but he didn't have time to think too much.

Search out the valuable things on the two of them, and then put the other party’s fishing boat into the spatial pouch, and the corpse was thrown directly into the sea to feed the fish.

Ou Shaotian naturally perceives everything through the Fishing Boat Avatar.

After the battle, he directly controlled the Fishing Boat Avatar and began to transfer.

"It should be okay, continue digging!"

After making sure that Yun Duo'er is safe, Ou Shaotian once again focused his attention on the digging of Spirit Stone.

The dens were cleared by Ou Shaotian by flying kites.

He dug out the Spirit Stone buried in the seabed piece by piece.

Time passed by Ou Shaotian's cheerful excavation. After most of the day, he successfully dug 96 pieces of low grade Spirit Stone.

Not as many as the first day, mainly because there are too many aquatic creatures in each den.

I wasted a lot of time cleaning up the den.

"It's two o'clock, it's time to go up!"

Ou Shaotian took a look at the time and decided to return.

Yun Duo'er, who was fishing on a fishing boat, saw Ou Shaotian coming up and up, and hurriedly greeted him to help wipe the water drops on his body.

"How about it, there is no danger!"

Yun Duo'er asked with concern.

"No, my actions underneath are very smooth, but on your side, fortunately it's okay!"

Ou Shaotian was a bit lucky, there was no danger, but fortunately the enemy at the time was not More, otherwise it will be really troublesome.

"Well, don't worry, I'm fine here!"

Yun Duo'er is also nodded.

"That's good, let's continue fishing!"

Ou Shaotian nodded also took out his fishing rod and started fishing.


In the evening, after dark, Ou Shaotian returned with the Fishing Boat Avatar.

At the same time, Flower Village’s fishing ground patrol team also discovered that they were missing two people, and the patrol team Captain Zhang Cheng thunder was furious.

"What the hell is going on, why the two of them will act alone, didn't I tell you, at least a group of five people."

Zhang Cheng said furiously.

They got the right to manage the fishery by means of despicable means. Naturally, they would worry that White Cloud Village would use the same means.

So when he patrols at first, he ordered a group of five, and he must report immediately when he finds the enemy.

"Captain, their two boats are too fast, it's really nothing to do with us!"

Someone whispered in defense.

It was a coincidence that the two guys left the team because the ship was fast, and the battle ended quickly.

In addition, Ou Shaotian asked the Fishing Boat Avatar to transfer immediately, so the people behind didn't notice it at all.

"Damn it, really damn it, I warned them a long time ago, but I didn't listen."

Zhang Cheng said indignantly.

When he meets such a disobedient player, he really wants to give Fiercely a lesson, but now everyone is dead, it's useless anymore.

"Captain, what should I do now?"

Someone cautiously asked.

"What else can I do, go back and inform their family members, and do what they should do!"

Zhang Cheng said in an angry voice.

The enemy lost two anglers without seeing it. This is too much responsibility, and he, Captain, will probably be punished.

You must know that some time ago, they had sacrificed several anglers in order to grab the management rights of the fishery.

As the backbone of the small fishing village, every angler battle strength is very important to the small fishing village.

The angler realm battle strength of the entire small fishing village was only a dozen people, and two were lost at once. The seriousness can be imagined.


On the way back, Ou Shaotian and Yun Duo'er also started to count the spoils of war.

Adding the 135 low grade Spirit Stone last time, Ou Shaotian dug a total of 231 low grade Spirit Stone.

More low grade pearls were harvested, with a total of three hundred 94 pearls.

They are all found in sea mussels and shellfish.

It’s just that pearls cannot be used to arrange the Spirit Gathering Array, it must be a Spirit Stone.

"There are already more than two hundred low grade Spirit Stones, and there are more low grade pearls, with more than 400 pearls. Looking back and thinking of a way to replace the pearls with Spirit Stones, it’s almost the same."

Ou Shaotian said after counting.

In the sea, there are many things that contain spiritual power. Pearls are the most common type, because there are many scallops and sea mussels.

Except for the sea coin issued by New Era Humans, Spirit Stone and Pearl are the strongest currencies, because both can be directly used to absorb spiritual power cultivation.

"Well, we can find a time to go to Azure Wood Town to change the Spirit Stone!"

Yun Duo'er is also nodded.

Seeing such a great harvest, she also showed a happy smile.

In addition to these, more than 300 catties of low-level spirit fish and more than 1,000 catties of ordinary unclassified spirit fish were harvested.

There are also seabed aquatic creatures such as crabs, sea mussels and scallops caught by Ou Shaotian into the spatial pouch.

"Go back and sell these unclassified spirit fish. Go to the square to sell them."

Ou Shaotian said while classifying the catch.

"Okay, let's go and set up the stall together!"

Yun Duo'er nodded said.

When they returned to White Cloud Village, it was already 6:10 in the afternoon, and the two came directly to the square with their catches.

Started to set up a stall.

Those unclassified spirit fish are packed in large buckets and placed neatly.

"Selling fish, selling fish, they are all good things, and they contain hundreds of spiritual power. Don't miss it when you pass by!"

Ou Shaotian opens his mouth Then shouted.

"Luck Emperor is selling fish, it must be a good product, hurry over!"

"Damn, wait for me!"

"Luck Emperor , How do you sell this fish, how much is it for a catty?"


In a moment, Ou Shaotian’s stall was surrounded by a large number of people, more than a thousand Catties of unqualified seafood are sold in ten minutes.

"Brother Shaotian, you are selling things too fast, and why do they call you Luck Emperor!"

Seeing so many people joining in, Yun Duo'er was also very happy.

"Because of my good luck, I can always take them to find fish nests, often take them to the sea and catch a lot of good things, so they call me Luck Emperor!"

Ou Shaotian said with a smile.

This so-called Luck Emperor is just an excuse for him to avoid exposing the existence of the Fishing Boat Avatar, so he just accepted it.

To put it plainly, it's just for cover-ups.

Make everyone think that he found the fish nest is all luck!

"You are indeed lucky, and you can always find good things."

Speaking of luck, Yun Duo'er couldn't help but sigh.

During this period, Ou Shaotian's luck was really good. While making her happy, she was also a little envious.

"Stop talking about this, get ready to go back!"

Ou Shaotian packed up his things and said aloud at the same time.

The harvest this time is too much. After Ou Shaotian returned home with Yun Duo'er, she also divided half of the harvest for her to take back.

The rest is enough for them.

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