Speaking of convening other Human Races, Xuanyuan Zhan's sky also sank, and his thoughts could not help but fly away, thinking of some past events.

In the last true biography ranking match, he had just reached thirty-two on the true biography list, high-spirited and vigorous, and gathered many Human Race children.

According to the agreement of each Major Sect, after each true story ranking battle, the true story will be sent to clean up the Skeleton Sea.

Prevent too many undead aquatic creatures in the Skeleton Sea.

At that time, he brought thousands of Human Race children into the Skeleton Sea, but he was targeted by the aliens. Although the dísciple of the Immemorial sect did not make it clear.

It was secretly colluding with the dísciple of other Major Sects and besieging them.

In the end thousands of people set off and only a few hundreds returned alive.

I originally wanted to bring a human race with a weak cultivation base, but it ended up harming them and causing them to die.

Although no one blames him, he has been alone since then.

"Calling a Human Race, I am afraid it is not easy, I tried it at the beginning!"

Xuanyuan Zhan Tian also slowly talked about the original things.

If it was himself, even if he died in battle, he would be fearless, but he couldn't just watch his brother go to death.

So he would rather go alone.

Hearing what Xuanyuan Zhantian said, Ou Shaotian also subconsciously clenched his fists. Those alien races are too hateful.

"Don't worry, if this is the case, I am sure that I can take them out, and I can bring them back!"

Ou Shaotian said solemnly.

With the radar, he's most fearless is to lie in wait and fight.

In the chaotic battlefield, they have more opportunities, as long as they obtain enough resources to make those Human Race children become stronger quickly, it is OK.

A single spark can start a prairie fire. As long as a group of people is driven, the rest is much simpler.

"Okay, then try again!"

Xuanyuan Zhan gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Well, I will leave first, and leave it to you to convene other Human Races. Not too much, about three hundred is enough. Three days later, we will gather at the port of Immemorial Island!"


After Ou Shaotian left, he returned to his residence, then entered the gate world and closed, while Xuanyuan Zhantian was busy convening the Human Race.

Those more than one hundred human race true stories must be gathered, and then more than one hundred people are selected from the Human Race Inner Sect, that is enough.


In two days, Ou Shaotian ate the bottle of Divine Soul Pill.

With the aid of medicine pill, the cultivation base has improved very quickly, and it has successfully reached the peak of eighth rank Level 3. It will not take long to be promoted to the mid-eighth rank.

Unfortunately, the number of Divine Soul Pill is still too small.

"I ran out of medicine pill, and it was improved by two levels, which is not bad. Unfortunately, the medicine ingredient needed by this medicine pill is too precious to be refined in large quantities."

Ou Shaotian Looking at the empty jade bottle, I feel a little sorry.

The refinement method of Divine Soul Pill was naturally analyzed through radar scanning, and it was optimized and improved.

The problem is that medicine ingredient is rare.

High-level Spirit Pill requires high-level medicine ingredient. Without the corresponding high-grade spirit medicine, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice!

Close Formation, Ou Shaotian turned his head and looked towards the rows of blood crystal rice trees behind the tree of good fortune, and found that the blood crystal rice above was ready to be picked.

"Dabai, come in and pick the blood crystal rice!"

Ou Shaotian couldn't help but let the Dabai inside the house come over.

"Okay, master!"

Dabai ran over, took the container, and began to pick the blood crystal rice.


The little baby playing in the house ran over happily when he heard the movement.

"Little cute, do you want your big brother?"

Ou Shaotian picked up the little baby and rubbed her cute face.

"I thought about it!"

The little baby chirped and kissed Ou Shaotian's face.

"Don't you need to go to school today?"

Ou Shaotian sat down with the little baby in his arms and asked aloud.

"Today and Sunday, there is no need to go to class!"

The little baby turned his head and said.

"No need to go to class, does the teacher assign homework?"

Ou Shaotian smiled.

"Yes, I want to recite an ancient poem, pigeons and pigeons, let me recite it to you! Spring dawn, spring sleeps before dawn, and birds are heard everywhere. The sound of wind and rain at night, how much do you know about flowers? "

As the little fellow said, he couldn't wait to recite it, and he shook his head like that, looking very cute.

"Oh, our little baby is so amazing, he can recite ancient poems!"

Ou Shaotian said with a smile.

"Yes, it was taught by a beautiful teacher!"

Little fellow, kindly.

Then the little fellow showed Ou Shaotian her drawing book again. It showed some of her drawings, all of which were children's graffiti.

But it is also quite good.

After having dinner with his parents, Ou Shaotian left the gate world and returned to the small courtyard of the Spirit Plant Peak on Immemorial Island.

After sitting down in the backyard, Ou Shaotian opened the Immemorial official website, checked his personal information, and found that the first points had been issued.

As the 81st place in Immemorial's true biography list, this point is really a lot, a full 10,000 points, and it is available every month.

"Look at what there is!"

Ou Shaotian murmured, then opened the Immemorial Mall, and found that there are quite a few things on it, myriad, it has everything.

You can buy it with Spirit Stone or redeem it with points.

Moreover, the redemption of points is more favorable.

True-Dragon Blood, one drop of millions of points. The bone of True Dragon, one hundred thousand points. Rare Spirit Beast egg, 300,000 points per one...

Various treasures, almost seen by Ou Shaotian’s eyes, worthy of the top Major Sect, the accumulated treasures can be said to be many Countless.


Ou Shaotian took a look, then clicked on the classified electives, and found the treasure bow category, and found that there were quite a few.

Sixth rank bow, three thousand points, seventh rank bow, three hundred thousand points, eighth rank bow, three million points, ninth rank bow, 100 million points!

"My dear, this ninth rank treasure is so expensive. The points and the top grade Spirit Stone are exchanged at a one-to-one exchange rate, but if you buy it with Spirit Stone, it costs 300 million! "

Ou Shaotian clicked on the ninth rank treasure bow to check it, and couldn't help but be speechless.

However, it is normal. One point can be exchanged for one top grade Spirit Stone, but three top grade Spirit Stones can be exchanged for one point in turn.

To put it plainly, this integral is a benefit of the Immemorial Church to the disciplines.

If you want to obtain this benefit, you have to obtain it through various tasks. After all, the Immemorial cult will not raise idlers.

If you want to get it, you have to pay first.

"It's too high, don't think about the ninth rank bow, but the eighth rank bow can be considered, as long as three million points."

Ou Shaotian hesitated Once, looked towards the eighth rank treasure bow.

The bow in his hand is only a Heavenly Grade bow, that is, a Tier 5 bow. Relatively speaking, it is too weak.

So before leaving for Skull Sea, he plans to change one for a better one.

Three million points are impossible, but they can be purchased with top grade Spirit Stone, as long as 9 million top grade Spirit Stone is enough.

This is because there are fewer bows and arrows in Immemorial, so it's cheaper!

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