Ou Shaotian now has the high level fisherman's battle strength. He can already go to the fishing grounds by himself. As long as he is careful, the safety problem is not big.

There is no need to worry about cultivation resources at all. With radar, he can definitely catch enough aquatic creatures in the fishery.

The determination to continue skin refinement is undoubtedly the most correct choice. After all, the foundation determines future achievements. The more skin tempering, the higher the future achievements.

But before Ou Shaotian set off to the fishing ground, Yun Duo'er found her again. After a few days, her strength has also improved a lot, and she has already stepped into the angler state with half her foot.

"Brother Shaotian, I came to see you."

Yun Duo'er shouted happily as soon as he entered the door.

"You just came here. My strength has improved a lot now. Tell me about the fishery. I plan to go back to the fishery to go fishing."

Ou Shaotian look When I arrived at Yun Duo'er, I was ready to learn from her.

Before he was just a Level 1 fisherman, and he hadn't been to the fishing grounds a few times during the trial of the team. He finally got the opportunity to go once, but was knocked out by the big fish.

It can be said to be a shame!

Now I plan to re-explore the fishing grounds, and I'm still acting alone, without the angler leading the team, so I have to get a good understanding of it.

"What, are you going to the fishing grounds? No, no, you can go to the fishing grounds alone. It must be impossible."

Yun Duo'er suddenly became worried.

In her opinion, even if Ou Shaotian becomes stronger, it is limited. Going to the fishery alone is an act of dying. She absolutely does not allow it.

"Don't worry, I already have the strength of the eighth level fisherman now, don’t believe me!"

Ou Shaotian waved his hand and punched as he said, hit the sound directly Blast, the formidable power of this fist is much more powerful than the boxing champion Tyson in the previous life.

Yun Duo'er suddenly showed a look of surprise, and then he became happy, "You actually broke through, not bad, this kind of strength is not worse than mine."


But soon she shook the head again and continued: "You still don't want to go to the fishery alone. I will tell Teacher Wang, let him take you back to the trial team!"

Although Ou Shaotian's strength has improved, it is still quite dangerous to go to the fishing grounds alone, so she thinks it is best to rejoin the trial team, at least to have some care.

Ou Shaotian shook the head and said: "No, I'm just outside the fishing grounds. If I don't go deep, there should be no problem. You should tell me about the fishing grounds!"


The radar problem is not easy to explain, so he still plans to act alone.

Yun Duo'er saw that Ou Shaotian's decision could not be changed, so he could only tell the situation about the fishing grounds.

The fishing grounds managed by their village are actually Level 1 fishing grounds belonging to Azure Wood Town. Their fishing village only has management rights, and villagers need to pay fish taxes to go fishing.

Every time you go in, you have to pay a hundred catties of Level 1 spirit fish as a fish tax, which is collected by the guards of the fishery. Most of these fish taxes have to be turned over to Azure Wood Town.

The remaining part is used for taxes in exchange for daily necessities and used as the village’s financial expenditure.

In Level 1 fishing grounds, the aquatic creatures are mainly Rank 0 low-level. The closer to the center of the fishing ground and the closer to the seabed, the higher the level of aquatic creatures.

If you just fish in the sea, there is generally no danger.

After being caught, the spirit fish has lost most of its battle strength. Just be careful, even a high level fisherman can subdue a low-level spirit fish.

But to be on the safe side, most fisherman act in teams to avoid accidents.

Speaking of this, Yun Duo'er also said solemnly: "Brother Shaotian, if you must go to the fishing grounds, it is best to team up with other people in the village and have at least a support."

"Well, don't worry about this, I will consider it. By the way, do you have any extra fishing rods? My fishing rod was caught in the sea during the previous trial."

Speaking of , Ou Shaotian is also awkwardly smiled.

I was stunned by a big fish at the time. Not only did the big fish run away, but the fishing rod in his hand was also dragged away. It can be said to be a shame. If you can keep the fish, at least it doesn’t count. failure.

"My dad is the village head, and there are so many fishing rods at home. Go to my house to get them at night!"

Yun Duo'er said a little arrogantly.

"Okay, then it's settled!"

Ou Shaotian nodded said.

It is already two o'clock in the afternoon. I will prepare some bait later. In the evening, I will go to Yun Duo'er's house to get the fishing rod. You can set off for the fishing ground tomorrow.

"Okay, then I'll go first!"

Yun Duo'er said goodbye and left. She was still busy training, but she was still a little worried about Ou Shaotian, so I made a detour to take a look.

Now that Ou Shaotian is okay, she is relieved.

After Yun Duo'er left, Ou Shaotian also went out with a plastic box. He is going to go to the bamboo forest to catch bait now.

There are two commonly used fishing lures, one is green worms on bamboo leaves, and the other is the most commonly used earthworms, both of which can be found in bamboo forests.

The land of the bamboo forest is black soil, which is very fertile, and many earthworms can be dug casually.

After more than ten minutes, Ou Shaotian came to the bamboo forest.

"It's Xiaotian, are you here to dig earthworms?"

Uncle Zhang, who guards the bamboo forest, couldn't help but ask aloud when he saw Ou Shaotian coming over.

This bamboo forest is the common property of the village. When you go out fishing, you must come here to get bait. In order to prevent everyone from digging, an elderly person is specially arranged to take care of it.

"Hello, Uncle Zhang, I am here to prepare some bait."

Ou Shaotian greeted him, reached out to support Uncle Zhang, and said aloud.

Uncle Zhang is more than 80 years old. He is a high level fisherman, and his body is fairly tough. There are also groups of children at home, so he has a good life.

The most important thing is that Uncle Zhang is one of Ou Shaotian's neighbors, and he takes care of Ou Shaotian very much. He used to spend time at Uncle Zhang's house.

"I have a box of earthworms. The ones I just dug today are all good products. You can take them directly. As for the green worms, you can only catch them yourself. My Senior has bad eyesight. I can't catch that stuff."

Uncle Zhang showed a kind smile, very happy for Ou Shaotian's closeness.

In his heart, he also treats Ou Shaotian as a grandson, so he usually takes care of Ou Shaotian very much, basically he can help as much as he can.

Ou Shaotian also said happily: "Thank you, Uncle Zhang."

"I heard that Wang Xu kicked you out of the trial team. Don’t worry, I’ll look back. Tell him to have a meal and make sure that he invites you back."

Uncle Zhang said grandiosely.

As the older generation in the village, they have paid a lot for the construction of the village. Even if Wang Xu is the angler, as long as he comes forward, he believes that Wang Xu will give face.

"Don’t, it’s over. I can be alone now, so it’s not troublesome. Don’t worry, I don’t have a teammate. I can fish in the normal Sea Territory, nothing will happen."

Ou Shaotian hurriedly stopped, he didn't want to make a big mess, after all, it was a foregone conclusion, and it was useless.

Furthermore, he is also alone now, and there is a big secret of Fishing Boat Avatar, there is no need to go back to the trial team.

"Well, if you have any help, remember to come to me. Don't be polite to Uncle Zhang, you know?"

Seeing Ou Shaotian's resoluteness, so does Uncle Zhang nodded agreed and decided not to intervene anymore.

"Well, don't worry, Uncle Zhang, I know, I will catch the green worm first."

After Ou Shaotian finished speaking, he ran with a box of earthworms given by Uncle Zhang Opened, entered the bamboo forest, and began to catch green worms.

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