At the same time, among the fishing grounds managed by Flower Village, Ge Wanjin also took people to look at the seabed, and naturally he also saw the big pits.

Ge Wanjin's face is also dark!

Now the seabed in this fishing ground is better than the ordinary Sea Territory, it can't be called a fishing ground at all!

"He Bufan, at least more than 500 Spirit Stones in this fishing ground have been dug out. I don't care who dug them, you can give me at least 500 Spirit Stones!"


Ge Wanjin's indifferent way.

This loss is too great, and he can't bear the responsibility. Now the fish tax is not paid, and the fishery is destroyed. He can only ask He Bufan to be responsible.

Even if he goes to White Cloud Village to retaliate, his responsibility will not escape.

He Bufan can only make up the Spirit Stone, otherwise he will be unlucky.

"Young Master Ge, the Yun Hai of White Cloud Village is very strong. They must have dug them. We only need to let them compensate the Spirit Stone in the past."

He Bufan bit White Cloud Village to death, but he was beaten upright.

It was indeed dug by the people of White Cloud Village, but it was not Yun Hai, but by the unexpected 12-year-old Ou Shaotian.

"hmph, then go to the White Cloud Village first, if they can't get the Spirit Stone, then you have to get it!"

Ge Wanjin coldly snorted said.

In his opinion, He Bufan is an obedient dog, which can bring him a lot of benefits.

If it weren't as a last resort, he wouldn't let He Bufan have an accident.

But what he worries about is that White Cloud Village can't come up with that many Spirit Stones to compensate, and he is also impossible to compensate, so He Bufan can only pay for it.

At this time, Ge Wanjin's smart watch also sent a message that Level 1 Great Angler appeared in White Cloud Village and a Level 1 fishing ground was created.

This is a notification given by Azure Wood Town.

The entire Azure Wood Town executives have received the news that it is an official announcement from Azure Wood Town that a new town has appeared and they have one more opponent.

"Damn it, you might have guessed it right, White Cloud Village has a Great Angler, it really built a fishing ground, and it has applied to become a town."

Ge Wanjin His face was very ugly, and he regretted taking over the management of the fishing grounds of White Cloud Village.

Unfortunately, it is too late to regret now.

White Cloud Village has now built its own fishing ground, and has been promoted to White Cloud Town, and has been sheltered by Floating Island. It is no longer for them to mess around.

"What, this is impossible!"

He Bufan body trembled, panicked.

If White Cloud Village is promoted to White Cloud Town, then their Flower Village will be over.

Thinking of the grudges between Flower Village and White Cloud Village, He Bufan is hard pressed. If White Cloud Village becomes stronger, their Flower Village will definitely be unlucky.

At that time, there is no need to take action personally, just let out a little wind, there will be countless people to destroy them.

"Now I know I'm afraid, regret it?"

Ge Wanjin gave He Bufan a cold look and said with disdain.

As one of the heirs of Ge Family, he is not a foolish idiot. Although lustful, he is not bad in mind. .

Naturally, I can see He Bufan's thoughts at this moment at a glance.

"No, how can I regret it!"

He Bufan shook his head quickly.

At this time, he can only hug Ge Wanjin's thighs tightly and get the shelter of Ge Wanjin to feel relieved.

"Go to White Cloud Village now and let them give an explanation!"

Ge Wanjin coldly said.

Although White Cloud Village has been upgraded to White Cloud Town and has been sheltered by Floating Island, he does not dare to kill, but it is okay to take a lesson.


He Bufan didn't dare to object, called the angler in the village, and set off.

Their entire group soon came to White Cloud Village. At this time, Yun Hai had just returned from Floating Island, and the two sides ran into each other at the port.

"Yun Hai!"

When He Bufan saw Yun Hai, he shouted angrily.

"He Bufan, what do you guys want to do again?"

Yun Hai frowned, after seeing Ge Wanjin and the others behind him, although he still didn’t know the other party’s The purpose, but you can guess, it must be that the comer is not good!

The people of White Cloud Village also quickly gathered behind Yun Hai.

"hmph, you dig up the Spirit Stone in the fishing grounds, now you ask me what I want to do, Captain Ge has already come, give up the Spirit Stone if you don't want to die!"

He Bufan Arrogantly said.

With the backing of Ge Wanjin, he has once again become arrogant.

"He Bufan, don't talk nonsense about things without evidence, you take care of the disadvantages yourself, and if the Spirit Stone is lost, rely on us, White Cloud Village, it is extremely shameless!"

Yun Hai glanced at the other side faintly, and said disdainfully.

With the asylum of Floating Island, he didn't believe that the other party would dare to mess around, so he didn't worry too much.

Ge Wanjin coldly said: "Yun Hai, tell me the origin of the Spirit Stone of your fishing ground, otherwise I have reason to suspect that you dug the Spirit Stone."

"You suspect It's useless, unless you show evidence!"

Yun Hai squinted.

He went to Floating Island and had already completed the procedures for upgrading the village to the town. Then, as long as someone from above came to confirm, White Cloud Village would officially become White Cloud Town.


Ge Wanjin is coldly snorted, and his figure disappears directly in place.

Using an unknown high level body technique, in a flash, it has appeared in front of Yun Hai, and a punch strikes Yun Hai.

bang!! !

Unprepared, Yun Hai was blasted out.

"The village chief!"

The surrounding villagers all exclaimed.

"Don't go over!"

The upside-down Yun Hai stabilized his figure, and saw that the villagers wanted to kill him, so he couldn't help drinking in time.

"The village chief, are you okay!"

Uncle Liu and Uncle Liu held Yun Hai in a worried voice.

"I'm fine!"

Yun Hai wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and insisted on standing up.

After Ge Wanjin hit Yun Hai hard, he did not continue to shoot. Obviously, he also had some scruples in his heart.

"Yun Hai, don't think everything is fine with the shelter of Floating Island, there are so many ways to deal with you!"

Ge Wanjin coldly said.

On the surface, he did not dare to kill Yun Hai, but he taught Yun Hai a lesson, but there was no problem at all. Their Ge Family is also powerful in Floating Island.

As long as you don't overdo it, it won't be a problem.

"Captain Ge, stay on the sidelines as a human being, and see you in the future, I hope you don’t take it for granted!"

After Yun Hai wiped away the blood from the corners of his mouth, not to be outdone The way.

It's a pity that Ou Shaotian and the others are still guarding the newly built fishing grounds. They are not in the village, otherwise, there will be a good show.

"tsk tsk, actually dare to threaten Captain Ge, I think you are impatient to live!"

He Bufan fanned the flames beside him.

"Yun Hai, even if your White Cloud Village is upgraded to White Cloud Town, it is just a weak new town. We have a way to deal with it!"

Ge Wanjin raised his head, Haughty way.

Indeed, with the power of his Ge Family, there are many ways to deal with a new town. If it is not clear, it can also be dark.

"Then what do you want?"

Yun Hai said with a cold face.

"I don't want to do anything, just come to White Cloud Village to stroll, let's go!"

Ge Wanjin turned around and left with his subordinates after speaking.

He Bufan was a bit unwilling and wanted to say something, but Ge Wanjin ignored him.

Under everyone's eyes, he took action against a town sheltered by Floating Island. He was not that stupid yet. He found an excuse to injure Yun Hai, and it was almost done.

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